Cowboy fans: Where are you from?

DallasEast;1458500 said:
As much as I like seeing how many fans reside elsewhere/never lived in Texas, it's kinda discomforting to see the number of "Currently live in Dallas/Ft. Worth area". Where U at? C'mon, I see you guys everywhere whenever I ride I-20 West way... :p:
That just means you guys aren't doing your job spreading the Zone love locally.
WoodysGirl;1458506 said:
That just means you guys aren't doing your job spreading the Zone love locally.
WG, I'm from Bastrop, Louisiana, not Bastrop, Texas. :)
Zaxor;1458453 said:
This will be hard to believe but here goes... I lived in NJ, NY, PA, CN, TN, KY, TX, AR, NM, KS, MO, WA, OH, WV and SC in the united states and in Germany I lived in Moehringen, Stuttgart, Munich, Perlacher Forest, Waiblingen, Bad Canstatt, Merklingen (Weil der Stadt)
It's time to leave the military. ;)
Born and raised in DC, now reside in Largo,MD right near Raljon LOL :laugh2:

It always amazes me how many Cowboy fans there are in this area, and we always stick together. If I have anything on Cowboys, I'm guaranteed to hear a couple of "I like that hat, shirt, or whateva" comments. Or the dirty stares of Deadskin fans that haven't felt the joy of success in sooo many years. Love it!!!
superpunk;1458513 said:
It's time to leave the military. ;)
Not yet. He's got 35 more states and a couple of European countries to hit before he discharges. GO Zaxor GO! You can do it! :D
Yellow Lab;1458442 said:
Hey Hoov,

I'm sitting in my office in center city, Philly right now - I live over in S. Jersey, though!

- Yellow Lab

Yellow Lab, what part of CC, and what do you do ?

I work in a dialysis center in W Philly.

I live in the roxborough/manayunk section of town. did you know manayunk is indian name and means "where we go to drink".....that works for me :p:
DallasEast;1458335 said:
Bastrop, Louisiana, home of the unbeaten & untied 2005 (stripped :mad: ) & 2006 Louisiana High School Football Champion Rams. 32 years of Cowboys fanship.

Hey, slick325, I have a sister who's married and lives in Silver Spring. Small world.

Very small world indeed.
Hoov;1458520 said:
Yellow Lab, what part of CC, and what do you do ?

I work in a dialysis center in W Philly.

I live in the roxborough/manayunk section of town. did you know manayunk is indian name and means "where we go to drink".....that works for me :p:

At ARAMARK Corp., at 11th and Market Sts. I'm a system administrator with 3 other guys for a large (about 50 UNIX servers) HP-UX and Linux data center. The guy in the next cube who I work with lives in Manyunk. I usually go up there every June for the big bike race - what a party! I also like that Manyunk Brewery!
superpunk;1458256 said:
The dreaded "Where are you from" thread. It had to show up, cuz I'm clicking that damn refresh button and nothing's changing. It's only a matter of time before "How did you become a fan" and "What does your SN mean" show up...


Hagerstown, Maryland btw.

A Texan wannabe. :laugh2:
Someone start a poll similar to WGs.


You'd be surprised.
I was born and raised in Llano county, Texas (Lone Grove). After I retired from the US Army I was kidnapped by my wife of 43 years and live in Plainville,GA. All my family still live in Texas (all over the state).
Born and mostly raised in WV.

Have lived in Beaumont, TX when I was very young.

Spent time in El Paso, San Antonio and a very short stint in Port Arthur during my military days.
Born and raised in southeast texas,,cowboy fan since 1966 now living in southeast georgia. If it wasn't for sunday ticket and this site I would be in football hell with no cowboys !!!!!
Born and raised in south Dallas - Oakcliff. Moved to Denver, CO area in 2000. Will live and die in Colorado. Love it here..

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