Comics and Movies

Should Marvel Double Down on MCU Comedies?
By George Chrysostomou | Den of Geek
September 16, 2022


The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to be in flux, and Disney+ offers up the perfect platform for the studio to experiment on, but Marvel has always managed to dip their toe into every genre, whether it was the World War II epic of Captain America: The First Avenger, or the space opera spectacle of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Despite Marvel Studios launching projects within most movie categories, the straight-up comedy hasn’t really been seen quite yet besides Thor: Love & Thunder, which strayed further into the genre than most releases. Disney+’s She-Hulk is the first time that a sitcom has been properly attempted, if the efforts of WandaVision’s reality-bending narrative is ignored. Is Marvel going to be embracing more comedic properties in the near future? Should they even be going down that path? There’s definitely a lot to ponder when it comes to humor and our heroes!

The MCU’s Comedic Tone

It’s fair to say that plenty of Marvel’s properties don’t shy away from a more comedic approach. It’s been a source of discussion for some time if the more dramatic and tense moments of MCU releases are actually undermined by an out of place joke, derailing the moment. Comparisons to other superhero properties have also been made, with the light-hearted quipping of a Spider-Man often used to starkly contrast with the gritty and dark tone of a Batman.

Ignoring the rivalry between the major comic book studios, it’s absolutely plausible that Marvel Studios hasn’t invested in more sitcoms, mockumentaries or other comedy stylings simply because it’s already a feature of their main releases. Speaking of the web-head, his mini documentary of the airport battle in Captain America: Civil War is a perfect example of that comedy line being crossed.

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I think it really depends on the characters, some lend themselves more to that style than others. They have always had some comedy in their projects, but seems they have been leaning into more and more. I'm kinda nervous about how Daredevil will come out, it's already come out this will be a different from the Netflix version. It's fine to lighten it up some, but fear they will stray too far and just end up being a Spiderman clone. It's OK for Matt to have an occasional quip, but leave the comedic moments to Foggy. I don't want to see an X-Men comedy.
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is getting nine episodes. I completely understand why it will not appeal to some viewers. It is a cross between Ally McBeal and a far less satirical Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law, lol. It is definitely WAY different from what Disney/Marvel has been done so far in movies or television. And that is after taking the initial episodes of WandaVision into account.

What I am enjoying most about the show is its slow, detailed character development. They can afford to drag it out given that Tatiana Maslany & Company have nine episodes to do it in.

My question is why did Ms. Marvel only get six episodes? In my opinion, the fifth and sixth episodes were definitely rushed and not fleshed out as much as possible. The series would have benefited with more time to work with like She-Hulk.

Perhaps I should be grateful Moon Knight got the six-episode treatment though. I doubt three extra episodes would have made much of a difference. :facepalm:
I might be the only one, but after last week's She-Hulk, I think I would watch a Wong and Maddisyn six episode series..... :p


Maybe a Mock Podcast where they review TV Shows and Cocktails.......... :lmao2:
My guess work with those such as Ms. Marvel, maybe the limited episodes could be a "trial " period ?
Studios' way of " let's try this out, and see what the audience interest is .or is not ? "
If it were any other streaming service, I would agree. However, every MCU television series is tied into theatrical releases and vice versa. Each television series overall run is pretty much pre-arranged.

One season of WandaVision is expected but to the Scarlet Witch's fate in Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. That is a logical exception.

Despite any public questions about longevity, all other series have been automatically renewed for an additional season. In my opinion, it should be expected renewals will continue until the connection with any character has run its course in the MCU's overall plan.

With Ms Marvel,... is one of those that is just not my cup of tea,.. just not my kind of interest.... only watch maybe two episodes
It's like Nicktoons or Disney for kids format.
Again, your opinion is shared by others. I disagree. In Ms. Marvel's case, I would not agree the series is as well-written and dramatic as the Netflix's offerings of Daredevil or Jessica Jones for example. On the other hand, I would still disagree the series is formatted like The Thundermans, Henry Danger, Ultra Violet & Black Scorpion, etc. I have (regrettably) watch at least one episode of the latter examples, so I am aware of their content.

Perhaps it would be more fair stating Ms. Marvel falls below an expectation of what a superhero series should be but above the utter mockery seen on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel. Everyone's sense of entertainment is unique to themselves, so that is just my opinion of what I think about the comparisons.

although i found Moon knight confusing, it got off to a fast start and good pace, and had appealing action sequences, and it was on the move,
i could not see where it was going, as far as the villain content and mystical mystery. but it had spots of comical moments that did not saturate and disrupt the series.

I agree it had some appealing action sequences, although I wished they had been more fleshed out and not interrupted as often by multiple personality disorder seizures. However, the plot was pretty straight forward to me, so I was not confused by its flow--just irritated by the frequent spotlights of Oscar Isaac "super" acting, lol.

I also agree that comedy should not overwhelm any series. Then again, it was Moon Knight, correct? The series should not have been inundated by comedy. In some ways, I understand your concern with that particular approach in this niche entertainment. It explains why I personally have a problem with Taika Waititi direction of Thor: Ragnorak and ESPECIALLY Thor: Love and Thunder.

Ms Marvel and She Hulk are striking me as that Love- Thunder comedy format first ..with " spots " of action CGI/sequences.
While I agree with the observation of action being minimalized in Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk (and something I thought could/could be improved for each series), I disagree with the genre comparison with T: LAT.

Both MM and SH:AAL are purposefully satirical. I enjoy well-timed satire, which is likely another reason why I like the show more than others. Both shows are chock full of it and executed well in my view.

On the other hand (and I apologize beforehand), I am sorry but Waititi tries too freaking hard to be a jokester. Within the course of two movies, the director has made Thor, god of Thunder, Odinson, into a caricature of the character. He has done the same to other characters and environs surrounding the character as well.

I remember having a conversation with someone at work not too long ago. He is not comic book fan but has enjoyed the MCU movies. In the past, I have read opinions of Thor: The Dark World. My own opinion has differed from the majority I have read. I asked my co-worker this question:

Did you enjoy Thor: Ragnarok and/or Thor: Love and Thunder more than Thor: The Dark World? He said no. Did not hesitate. I asked him why. He answered he thought the comedy was forced way too often in each of those movies for his tastes. THAT sparked a Waititi rant from me :laugh: but it made me realize again that comedy is an art form in itself. And that different people see and appreciate art differently.

Me? Waititi's sense of art makes me sick. Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk's satire makes me smile and sometimes chuckle. And some chuckles come out of me pretty hard. But my mind's weird, so... :p
There is a particular super hero forum board that is apparently so very popular and regarded that every odd request for a particular superhero character, they
have pushed for.... (demanded ?) ... that forum board has received it ..
The producers and studios are really listening to then and really investing in them. i used to laugh at their requests because the ones brought up were so unheralded,
i thought it'd never be a chance of being produced, but the last laugh is on me.
It's been truly incredible.

- a request (demand?) for Ant Man ... received it
- a demand for Moon Knight ... received that as well
- Ditto for demand for Ms Marvel (Captain Marvel) .. received it
- Here comes a demand for She Hulk .. well, they got it
- i 'd heard the shout out for a Wonder Man movie .. dunno about a solo film, but apparently WM series in the making.
- and there was a demand for Jack Russell's Werewolf by Night (at same time Moon knight was woo'ed for) . now seem they will get that WBN as well,

It's been really Uncanny ! .


I think it really depends on the characters, some lend themselves more to that style than others. They have always had some comedy in their projects, but seems they have been leaning into more and more. I'm kinda nervous about how Daredevil will come out, it's already come out this will be a different from the Netflix version. It's fine to lighten it up some, but fear they will stray too far and just end up being a Spiderman clone. It's OK for Matt to have an occasional quip, but leave the comedic moments to Foggy. I don't want to see an X-Men comedy.
Agreed. And keep Taika Waititi as far away from Murdoch as humanly possible! That guy would turn Elektra into a standup comedian. :muttley:
I think it really depends on the characters, some lend themselves more to that style than others. They have always had some comedy in their projects, but seems they have been leaning into more and more.

I'm kinda nervous about how Daredevil will come out, it's already come out this will be a different from the Netflix version. It's fine to lighten it up some, but fear they will stray too far and just end up being a Spiderman clone. It's OK for Matt to have an occasional quip, but leave the comedic moments to Foggy. I don't want to see an X-Men comedy.

Ditto here

- That's my leading concern now (comedy oriented) that DD will be in the hands of Disney now, as opposed to how brilliantly it ended up in the Netflix version.
To how much will Disney change up their own version vs the Netflix version,.
* Will they totally reboot the origin of Daredevil ?
* Will they give DD his CGI- radar senses ?
* Will they display a take on Murdock's training session with Stick, ...ditto for Elektra ?

- Will it keep close and equal to Netlfix's character versions,. such as Elektra, Wilson Fisk/Kingpin, Frank Castle the Punisher, Stick, the Hand ?
If not, what changes can we expect ?

- I'm hoping its' very much like the Falcon/Winter Soldier series and format.

- Foggy character is absolutely perfect for the comedy pitches, .and if he's anything like Jon Favreau's Foggy version in Daredevil film, I'm completely satisfied with that.

- in terms of other characters such as Bullseye, Karen Page, James Wesley, Ben Urich, Melvin Potter the Gladiator and Roscoe Sweeney, i'll leave it to Disney to " properly " handle that cast. ..
* Will they give DD his CGI- radar senses ?
I really hope Disney/Marvel does not disappoint you. You are not bulging on your desire going by your past comments on the topic. :D

The thing about ultra or super hearing is that sound waves are invisible. Nor are they tangible. Sound waves are received by the human ear though. I think this is the reason why directors had Charlie Cox cocking his head often to emphasize one of his ears whenever he was "hearing" something no one else could.

I think audiences will continue seeing tangible visual by-products in the MCU. For example, The Hulk or She-Hulk performed a Thunderclap. Audiences "see" how plants, etc., are being blown by enormous gusts of winds, while the camera shot goes slightly out of phase for a moment.

An intangible example has been Wanda's expression of her Hex powers. The little red glow wavering around her hands.

Ultra or super hearing is an intangible. If I were to guess on a compromise, I would suggest they would either do zooming on the Murdoch's ear-- a la The Bionic Woman--or create a momentary shimmering affect around Daredevil's head whenever he is hearing something.

I extremely doubt they will ever show waving circles bouncing around the screen. Perhaps an on-screen shimmer, like the one seen in Aquaman communicating with sea creatures, might be mimicked..? That is kinda like a sound waves but shown underwater instead of through the air.
She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is getting nine episodes. I completely understand why it will not appeal to some viewers. It is a cross between Ally McBeal and a far less satirical Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law, lol. It is definitely WAY different from what Disney/Marvel has been done so far in movies or television. And that is after taking the initial episodes of WandaVision into account.

What I am enjoying most about the show is its slow, detailed character development. They can afford to drag it out given that Tatiana Maslany & Company have nine episodes to do it in.

My question is why did Ms. Marvel only get six episodes? In my opinion, the fifth and sixth episodes were definitely rushed and not fleshed out as much as possible. The series would have benefited with more time to work with like She-Hulk.

Perhaps I should be grateful Moon Knight got the six-episode treatment though. I doubt three extra episodes would have made much of a difference. :facepalm:

The last thing I thought of watching Ms. Marvel was more episodes. The ones they did have were a slog to get through where very little actually happened.
The last thing I thought of watching Ms. Marvel was more episodes. The ones they did have were a slog to get through where very little actually happened.
I understand the slog dislike. I liked the slog but would admittedly have enjoyed what they did in six episodes much more if it had led to better definition of the character as a superhero.

5 1/4 episodes were dedicated to Kamala Khan. That was the slog I was okay with but understand why others do not. Only 3/4 of an episode was devoted to the character getting, wearing and using her costume. Her big debut AS Ms. Marvel was squeezed in before the first season wrapped. For me, the character was deprived of more episodes to shine as the Inhuman/X-Men/whatever the heck they will eventually decide upon superhero she has become famous for in the comics.
I understand the slog dislike. I liked the slog but would admittedly have enjoyed what they did in six episodes much more if it had led to better definition of the character as a superhero.

5 1/4 episodes were dedicated to Kamala Khan. That was the slog I was okay with but understand why others do not. Only 3/4 of an episode was devoted to the character getting, wearing and using her costume. Her big debut AS Ms. Marvel was squeezed in before the first season wrapped. For me, the character was deprived of more episodes to shine as the Inhuman/X-Men/whatever the heck they will eventually decide upon superhero she has become famous for in the comics.
Well, maybe the second season will be more watchable for more of us. I didn't watch a single episode of the first season, because the trailers looked so Saturday Morning Television.
Well, maybe the second season will be more watchable for more of us. I didn't watch a single episode of the first season, because the trailers looked so Saturday Morning Television.
Wait. You are aligning your opinion with those who have actually watched the show. You could be right in how you would have felt but how do you know if you haven't experienced what they have?

I mean, I read a couple of extremely positive audience reviews outside CowboysZone about Thor: Ragnarok before seeing it. I had seen the trailers, which looked good. Then I saw the movie and was somewhat disappointed. What I am trying to say is how can anyone really know how they feel about a movie or series unless they try it out first?
Wait. You are aligning your opinion with those who have actually watched the show. You could be right in how you would have felt but how do you know if you haven't experienced what they have?

I mean, I read a couple of extremely positive audience reviews outside CowboysZone about Thor: Ragnarok before seeing it. I had seen the trailers, which looked good. Then I saw the movie and was somewhat disappointed. What I am trying to say is how can anyone really know how they feel about a movie or series unless they try it out first?
I think even you said it has a teenage audience feel to it, which is exactly what I got from the trailers, and a behind the scenes look. Most, if not all the reviews I've gotten from people I know who watched it (or tried to) seem to confirm my opinion.

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