Commander Hate Thread

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h0mer;4919351 said:
You do know that people who tend to call others idiots are usually the ones who are idiots right?

How many years do we have to hear the "oh but the o-line is atrocious" excuse? It's like every year I hear 'boys fans yapping about the offensive line, but year in and year out nothing changes? Maybe it's because the O-line is fine (as your management seems to think every offseason) and Romo stinks at getting rid of the ball?

There is alot of idiots on Clown Zone and you're obviously one of them along with the delusional Deadskins fan. The offensive line thing is not an excuse it's not a fact. Romo has had to make up for their extreme lack of talent for so long. He keeps getting hit and hit and keeps getting up. It's not Romo's fault the front office hasn't fixed it yet. That's on them not him. Still the numbers he puts up despite the terrible play up front is incredible.


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h0mer;4919351 said:
You do know that people who tend to call others idiots are usually the ones who are idiots right?

How many years do we have to hear the "oh but the o-line is atrocious" excuse? It's like every year I hear 'boys fans yapping about the offensive line, but year in and year out nothing changes? Maybe it's because the O-line is fine (as your management seems to think every offseason) and Romo stinks at getting rid of the ball?

There's always an excuse for everything. That's like us saying our O line is the reason Sexy Rexy was such a bad QB LOL. Whatever. You can't fix stupid.


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h0mer;4919346 said:
Fraudskins? Seriously, can't put those two brain cells to work and come up with something a little more creative?

And about that Grammar lesson. Here's one : Reference is spelled with an "f" not a "g". "regerence"

Really don't feel like coming up with a new nickname for your joke franchise.. That would mean I care enough about them or their fanbase ..
Thank you for your grammar lesson ... Yeah it's easy pickings to correct typing mistakes made from a phone (f is next to the g) but I am so happy you taught me that little lesson.. You sure is a smart feller ...


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Cowboys&LakersFan;4919357 said:
There is alot of idiots on Clown Zone and you're obviously one of them along with the delusional Deadskins fan. The offensive line thing is not an excuse it's not a fact. Romo has had to make up for their extreme lack of talent for so long. He keeps getting hit and hit and keeps getting up. It's not Romo's fault the front office hasn't fixed it yet. That's on them not him. Still the numbers he puts up despite the terrible play up front is incredible.

You mean in the 4th quarter? :laugh2:


Sanka, Ya Dead Mon? Ya Mon.
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Cowboys&LakersFan;4919360 said:
Comparing Rex to Romo.

Again just showing how big of a moron you are.

Where in the holy HELL did you get that I was comparing Romo to Rex? Do your self a favor. Go back to school and don't procreate.


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ilovejerry;4919227 said:
Not for nothing but that guy has great passion I like it and respect it I despise and loath that team but it was a pretty entertaining clip

If you grew up there and lived there for 30 years, and your a Cowboys fan, you wouldnt respect it. You would hate everything about it and his nonsense! He just happens to be on a video. The other myriads of Foreskin fans are just like him, even if they dont do videos.


Sanka, Ya Dead Mon? Ya Mon.
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brandymac27;4919358 said:
There's always an excuse for everything. That's like us saying our O line is the reason Sexy Rexy was such a bad QB LOL. Whatever. You can't fix stupid.



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Cowboys&LakersFan;4919360 said:
Comparing Rex to Romo.

Again just showing how big of a moron you are.

how exactly did you formulate that from what he said? Lacking in reading comprehension skills are we?


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h0mer;4919372 said:
how exactly did you formulate that from what he said? Lacking in reading comprehension skills are we?

I'm a "she", but you are correct. I have no idea where they got that from my post.


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h0mer;4919372 said:
how exactly did you formulate that from what he said? Lacking in reading comprehension skills are we?

Pot / kettle??
Just saying


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Had to put up with a Commanders fan all night at an xmass gathering.
The dumb sob insisted that Mike Irvin was on national tv crying after the SB loss. Problem is Mike was NEVER on a team that lost the SB.

I couldn't convince this idiot of that even after googling Irvins career stats where it states he was a member of the Boys who won all three SBs he played in.

How could a fan of any team not know this?

Talk about the leader of the short bus troops.:D


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WPBCowboysFan;4919380 said:
Every Skins fan is envious of the Cowboys and everything they stand for. The entire beltway region is obsessed with the Cowboys. You want to be like us. You wish you were like us. You hate us because every waking moment when you think of us, you are reminded of your miserable wanna be football existence. Our very existence is a constant reminder of everything your franchise is not - and that is WINNERS.

We have had a run here for a decade and a half that has been almost as futile as yours. Yet when you see the blue star it is a reminder of our success and how much you want what we have and what we are!

You loathe us because you cant be like us. It hurts you like nothing else in the world. The pain of failure and playing second fiddle to us eats away at your very core. It naws at your every fiber. It consumes you. Because deep down you know you will never be as good as we are.

And you cant stand it!

But there is absolutely nothing any of you can do about it!

Except hate more and more!

Sweet baby ***** this is the most ludicrous, yet hysterical, post I have ever read in my life. I might have to borrow this for a sig. OMG LMAO!!!!!!


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WPBCowboysFan;4919380 said:
Every Skins fan is envious of the Cowboys and everything they stand for. The entire beltway region is obsessed with the Cowboys. You want to be like us. You wish you were like us. You hate us because every waking moment when you think of us, you are reminded of your miserable wanna be football existence. Our very existence is a constant reminder of everything your franchise is not - and that is WINNERS.

We have had a run here for a decade and a half that has been almost as futile as yours. Yet when you see the blue star it is a reminder of our success and how much you want what we have and what we are!

You loathe us because you cant be like us. It hurts you like nothing else in the world. The pain of failure and playing second fiddle to us eats away at your very core. It naws at your every fiber. It consumes you. Because deep down you know you will never be as good as we are.

And you cant stand it!

But there is absolutely nothing any of you can do about it!

Except hate more and more!

Man talk about Delusions of Grandeur. Funniest thing I've read in ages. :lmao2:


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brandymac27;4919383 said:
Sweet baby ***** this is the most ludicrous, yet hysterical, post I have ever read in my life. I might have to borrow this for a sig. OMG LMAO!!!!!!

h0mer;4919384 said:
Man talk about Delusions of Grandeur. Funniest thing I've read in ages. :lmao2:

You know its true.

I know its true.

I :hammer:

I lived there for 30 years. I know how much our very existence pains you. I know how obsessed you all are with us.

Dont try to lie about it.