No, you heard wrong.
try google...
texas to big 10
drew 77 million results but the top few headlines should provide all the info you need on the subject. Most of those hits didn't even come from Texas papers by the way.
Texas received overtures more than a year ago about joining the Big 10.
Texas seriously contemplated it because of the Academic reputation and grant money. Plus Texas views itself as a sophisticated school who likes playing in Chicago and Dallas instead of small college towns. BUT, Texas moved on from the idea and Missouri peeped up about wanting in. With that commotion Nebraska also starting flirting with them.
Texas was never going to consider the SEC because they consider them back wood hicks outside of a few schools.
ANY conference would gladly take Texas. They resulted in more revenue last year than even Notre Dame. They field nationally ranked programs in pretty much every sport and send untold numbers to the Olympics in those sports.
In fact if the Big 12 did disband in 2 years I expect you'd see:
UT, Kansas to the Big 10
TAMU, OU to the SEC
Tech, OkSt to the Pac-10
Baylor, Iowa State, K State, Missou would be scrambling to join an expanded ACC or MWC. Missou might even try to go to the Big East.