News: Connor Williams Surprises Fellow Bullied Child


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Connor Williams Surprises Fellow Bullied Child


If you're reading this sentence, you probably know better than to try to bully Connor Williams. That's easy to say now that he's a 6'5, 320 pound guard starting in the NFL, but as a child in Coppell, Williams was bullied regularly by kids his age.

So when news stories were going around about the case of 13-year-old SeMarion Humphrey, the Haggard Middle School student, who was bullied extensively with racial slurs and cruel behavior at a sleepover, he could imagine what the child was going through. Humphrey quit the football team due to the treatment by other students.

With the middle schooler's 14th birthday coming up, his mother worried that there was nothing she could do to help him enjoy it. So Williams reached out to see if she thought Humphrey would want to spend his big day with him. She agreed, and Williams surprised Humphrey with a red carpet birthday party at Main Event.

Williams said that a few friends had sent him the viral story of Humphrey's treatment. Being unfairly judged and mistreated by your peers at that age is a feeling that's hard to forget.

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Good job by him. I don't like bullies. I was fortunate that I never was bullied when I was growing up and could not understand how a person would put another person down and make them feel inferior so they can look good in front of others. It just goes to show that the bully is insecure about himself/herself and has to bring others down with them.


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is that avatar Anton Lavey? lol..OMG.....
Good eye.

Anton wouldn’t put up with bullying “Hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, smash him on the other!”


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Connor Williams Surprises Fellow Bullied Child


If you're reading this sentence, you probably know better than to try to bully Connor Williams. That's easy to say now that he's a 6'5, 320 pound guard starting in the NFL, but as a child in Coppell, Williams was bullied regularly by kids his age.

So when news stories were going around about the case of 13-year-old SeMarion Humphrey, the Haggard Middle School student, who was bullied extensively with racial slurs and cruel behavior at a sleepover, he could imagine what the child was going through. Humphrey quit the football team due to the treatment by other students.

With the middle schooler's 14th birthday coming up, his mother worried that there was nothing she could do to help him enjoy it. So Williams reached out to see if she thought Humphrey would want to spend his big day with him. She agreed, and Williams surprised Humphrey with a red carpet birthday party at Main Event.

Williams said that a few friends had sent him the viral story of Humphrey's treatment. Being unfairly judged and mistreated by your peers at that age is a feeling that's hard to forget.

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seriously guys. ^^this is what life is all about. Making the children smile, bringing some joy into their lives. I'm 50 years old now and turned into an old softee all but grown up and gone from the nest except for 1. This story here just makes me proud of Connor..actually the 2 connors lol...McGovern and Williams. Big Kudos to them. Proud as hell of them. I can see why the FO likes them. Now if they can raise their play this year it would be even better.Pulling for them.

CT Dal Fan

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Good job by him. I don't like bullies. I was fortunate that I never was bullied when I was growing up and could not understand how a person would put another person down and make them feel inferior so they can look good in front of others. It just goes to show that the bully is insecure about himself/herself and has to bring others down with them.

When I was bullied as a kid I fought back and that ended it. But that's not the solution for every child and more needs to be done to put an end to bullying.


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If I ever saw anyone abusing an animal or even a child bullying another child it would take every oz of restraint I have (and I don’t have much) to not start kicking some tail. I’d like to go all Billy Bob Thornton on them like he does to those skate boarder kids who are bullying Thurman Murman in Bad Santa.

CT Dal Fan

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Actually Williams had his best season last year. It was hard to notice with the injuries and chaos going on around him on the line but he was very consistent and wasn't beaten as badly as some fans think. He's an ascending player.


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I was a big kid when I was young and got razzed all the time. I weighed 196 in the 6th grade and had a 36” waist. Today I have a 34” waist for comparison. That’s where I learned to have a mouth and could cut anyone down at a drop of a hat. I also learned to fight which helped.

My motto was, I may be fat, but you’re ugly and I can diet!
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Connor Williams Surprises Fellow Bullied Child


If you're reading this sentence, you probably know better than to try to bully Connor Williams. That's easy to say now that he's a 6'5, 320 pound guard starting in the NFL, but as a child in Coppell, Williams was bullied regularly by kids his age.

So when news stories were going around about the case of 13-year-old SeMarion Humphrey, the Haggard Middle School student, who was bullied extensively with racial slurs and cruel behavior at a sleepover, he could imagine what the child was going through. Humphrey quit the football team due to the treatment by other students.

With the middle schooler's 14th birthday coming up, his mother worried that there was nothing she could do to help him enjoy it. So Williams reached out to see if she thought Humphrey would want to spend his big day with him. She agreed, and Williams surprised Humphrey with a red carpet birthday party at Main Event.

Williams said that a few friends had sent him the viral story of Humphrey's treatment. Being unfairly judged and mistreated by your peers at that age is a feeling that's hard to forget.

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Perfect ending to this story is SeMarion Humphrey becomes an academic and high school All American, an academic college and college All American, graduates college, and is the no.1 pick of the Dallas Cowboys. Then those loser haters will have to pay money to see him play and get his autograph as he goes into the Cowboys Ring of Honor.

SeMarion dream big, do big things, and keep a big heart.

Thanks Connor Williams. This makes me proud to say Dallas Cowboys America's Team.


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I was a big kid when I was young and got razzed all the time. I weighed 196 in the 6th grade and had a 36” waist. Today I have a 34” waist for comparison. That’s where I learned to have a mouth and could cut anyone down at a drop of a hat. I also leaned to fight which helped.

My motto was, I may be fat, but you’re ugly and I can diet!
My son was built the same way. I know what you went thru. My son finally did what you did, then tried out for football, made the team and it all he's 6-2, 215 pounds of raw muscle and been in the Army for going on 2 years. Looks like Ivan Drago lol..not someone you wanna mess with. Nobody saw it comin, him hitting a growth spurt and going from short and fat, to what he is now...and the bullying in a way taught him about never giving up, having some thick skin...and all in all, it really motivated him I think. So proud of him. Thats why this story really made me smile. My kid was built just like you though.


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My son was built the same way. I know what you went thru. My son finally did what you did, then tried out for football, made the team and it all he's 6-2, 215 pounds of raw muscle and been in the Army for going on 2 years. Looks like Ivan Drago lol..not someone you wanna mess with. Nobody saw it comin, him hitting a growth spurt and going from short and fat, to what he is now...and the bullying in a way taught him about never giving up, having some thick skin...and all in all, it really motivated him I think. So proud of him. Thats why this story really made me smile. My kid was built just like you though.

My son is a big kid like I was but not as heavy. Unfortunately he doesn’t like sports the way I did, but he’s already a Duke Scholar at 12 years old which I’m so proud of him for. He does kid picked on but he’s so dang smart he can outsmart anyone and put them in there place.

What’s funny is when I drop my son off for school I see these monster kids and some of those are girls! Way bigger than him etc. These kids are huge these days!