So they develop spaceships that can transport thousands of people to another planet in another solar system. They've found a class M planet in the Alpha Centauri system. You've been offered the chance to be a colonist on this new world. There are pluses and minuses. The big plus is you'll be making history. You'll be among the first humans to live on another planet in another solar system. This planet is a lot like the Earth. It has a breathable atmosphere and nearly the same gravity. They can tell that the planet has an abundance of plants that support human life, and it has continents and oceans much like the Earth. If you accept the offer, you'll live on an island near a big continent in a mild climate. It stays between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit year round. There's plenty of fresh water, fruits and vegetables. There are creatures similar to rabbits and other mammals that they believe are no threat to humans.
The downsides are you'll never be able to return to the Earth. The trip to the other planet will take about 120 years, most of which you'll spend in crio-sleep. When you wake up, you'll be close to the new planet. It will be possible to send video messages back to the Earth, but they'll be seen by humans whom you don't know since everyone you knew on Earth will be dead by the time you start your life on the new planet.
But it will be possible to send a message to Earth. It will take about 30 years to get there. If you're married, it will be possible to voyage there with your spouse and kids if you have them.
Knowing what you know, do you accept the invitation to colonize this other planet?