I don't think that there's a cover-up. What I think is that there is not clear evidence that absolutely defines the play one way or the other, which is why I believe the call should not have been overturned.
Dez gathers the ball in while taking steps. Works the ball into his left hand. Plants his left foot and dives toward the end zone, holding the ball out in front of him.
Under the rules of that year, this would seem to qualify as an act common to the game IF Dez did these things. What the officials argue essentially is Dez didn't do those things. Some of them have said he reached, but only as part of going to the ground and not as a separate act that was part of planting his foot and diving.
It was debatable so the NFL should have followed its replay rules concerning "indisputable evidence." If they had done that, the debate would have been different, but the ruling would have been justifiable because of what the replay rule demands. As it was, it was an unjustified use of the replay rule.
Now, some might not agree that it was indisputable evidence, but go back and look at other calls the NFL has upheld because of that standard. A lot of them are far more disputable than this play.