Comics and Movies - DC vs Marvel Sweet 16 Round Post 4421

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Kurt Russell as Ego .. felt a lot close to a ripoff like the cosmic rain cloud that was supposed to be Galactus in the Fantastic Four 2.
Count me as one of those fans who sees a BIG divide in presentation between FF:ROTSS and GOTG: V2. The only true difference between comic book Ego and big screen Ego was Kurt Russell as a mobile manifestation of itself. "Itself" was still a cosmic world being.

On the other hand, Galactus, thirty foot tall Titan, as infinitely powerful as he is foreboding...

...was changed into a CLOUD. My bad. A SPACE cloud. Tim Story directed a movie that essentially stayed true to the HERALD of Galactus but made his master look like angry vacuum dust.

At the end of their movie, the Guardians (and Yondu) were shown battling all kinds of <expletive> being thrown at them from a PLANET. At the end of FF2, noble Norrid Radd was seen flying on his board, dodging... wait... I got another adjective... a static electricity filled space cloud.

THAT was a ripoff. Was Ego really a ripoff? Really?
Just saw this Spider-Verse related news

Marvel and Dan Slott Announce Plans to End the Spider-Verse
"Marvel has decided to do the unthinkable, go big, and bring the saga of the comic book Spider-Verse to a fiery conclusion," Slott shared with Polygon. "Yes, that's right. Later this year we shall all bear witness to THE END OF THE SPIDER-VERSE!"

When asked if End of Spider-Verse is truly the end of the Spider-Verse, Slott couldn't help but gleefully poke fun at how death is never the end in the world of comics. "If you ask me, it's madness," Slott said enthusiastically. "Why would they do this? WHY? They could've milked this spider-cash-cow for decades. That said, if you are going to do it, going all-out in a blaze of glory is definitely the way to go!"
Just found out that one of my favorite comic book artists passed away, George Perez. He worked on The Avengers, JLA, New Teen Titans, among many others, co-created Deathstroke, worked on Crisis On Infinite Earths, The Infinity Gauntlet and many other big titles and stories. The man was a legend, he will be missed.

George Perez, Acclaimed Comic Book Artist, Dead at 67
Hemsworth was perfectly cast as Thor. The issue I had wasn't the acting, but the writing and direction. They started to have too much forced comedy and at times Thor sounded more like some two-bit comedian working an Open Mic Night at the Holiday Inn near the Airport. He supposed to be the God of Thunder not the God of Lame Jokes...... that's more Loki's domain :muttley:

That's what i thought made Thor Ragnarok - the stronger emphasis on comedy, and special guest appearances - Hulk, Hela, Grandmaster, Dr.Strange ... even Matt Damon,..
Mine as well, throw in Luke Cage also. I shudder to think how Disney would treat a Punisher show, they'd have him running around with paintball guns or a beanbag shotgun and cracking jokes like he's on an episode of "Seinfeld"
I dont really care for excessive special effects, or humour in a comic movie or tv show.
I want characters that are well developed with good writing.
For example in DD the writing and acting was fantastic! I am thankful I got 3 seasons of that show.
Punisher had a little more humour to it, but it fit. and Jon Berenthal was great as the punisher. I was also glad they had him not in the costume for
large part of the show.
I can watch those series over and over again, but with the comic movies especially these newer ones, I get bored after about 30 minutes and just stop
I liked the x-men movies, 1st 2 iron man, and the logan solo's, but all the others are just over the top.
The avengers is so much special effects, and long drawn out storys, I watch them and at end wonder what happened and what was it even about?

I was excited about black widow movie, but in that she wore white suit?? lol and again too much comedy and a story that was just too elaborate
and silly. It took me several days just to finish watching it.
I dont think disney will do anything that interests me, and that is a bummer.

Also tried to watch the wanda vision show and that was awful.
Loki was kinda interesting but at end I felt like what was the point to all this lol. way too elaborate, and not a good story.
I like simple stories, lot of drama and not overloaded with S effects or citys being lifted up lol.
Just found out that one of my favorite comic book artists passed away, George Perez. He worked on The Avengers, JLA, New Teen Titans, among many others, co-created Deathstroke, worked on Crisis On Infinite Earths, The Infinity Gauntlet and many other big titles and stories. The man was a legend, he will be missed.

George Perez, Acclaimed Comic Book Artist, Dead at 67
yeah I liked his art too. Time gets us all eventually.
did he do his own inks??
one thing I learned is that inkers sometimes are the ones that make the art look good or meh.
Klaus Janson was a great inker. Tom palmer too.
Usually inkers dont get enough credit for the art they do, pencilers tend to get all the credit.
About Dr Strange, the first movie I didnt care for the story or the effects. Way over the top .
His spells look more like tech than spells.
I dont see him as a action hero , or working with others. He should be in his own world and with different effects.
I liked the original story ditko did, with him , the ancient one (who was a old man, not a woman lol) and dread dormanuu.

The problem with movies, is they want to tie everything together, and do big storys that have no substance, or they are not skilled enough
to pull off these big storys.
They are similar to transformers, lot of action and effects but no substance.
It all starts with the producers, then the writers they hire who do their vision of the characters, which usually sucks.

Now they want to kill off spiderman and peter parker lol, that means a new spiderman, or ......spider woman !! lol
I dont really care for excessive special effects, or humour in a comic movie or tv show.
I want characters that are well developed with good writing.
For example in DD the writing and acting was fantastic! I am thankful I got 3 seasons of that show.
Punisher had a little more humour to it, but it fit. and Jon Berenthal was great as the punisher. I was also glad they had him not in the costume for
large part of the show.
I can watch those series over and over again, but with the comic movies especially these newer ones, I get bored after about 30 minutes and just stop
I liked the x-men movies, 1st 2 iron man, and the logan solo's, but all the others are just over the top.
The avengers is so much special effects, and long drawn out storys, I watch them and at end wonder what happened and what was it even about?

I was excited about black widow movie, but in that she wore white suit?? lol and again too much comedy and a story that was just too elaborate
and silly. It took me several days just to finish watching it.
I dont think disney will do anything that interests me, and that is a bummer.

Also tried to watch the wanda vision show and that was awful.
Loki was kinda interesting but at end I felt like what was the point to all this lol. way too elaborate, and not a good story.
I like simple stories, lot of drama and not overloaded with S effects or citys being lifted up lol.

Thanks for sharing ..

- I do think certain super powers or unique abilities have to be displayed well enough to effectively sell the heroes and villains.
It doesn’t have always to be CGI special effects to promote someone significant such as Wilson Fisk Kingpin.

- Imo, Wilson Fisk Kingpin is a perfect example of how well developed characters were in that show, ..Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock/DD was yet another example of
well -developed character & excellent screen play write.

- I’d like to from viewing audience (not movie critics) why they did not seem fond of the Defenders – which I loved a great deal much more than the Jessica Jones series
the critics and fans rave about.

- With some of these series shows, they have a budget that they have to handle so I can see them edited out CGI effects- such as Daredevil not having his “radar “ senses.

- Aside from Winter Soldier/Falcon series I can already see a great difference of appeal between Netflix Marvel series vs Disney series …
. I thought Netflix series was much more better than what I am seeing from Disney overall.

- Sorry, but I was very and vastly disappointed with the Loki series – especially the tremendously boring finale with Kang the Conqueror (Jon Majors..)
nuthin but non-sense babbling dialogue to end the series. - I cannot believe I was able to finish it, and I admit that I am not at all looking forward to Season 2.

- Hawkeye was a boring character in the Avengers movie series, ..and he continues to be boring in his own Disney series. I couldn't finish the last 2-3 episodes
Nuthin; is developing that makes it worth my time.

- I’ve stopped at episode 2 of Moon Knight, a character than I did not follow in Marvel comics- so this is one of the very rare characters I am not familiar with at all.
but I do plan to continue it as the first two episodes did look interesting, and i want my full attention to it.
Count me as one of those fans who sees a BIG divide in presentation between FF:ROTSS and GOTG: V2. The only true difference between comic book Ego and big screen Ego was Kurt Russell as a mobile manifestation of itself. "Itself" was still a cosmic world being.

On the other hand, Galactus, thirty foot tall Titan, as infinitely powerful as he is foreboding...

...was changed into a CLOUD. My bad. A SPACE cloud. Tim Story directed a movie that essentially stayed true to the HERALD of Galactus but made his master look like angry vacuum dust.

At the end of their movie, the Guardians (and Yondu) were shown battling all kinds of <expletive> being thrown at them from a PLANET. At the end of FF2, noble Norrid Radd was seen flying on his board, dodging... wait... I got another adjective... a static electricity filled space cloud.

THAT was a ripoff. Was Ego really a ripoff? Really?

Seems that you're like the Ego effect with Kurt Russell because at least " Ego' was shown as a physical being, even in human form ?
At least Kurt- Ego is talking to you face to face vs a cosmic rain cloud such as Tim Story's Rise of the Silver Surfer FF version.

The producers of FF 2, tried to displace rumors of a Galactus made into a storm cloud, so viewers would not be turned off in seeing the film, and it worked.
We fell for the Galactus thunder cloud hook, line and sinker.

Another reason why i wanted far more with the Ego effect was due to the Ego vs Galactus one on one battle as displayed per Marvel Comics,..
in this sense with GOTG vs FF2, we'd have Kurt Russell vs the static cosmic rain cloud .. :D

i considered James Gunn idea for the Guardian series, and i think his work with GOTG series may have played a big part in re-tooling the Thor series with Ragnorak, which
i loved indeed and anointed it easily as the best of the Thor movies, ..hands down.
Now they want to kill off spiderman and peter parker lol, that means a new spiderman, or ......spider woman !! lol

Marvel has killed Spider-Man nearly a dozen times during the last 30 years, offing Peter Parker two or three times along the way also. It is nothing new. Comic book characters rarely remain permanent dead, although there are a few exceptions (i.e. the original Captain Marvel). The Death of Superman is probably the best example of SIKE!

Marvel's next big event is the ending of its Spider-Verse. All kinds of Spideys (and Peter Parkers) will be ended across the multiverse, with new characters introduced as a consequence. Comic book publishers have blown up their fictional universes and restarted them for decades.

Marvel has killed Spider-Man nearly a dozen times during the last 30 years, offing Peter Parker two or three times along the way also. It is nothing new. Comic book characters rarely remain permanent dead, although there are a few exceptions (i.e. the original Captain Marvel). The Death of Superman is probably the best example of SIKE!

Marvel's next big event is the ending of its Spider-Verse. All kinds of Spideys (and Peter Parkers) will be ended across the multiverse, with new characters introduced as a consequence. Comic book publishers have blown up their fictional universes and restarted them for decades.

that's what i have been hearing about Spider Verse. The artwork and format presented wouldn't make me think to take it serious,
but i've been hearing it's a lot more serious than it looks.
Seems that you're like the Ego effect with Kurt Russell because at least " Ego' was shown as a physical being, even in human form ?
At least Kurt- Ego is talking to you face to face vs a cosmic rain cloud such as Tim Story's Rise of the Silver Surfer FF version.
You are exactly right. I preferred something more relatable. Seeing characters have conversations with a talking planet with a face, eyes and mouth in comics or cartoons is one thing. In a movie? Not so much.
The producers of FF 2, tried to displace rumors of a Galactus made into a storm cloud, so viewers would not be turned off in seeing the film, and it worked.
We fell for the Galactus thunder cloud hook, line and sinker.
That is true. I keep thinking movie makers cannot be that stupid but they do continue to surprise me.
Another reason why i wanted far more with the Ego effect was due to the Ego vs Galactus one on one battle as displayed per Marvel Comics,..
in this sense with GOTG vs FF2, we'd have Kurt Russell vs the static cosmic rain cloud .. :D
I disagree. I believe the visuals would have been planet Ego versus Galactus cloud in that scenario. Again, the movie GOTG: V2 brought the PLANET down to a relatable antagonist to humanoid protagonists perspective for the bulk of the film UNTIL its epic battle climax.

A planet sized Ego seen during an entire movie would have been vastly different. How would most of the conversations have transpired? The Guardians would have been talking from their ship TO Ego mostly right? Who would want to see 45 minutes or more of that? Sounds much more like a Star Trek: The Next Generation first contact encounter episode.
i considered James Gunn idea for the Guardian series, and i think his work with GOTG series may have played a big part in re-tooling the Thor series with Ragnorak, which
i loved indeed and anointed it easily as the best of the Thor movies, ..hands down.
Well, I have voiced my opinion in the past concerning Thor: Ragnarok, so I'll just say no comment. :p
You are exactly right. I preferred something more relatable. Seeing characters have conversations with a talking planet with a face, eyes and mouth in comics or cartoons is one thing. In a movie? Not so much.
That is true. I keep thinking movie makers cannot be that stupid but they do continue to surprise me.
I disagree. I believe the visuals would have been planet Ego versus Galactus cloud in that scenario. Again, the movie GOTG: V2 brought the PLANET down to a relatable antagonist to humanoid protagonists perspective for the bulk of the film UNTIL its epic battle climax.

A planet sized Ego seen during an entire movie would have been vastly different. How would most of the conversations have transpired? The Guardians would have been talking from their ship TO Ego mostly right? Who would want to see 45 minutes or more of that? Sounds much more like a Star Trek: The Next Generation first contact encounter episode.
Well, I have voiced my opinion in the past concerning Thor: Ragnarok, so I'll just say no comment. :p
Obviously, Kurt Russell was only a part of the planet, otherwise Star Lord would have been one fat baby!
Have you seen Chris Pratt play in stuff before he trimmed down, like in Wanted? He used to be one fat baby. :muttley:


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