I believe that the NFL has the highest standards with regard to officials and there is no such thing as the NFL fixing any game. I also believe with equal ferver that withas many officials who have worked NFL games over the decades, it is extraordinarily unlikely that not a single one of them have ever been influenced by gambling or other outside interests. There are other considerations also, for instance, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that one or more officials rules Brady "in the grasp" in order to curry favor with the NFL front office who the refs knew did not want to see Al Davis' Raiders win after all the time he has sued them and generally been a dog in the manger, as we used to say.
In my view, individual officials knowingly and deliberately make bad calls occasionally for their own reasons, whatever they may be.
If I were a rich gambler who wanted to manipulate the spread to my advantage, I would not approach the coachs and players, they're too unstable, especially players, besides they talk too much, especially after their careers are over and they find themselves in need of money. No, I would find me an official who owed me a favor from the past or who was worried about his retirement or who had some other area where I could appeal to him.
I quit thinking all officials were good and honest many years ago when Norm Schacter stole many games from the Cowboys with his bad calls, expecially Super Bowl V against the Colts. That is also when I stopped becoming emotional about any given football team because it isn't always the best team who wins and sometimes there's a reason for that. I stopped becoming enraged about bad calls and have accepted them as part of the game and I no longer get worked up about any given team winning or losing any given game...I merely accept the things I cannot change, wish it were otherwise and get on with my life.
I'm an NFL Zombie, I don't have the crazed emotional highs and miserable depressions anymore, but I enjoy the games more and am much better to be aroud when a game is on than I used to.