Cowboy fans, dont be fooled...

you can't judge any team,good or bad, on the first pre-season game.i don't think the skins have much to woory about on defence though. they where good last year and no reason to think they won't be this year. of cource i think the offences of all the other teams in the division will be better this year
redskins1 said:
folks i could care less on who wins preseason games,i dont care if we are winless in preseason..all i care about is how my starters played and certain key backups...last night my starters on defense look in mid season form,and my offense looks like a unit still fine tuning things with a new offense...

The lack of depth the Commanders have will hurt come November and December. Outside of their starting D, the rest of the players did not impress.
Into thinking we give a crap about how poorly your team played last night.

We don't.
mitchell2254 said:
Give yourself a pat on the back. You stopped the Great Anthony Wright

That's more than they could do when he was a starter for us.:cool:
I was about to say, I wonder how many of the people here even knew the Commanders played a game last night.
redskins1 said:
whats up cowboy fans,dont be fooled about how the Commanders 1st preseason game went last night..our starters on defense dominated the bengals offense,and dont give me the carlson palmer didnt play.cause my starting defense lived in the backfield and would have crushed palmer..wright was the unlucky guy last night and he can my starting offense moved the ball real well,besides the mix up with brunell and brandon,the starting offense made when the backups came in,it was different story..but the Commanders starters played well...what was your take on the starters...not the backups?
Anyone who makes Super Bowl predictions based on one or two preseason games doesn't have a clue. The teams that do the best during preseason usually have bad years and teams who do bad tend to have good years.
redskins1 said:
our starters on defense dominated the bengals offense,and dont give me the carlson palmer didnt play.cause my starting defense lived in the backfield and would have crushed palmer..wright was the unlucky guy last night and he can scramble.

Color me stupid, but I would think that Carson Palmer is a major upgrade from Anthony Wright and would have made a major difference.

The one thing I kind of learned from the game is that Gibbs is very congnizant of the Skins lack of depth. Usually when a star player gets hurt, you just keep playing the others as usual. Once Portis got hurt, he yanked the starters.

redskins1 said:
folks i could care less on who wins preseason games,i dont care if we are winless in preseason..all i care about is how my starters played and certain key backups...last night my starters on defense look in mid season form,and my offense looks like a unit still fine tuning things with a new offense... what was your point again...:rolleyes:
Did Washington play this weekend? I didn't notice because I'm a Cowboys fan.
Alexander said:
Excuse me, I think I will do something really worthless and obnoxious like go to an opposing team's board and "warn" them that what they saw this weekend might not be the same as what they will see in week two.:rolleyes:

I only take five things away from that game last night:

1. Todd Collins sucks. He shouldn't even be on your roster. Not many will argue this.

2. Kenny Wright is not better than Anthony Henry. Put down the pipe if anyone believes that is true.

3. Starting defense definitely caught them off-guard with the CB blitzes and all-around play. They looked good.

4. Portis shouldn't complain as much. Are four games excessive? Yes and no as the coaches discover who has it and who doesn't during this time. Also, he was injured tackling someone going for the big hit and not running the ball. It was not Gibbs' fault that he got hurt.

5. Chicken littles exist everywhere.
redskins1 said:
whats up cowboy fans,dont be fooled about how the Commanders 1st preseason game went last night..our starters on defense dominated the bengals offense,and dont give me the carlson palmer didnt play.cause my starting defense lived in the backfield and would have crushed palmer..wright was the unlucky guy last night and he can my starting offense moved the ball real well,besides the mix up with brunell and brandon,the starting offense made when the backups came in,it was different story..but the Commanders starters played well...what was your take on the starters...not the backups?

I will indeed give you that Carson Palmer didn't play not that your defense is lousy. To simply state that we didn't give Wright any time to throw anyway is a poor assessment and doesn't take into account the acumen of a premier QB like a Palmer (or Manning etc.). Your defensive starters did look good nonetheless however you guys appear to be paper thin on both sides of the ball. As pointed out, your starting offense did very little. Let me know when punting and turning the ball over as opposed to actually scoring counts for something in the NFL. I just don't get Commanders fans and your constant need to reassure yourselves and us of how great you are. We have eyes.
If redstink1 was impressed by his first string D blitzing the crap out of the other team in a freaking PRE SEASON GAME...well, good for him!

And, watching Brusmell play just reinforced what I saw this past season on the NFL QB Challenge...he absoutely stinks! I also noticed that brace on his right might get replaced with a cast sometime this season...

As soon as the starters were pulled, they looked worse then a low level college or high school team...they have absoutely NO DEPTH WHAT-SO-EVER...

Also, I noticed St. Gibbs discussing something with another coach with that little "rat faced" look like, "What the 'darn heck' do I do now"? He's clueless in todays NFL...but, he's stealing Lil Danny's lunch money, so he is smart in that regard...

And, the little tranny Portis brought his injury on herself...why cry and moan about it? Could it be because she's a punk? A few hits on that shoulder this year and she's going to really be crying...that injury could last a long time...

The RedStinks will be fun to play this season, but, I think the Cowboys are going to beat that team like a rented mule...this Cowboy team this season has some bad (shut your mouth) players on defense...three players deep!

St. Gibbs better load up on multiple blank videos this season...because he's going to need them...

As much as I dislike the Eagles...I think they are going to spank St. Gibb's little red headed step children as well...

Nothing I saw, aside from the all out blitz that those freaking D coaches pulled out of their arse in a pre-season game impressed me, AT ALL!

I'm a firm beliver that you CANNOT build a team through free agency only...yet, the midget and his plastic coach are still at it...

Let's see how all that works out...

Me and my dog, Gibbs, were laughing and howling all the first half, then I turned the TV off to do something more productive then watching some peewee football team try and play a bunch of scrubs...the same scrubs that will have to play when one of the BIG MONEY starters goes down...

Oh, well, St. Gibbs is used to playing with do you think he won two plastic Lombardi's?

Week two, baby, week two! That's the day the roaches disappear...



:dissskin: Good boy, Gibbs...damn good dog, right there!
superpunk said:
Into thinking we give a crap about how poorly your team played last night.

We don't.

True... and ESPN is saying that Skins first team Offense looks same or worse as offense that was offensive in playoffs last year
redskins1 said:
whats up cowboy fans,dont be fooled about how the Commanders 1st preseason game went last night..our starters on defense dominated the bengals offense,and dont give me the carlson palmer didnt play.cause my starting defense lived in the backfield and would have crushed palmer..wright was the unlucky guy last night and he can my starting offense moved the ball real well,besides the mix up with brunell and brandon,the starting offense made when the backups came in,it was different story..but the Commanders starters played well...what was your take on the starters...not the backups?

It's pre-season... get back to us in September for better impressions.

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