Cole Beasley Retiring

Guess he burned too many bridges to sign a one day deal and retire a Cowboy?
I heard the team was concerned he wasn't learning Tom's pick plays fast enough. :eek: :)
LOL. That's because nobody wanted him any longer. Karma got him for tossing Dallas players & Jerry under the bus when he was released. He thought he was all that in Buffalo & they too released him. Touche'
He made a great living and was a productive NFL player for a decade and leaves with his body an brain intact.

Yeah such bad karma
LOL. That's because nobody wanted him any longer. Karma got him for tossing Dallas players & Jerry under the bus when he was released. He thought he was all that in Buffalo & they too released him. Touche'

Yep, dude is a weasel IMO. Don't like him or his politics. Adios.
I got nothing but love for Beasely. He made plays for us and helped us win. He was salty when he left but so was Dez. At this very moment I'm wearing my Dez 88 jersey. I look back at Dez, Twill, Bees, Witt and am thankful for their contributions and like watching their highlights. Sure things didn't end well but they'll always be Cowboys.

And Dez did catch it!!!!
He made a great living and was a productive NFL player for a decade and leaves with his body an brain intact.

Yeah such bad karma

The part in bold may not be known for years, but hopefully you're right. Tony Dorsett went a couple of decades before showing signs of CTE.
He was probably informed he was going to be cut and just said he was going to retire instead. He had a good career and thank him for being an excellent safety valve and sneaky rout runner for the Cowboys.

As if a normal man is a "fulltime Dad and husband", whatever that means. In my experience, and fulltime Dad and husband gets his *** out of bed early every morning and goes to work to support the family, providing them with food and shelter, and then comes home, disciplines the kids, take crap from his wife for not "doing enough," and does it all without complaining.

Not sure what Cole Beasley means by retiring to be a "fulltime Dad and husband." Wasn't he already a Dad and husband 24 hours per day, everyday - like the rest of us who continue to work to provide for our families?
Beasley was a good player for being such a quitter. He wouldn't have a career if Garrett and the cowboys didn't talk him into coming back. And now he asked to come play with the Bucs, gets there and says he's done? If you weren't ready to stick it out for 1 year then why ask to be there?
I always enjoyed while watching the Dallas Game. Every time he'd score, I would tell other fans " here goes a six pack of Cold Beaseys

Have a good retirement
Bucs signed him because Evans was suspended and Godwin/Jones where both injured.

Now that all 3 are back he won't play much if at all (he's like 5th or 6th on the WR depth chart)

Yeah he was most likely going back to the practice squad

But who's to say Julio and Godwin will soon eventually be hurt again and leaving the
Bucs again limited in depth ?

- my take is Beasley is purely a slot guy that cannot line up on the outside- so he's limited value.
- i think he can be moody (like many WRs) if the ball isn't coming his way, and he think he's being phased out
- and is his separation skills in serious decline ? or has he already had a beef with the Bucs coaching staff or even Brady ?

Just mere speculation as to why quit and retirement this soon during the season, from greatest QB in NFL history, and who will always be SB contender so long as Brady is on the team
Just think, he will probably be inducted into the ring of honor before J.J. and Canton is only 5 years away. He will be remembered as a GOAT like figure in the annals of NFL history.
Good for him. He had himself a nice career and made some really good money. All this after almost quitting as a rookie.

From that moment, we knew he'd be a quitter eventually.

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