Considering the trend...

dbair1967 said:
hmm, me thinks you need to go back and actually read the draft guides and scouting reports then...nobody thought he was going top-10 or 15 or anything, but almost all of them said late 1st/early 2nd rd


Not really interested in reading much right now. Takes away from valuable drunken posting time.

Maybe tomorrow.

But from what I remember, Rogers wasn't classified as a borderline pick at all.
dbair1967 said:
hmm, me thinks you need to go back and actually read the draft guides and scouting reports then...nobody thought he was going top-10 or 15 or anything, but almost all of them said late 1st/early 2nd rd


You referring to Jacob Rogers? Cuz by the time draft day was close that year, no one had him as a 1st rounder. Most had him as a 3rd or second day pick. I hated the pick and wouldn't of touched him till the 4th at the soonest.
Rack said:
You referring to Jacob Rogers? Cuz by the time draft day was close that year, no one had him as a 1st rounder. Most had him as a 3rd or second day pick. I hated the pick and wouldn't of touched him till the 4th at the soonest.

they did? and how did you find that out Rack? did you poll all the league personnel people?

because every draft guide and internet draft site I had access to all had this guy rated about the same...late 1st/early 2nd rd

dbair1967 said:
they did? and how did you find that out Rack? did you poll all the league personnel people?

because every draft guide and internet draft site I had access to all had this guy rated about the same...late 1st/early 2nd rd


Keep in mind I said "by the time the draft was close". I remember him being rated as a first EARLY in the year, but he wasn't by the time the draft came around. Early rankings are useless IMO.

If I could see he was gonna be garbage then I'm sure a few NFL personell saw it too.
Rack said:
Keep in mind I said "by the time the draft was close". I remember him being rated as a first EARLY in the year, but he wasn't by the time the draft came around. Early rankings are useless IMO.

If I could see he was gonna be garbage then I'm sure a few NFL personell saw it too.

really dont know how you came to that conclusion Rack, he was a pretty good player at USC and probably would have been a very good pro had it not been for injuries

dbair1967 said:
really dont know how you came to that conclusion Rack, he was a pretty good player at USC and probably would have been a very good pro had it not been for injuries


I don't think he was pretty good at USC. I think he was very solid, but nothing special. I figured him as a 2nd round pick due to talent. The injuries dropped him to a 4th.

In the end, looks like I was right on that one. And don't you forget it cuz it doesn't happen often. :D
burmafrd said:
All our second rd picks for the last 5 years have pretty much stank it up- JJ is the only one who has shown good stuff and He has had bad luck....

Maybe we should trade out of the 2nd and get some 3rd and 4ths.

not that it matters...,, peterman was a 3rd round pick

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