This is bad. Really, really bad. My prayers go out to her and her family. She seems like an excellent woman who was just serving her country the way she thought was right.
I am all for standing up to our elected officials, but violence should never be the answer in our country.
The sad thing is that if this kid that shot her is tied to any right-wing movement of anysort, the Tea Party is going to be held responsible.
If I remember correctly - Sarah Palin had a section on her website back in March dedicated to 'targeting' blue-dog dems who she wanted the Tea Party to vote out of office. IF Giffords is on that list, the **** is going to hit the fan.
http://tpmlivewire.talkingpointsmem...ify-dems-who-voted-for-health-care-reform.php She was.
EDIT again: I know that Palin isn't advocating for the execution of politicians, and I'm not inferring it. I just remember the backlash she got by posting this map, and now that an act of violence has happened on someone that the right has already targeted in recent elections, the mainstream media pundits on the left are going to take it and run with it.