Cowboy fans need to listen to our owner not noise from media


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
or the circus carnies trying to sell a fake product
used car salesmen selling lemons
and those like you claiming don't worry be happy with being relevant
You have me confused with someone else. It’s SB or bust with me and always has been. I just dont act like a sniveling little girl when they lose.


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Everyone is making speculation on what the Cowboys should do in regards to our coaching , QB contract and overall situation but they aren’t soaking in what Jethro is telling us.

Regardless however ridiculous or frustrating we are with our current state of the union it probably isn’t on the same page as our owner.

In order to have a better insight or instincts to our owners priorities and intentions they should at least attempt to take him for his word and what’s he’s trying to communicate.

I’ve invested 35 years now following Jethro . In the early years I met him on several occasions beginning in New Orleans in Sept 1989 as I was part of the initial group of Dallas Cowboys Travel Club which I traveled with team . I was also a season ticket holder and attended all of the Training Camps at St Edwards in Austin, Midwestern Univ in Witchita Falls and Alamodome in San Antonio.

In those early years I was in support and All In because of his hiring of Jimmy . I said from Day 1 that he was a hands on owner we could tolerate as long as we were having success on the field. Once it was revealed after the fallout with Jimmy that his priorities weren’t all about winning placing his personal agendas ahead of what’s best for Cowboys Football is when I begun speaking out against him.

I tell you this because I’ve always felt appreciative of his personal demeanor greeting me and brief converse we had. But that was when we felt his intentions were honorable despite his socks to jocks mantra which initially made us very cautious and uncomfortable.

I’ve been on the forefront calling him out since . After most of 4 decades as season ticket holder at Texas Stadium ( my father had our tickets for first 15+ years) I was part of tens of thousands long time season ticket holders which refused to make the trip over to new stadium.

Anyway, I believe this qualifies me as much as anyone I’ve heard from in this forum to present some insight to what our owner is thinking or what his intent is. I hope fans here will take some credence to this.

In the end it’s still my opinion but it’s based on much history of following the man and his actions which unfortunately have been closer to reality than what I’d prefer. And these thoughts I present don’t necessarily represent my opinions on the matter but rather what I believe his are.

And too many pundits in the media , social media and fans aren’t either taking him for his word or don’t fully understand what makes him tick. But from everything he’s stated in last week suggest he’s still All In on our QB which means another contract . And while he’s not extended our HC he’s giving him his final year on contract in a situation most would probably have made a change.

He still sees this team as being close. At least that’s his perspective he’s perpetuating publicly which is what we need to follow. He’s often brutally honest revealing entirely too much information. He believes more will buy in as he truly believed it. And it appears he believes we aren’t a playoff team without our QB .

I’d suggest fans brace for the reality of the message he’s been sending about these two key elements. Will there be other roster changes , of course as there is always some adjustments needed made with Cap implications, etc.

But this old fool is still All In on our QB. He loves the comfortable situation of being a playoff contender with him even if it comes up short in playoffs. This is a much better situation to him than the risk of starting over and what those unknowns present.

He sold 8-8 as well as we’ve ever seen. I promise you he will sell 12-5 as well. What he can’t sell is 5-12. And that’s his greatest fear and why he will stay with what is a consistent winning situation however frustrating and disappointing these end of seasons are.

I wish I had better news. But if Cowboy fans truly want the change they are seeking will need to root for a collapse or possible career ending injury cause this owner is not about to walk away from this level of success with this QB until he sees another can take him as far like when he let Romo go for Dak.
a bunch of nothing about nothing. So you still believe fans can not be fans of the Cowboys unless they live in Dallas. lmao, that has to be the stupidest crap spewed by anybody ever.

I got the best news ever, Jason Garrett will never be any part of the organization again. :D good day.


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a bunch of nothing about nothing. So you still believe fans can not be fans of the Cowboys unless they live in Dallas. lmao, that has to be the stupidest crap spewed by anybody ever.

I got the best news ever, Jason Garrett will never be any part of the organization again. :D good day.
Don’t live in Dallas not a real fan is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. There’s fans who have followed the Cowboys longer than him but because he’s in Dallas area he’s better, pretty sad take.


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Don’t live in Dallas not a real fan is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. There’s fans who have followed the Cowboys longer than him but because he’s in Dallas area he’s better, pretty sad take.
I have him on ignore so didn’t see until you quoted. But he’s not correctly quoting my thoughts on that.

I’ve met many great Cowboy fans across the country who are better fans than many of our local fans.

I have been outspoken on many issues around this subject but it’s not a size that fits all.


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But Jerry spews noise too.
Of course he does. But when he says he’s All In with Dak do you believe him or the noise from media and fans that we aren’t going to resign him?

Thats my bigger point here but didn’t want this to be another Dak thread.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
All I hear is that you had a chance to push him down some stairs ...... or drop a banana peal on the ground for him to slip on ....... or let loose a pack of wild dogs to chew him up, and you were not enough of a hero to do it.


I hate you
They don’t have the fortitude, intelligence


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Of course. But when he says he’s All In with Dak do you believe him or the noise from media and fans that we aren’t going to resign him?

Thats my bigger point here but didn’t want this to be another Dak thread.
Don't want it to be another Dak thread. Jerry been selling us, all of us for quite some time. And all the smokescreen shenanigans have Dak on it, & board. I view and root for this franchise with trepidation. It's a circus and same acts repeating themselves with as much frequency as a broadcast of The Andy Griffith Show. Same thing during the Romo era. The championship drought didn't just start 9 years ago......its 28 years and counting.


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Don't want it to be another Dak thread. Jerry been selling us, all of us for quite some time. And all the smokescreen shenanigans have Dak on it, & board. I view and root for this franchise with trepidation. It's a circus and same acts repeating themselves with as much frequency as a broadcast of The Andy Griffith Show. Same thing during the Romo era. The championship drought didn't just start 9 years ago......its 28 years and counting.
Yep.. and yes selling us again. And he’s serious about keeping Dak despite the noise .


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You listen to Jerry, but Jerry doesn't give a damn about you other than your dollars.
These are the true and brutal facts. 35 years, 40 years, 50 years, matters to you, but don't matter to Jerry.

After all, why do we even need to listen to someone's talk? Football is proven by win or loss, your record speaks for yourselves. Haven't the Cowboys run out of excuses for not winning in playoffss yet?