The Road to the Strongest DC or Marvel Superhero! This tournament uses CBR's rankings of the top sixteen DC superheroes (
link) and top sixteen Marvel superheroes (
link). I did not completely agree with their definition of superhero or rankings but choose their listings as a single, third-party source that judged both comic book companies' characters.
Seeding is best-to -worst per the separate rankings. The DC list was numbered odd one to 31 and the Marvel list was even numbered two to 32. For example, the lists have The Spectre and Hulk as their #1 choice, while Damage and Captain Marvel are both listed at #16. So, The Spectre became the #1 seed (odd) by default and Hulk became the #2 seed (even). Likewise, Damage became the #31 seed (odd) and Captain Marvel became the #32 seed (even).
The brackets and region for each pairing is shown in posts 4,413 through 4,416.
Each round's voting will last three days each, with the start of each round ending and the next round beginning approximately at 6 pm CST. Here is the schedule:
Preliminary Round: March 16 - 19
The Sweet Sixteen: March 19 - 22
The Elite Eight: March 22 - 25
The Final Four: March 25 - 28
Superhero Championship: March 28 - 31
Please post your 16 winners for the preliminary round by March 19 at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to post their choices for the other rounds in advance
but I will not be counting votes cast for future rounds! Good luck to your favorite character!