Complete Embarrassment

This so-called professional football team has finally attained the absolute complete embarrassment for it's legions of fans around the country and world. The idiot owner has successfully put together a weak, soft, and semi-pro level of talent team. It's a real shame that droves of class act players who have come through the doors of the Cowboy facilities through the years have to be associated with this joke of a team, made up of overpaid, overhyped and lazy, self-entitled players. Unfortunately, nothing is going to change as long as the current ownership deems it to be the most intelligent football minds in the business. You have players that can't tackle, can't catch, can't block, can't run, can't pass, are slow and weak, but all feel they are worthy of big salaries. This team is simply a joke....thanks Jones for embarrassing us again.
This is absolutely the most embarrassing cowboys game, I have ever watched. I am a lifelong fan of dallas, but this is just terrible football.
I wish I had seen the 92 and 93 teams. I just didn't like football back then I was more of a basketball fan. I watched a couple of games in 1994, including the NFC championship game. And then I was a huge fan in 1995. That was easily our worst Super Bowl team and one of the worst Super Bowl teams of all time. Poorly coached with a few holes and absolutely no depth. We had Ron Stone on the offensive line as a reserve and that was it. Jerry let everybody leave and replaced them with 100% trash.
It's not as good as having watched live, but all the Super Bowl wins are on youtube so you can look through a window to a different Universe of what it's like to watch something special.
I wish I had never become a fan of this team and I feel sorry for the people who never saw our last Super bowls. I didn't really start watching heavily until the 1995 season when the team was running on fumes. We were missing so many pieces and that idiot was drafting nothing but scrubs who didn't belong in the league.
That's unfortunately why some of us still cling to hope. We saw what an amazing team Jimmy put together. Yes, Jerrah paid for it, but it was Jimmy's team. Had JJ stayed, Dallas could have won 2-3 more Super Bowls.

This group is just pathetic. I'd call for a total fire sale, get rid of everyone, except with Jerry in charge, there would never be a successful rebuild. It now makes me think Jerry cheated Tony Romo out of at least two Super Bowls with his incompetent management.
I think Ryan Flournoy has a good future he can compliment Lamb and Tolbert Turpin . The fumble today followed that issue from preseason . First things first a WR is not a RB , you cannot have a fumbling issue . I’m hoping his position coach has a chat about this and he’s used in the SF game and not return to Siberia
When the games get tougher, we know the outcome and how they will come out playing and it was upheld again today.
Just when you think it can’t get any worse with the Cowboys it does.
This so-called professional football team has finally attained the absolute complete embarrassment for it's legions of fans around the country and world. The idiot owner has successfully put together a weak, soft, and semi-pro level of talent team. It's a real shame that droves of class act players who have come through the doors of the Cowboy facilities through the years have to be associated with this joke of a team, made up of overpaid, overhyped and lazy, self-entitled players. Unfortunately, nothing is going to change as long as the current ownership deems it to be the most intelligent football minds in the business. You have players that can't tackle, can't catch, can't block, can't run, can't pass, are slow and weak, but all feel they are worthy of big salaries. This team is simply a joke....thanks Jones for embarrassing us again.
Dan Campbell and his Lions were here to right a wrong from last season. Campbell put his foot on the pedal and made sure that his team thoroughly embarrassed this whole organization with the non-stop gimmick plays. He wanted one of his linemen to score so bad, I've watched a lot of football games over the decades, from little peewee games to professional games and I can honestly say I've never seen so some many plays in one game that included balls being thrown to offensive linemen. Even after Campbell lost his young stud to a broken leg, he still didn't come to his senses about slowing his offense down to eat up some clock. Listening to Tom Brady commenting over and over about the Lions play calling and mentioning over and over again that the Lions should save some of their trick plays for games that are competitive, but the Lions just would not let up. Brady also mentioned over and over again about the Cowboys play calling and flat out said that it pretty much sucked BIGTIME! One of the first moves to get this club going is to fire MM, he's become a major weak link on this team. His play calling is horrendous and I personally believe that the team doesn't have any faith in his leadership. When your team is getting smoked maybe, just maybe you tell your kicker to take a backseat because field goals aren't going to win certain games, and this was one of those games, but MM kept running the kicker out there when everyone else watching the game knew that field goals weren't going to decide this game. I would rather see a Hologram of Tom Landry coaching the team, than have to look at MM looking into plays that don't work anymore. This whole organization reeks of losers.....................
we all need to root for this to keep going

that is the only way jerry and stephen will ever change

root for the cowboys to lose by 50 every game!!!!!
People like the Joneses (and most people in general) do not "change."

As Mike Fisher has said many times (one of the few things he's ever gotten right): "The Dallas Cowboys are a marketing company that plays football on the side." An observation which has been evident for about thirty years.

If they start slipping on the lists of the financial rags, you may see some operational adjustments. In the meantime, I would not hold my breath.
Luckily, a few of here have seen most of if not all the SBs,I'm one of them and I have to say this might be the worst cowboys team I have ever seen and I'm including the 89 team.
Fan since '77 and what's striking to me is how we gather talent and then waste it away. Once through the gates, promising players gorge on the spotlight kool-aid and football is an afterthought.
This so-called professional football team has finally attained the absolute complete embarrassment for it's legions of fans around the country and world. The idiot owner has successfully put together a weak, soft, and semi-pro level of talent team. It's a real shame that droves of class act players who have come through the doors of the Cowboy facilities through the years have to be associated with this joke of a team, made up of overpaid, overhyped and lazy, self-entitled players. Unfortunately, nothing is going to change as long as the current ownership deems it to be the most intelligent football minds in the business. You have players that can't tackle, can't catch, can't block, can't run, can't pass, are slow and weak, but all feel they are worthy of big salaries. This team is simply a joke....thanks Jones for embarrassing us again.
The FO bought into the philosophy of building through the draft, which is absolutely correct, but if you are solely going that route than you cannot carry extended contracts because the cap will catch you, it always does if you're handing out bad contracts.
This is like cap enomics 101 but Jerry and Son have zero clue how to play in today's elevated FO game.
That wasn’t peeing down your leg. That wasn’t even showing up
They showed up like a rag tag bunch of vagabonds for sure. They were out matched certainly out coached and played like they were new to football. Hats of to the Lions for a job well done. Sometimes you get beat by superior talent and coaching and that is clearly what happened. Jerry does nothing but talk. He put this team together as GM it is his and his alone to claim.

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