Cowboy fans: Where are you from?

Yellow Lab;1458548 said:
At ARAMARK Corp., at 11th and Market Sts. I'm a system administrator with 3 other guys for a large (about 50 UNIX servers) HP-UX and Linux data center. The guy in the next cube who I work with lives in Manyunk. I usually go up there every June for the big bike race - what a party! I also like that Manyunk Brewery!

LOL, my house is on Pechin ST right on the Bike Race course, we always have a BIG keg party and a bar set up and watch the race from the front porch.
Pierre Robiere stopped in at our party 2 years ago, it was totally nuts, people had been drinking since 7 am.

I worked for Aramark Corp at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital 6 years ago before starting to work in dialysis. Im a dietitian working in the medical field. Ive been to the tower for training and stuff.

I'll pm you with an invite if you want to stop by during the bike race this year.
BrAinPaiNt;1458569 said:
Born and mostly raised in WV.

Have lived in Beaumont, TX when I was very young.

Spent time in El Paso, San Antonio and a very short stint in Port Arthur during my military days.

Doesn't surprise me at all that you grew up in WV..
Born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Hence the name "Ethiostar"), moved to Texas in the DFW area and lived there for 14 years. I now live in Lexington, Kentucky (Going to school).
superpunk;1458576 said:
You don't have to be jealous of Maryland because they know when to quit.

Not that this really has anything to do with the thread specifically but for whatever reason it brought up a memory.

While serving in the Army we were stationed in Ft.Polk Louisiana.

A few of us headed to Astroworld (think that was the name) the amusement park in Houston.

One of the guys with us was from Tennessee.

Well we had just got off one of the roller coasters after waiting in line for over an hour and I think we all needed to make a visit to the mens room.

So we go in there and after finishing a few of us walk over to the sink to wash our hands while the guy from Tennessee starts walking towards the door.

Some big guy that was also in the bathroom, some guy none of us knew, looked at my buddy from Tennessee and yells out...

"Hey in Texas we wash our hands after we use the bathroom"

and without missing a beat the guy from Tennessee says..'In Tennessee we don't pee on our hands"

That big guy from Texas just did not know what to say. I looked at him and said...Well I guess we pee on our hands in West Virginia as I always wash after using the bathroom as well and we all started laughing.

Born and raised and still live here in Iowa. Have been a Cowboys fan since 1972 and I was 5 years old
Colo;1458586 said:
Doesn't surprise me at all that you grew up in WV..

Is it my sexy good looks and the smell of sheep love in the air?
BrAinPaiNt;1458592 said:
Is it my sexy good looks and the smell of sheep love in the air?


I'll go with the former. I've got two buddies from WV that bear a stiking resemblence.

Fortunately, I'm not really sure what sheep love smells like.
Colo;1458597 said:

I'll go with the former. I've got two buddies from WV that bear a stiking resemblence.

Fortunately, I'm not really sure what sheep love smells like.

Well you know we are all related here. :eek: :laugh2:
Hoov;1458585 said:
LOL, my house is on Pechin ST right on the Bike Race course, we always have a BIG keg party and a bar set up and watch the race from the front porch.
Pierre Robiere stopped in at our party 2 years ago, it was totally nuts, people had been drinking since 7 am.

I worked for Aramark Corp at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital 6 years ago before starting to work in dialysis. Im a dietitian working in the medical field. Ive been to the tower for training and stuff.

I'll pm you with an invite if you want to stop by during the bike race this year.

Wow, very small world indeed! Yes, I'm in the tower. As for your offer - he11 yeah, I'll stop by during the race! Send me an email (I GUESS that's what a "pm" is...). -Yellow Lab
Born in Silsbee, tx. Not sure of the spelling or where its at. Lived in Houston and Austin. Now I reside in West Palm Beach Fl. I HATE the Dolphins. HATE THEM.

Sorry. But I just cannot stand them.
Don't worry Brain...I pee ALL OVER my hands. Whether I'm going to the bathroom or not.
Ceasaleo88;1458515 said:
Born and raised in DC, now reside in Largo,MD right near Raljon LOL :laugh2:

It always amazes me how many Cowboy fans there are in this area, and we always stick together. If I have anything on Cowboys, I'm guaranteed to hear a couple of "I like that hat, shirt, or whateva" comments. Or the dirty stares of Deadskin fans that haven't felt the joy of success in sooo many years. Love it!!!

I workout at the Sports Complex there, I know how you feel, they hate to see someone wearing a jersey or hat or anything with the Star:laugh1:
Colo;1458580 said:
Born and raised in south Dallas - Oakcliff. Moved to Denver, CO area in 2000. Will live and die in Colorado. Love it here..

I just spent spring break in Durango, CO... I could never get tired of going to Colorado...
DCBoysfan;1458609 said:
I workout at the Sports Complex there, I know how you feel, they hate to see someone wearing a jersey or hat or anything with the Star:laugh1:

You should get some underwear with a big old star on the front and back.

If one of the skins fans comment on you being a cowboys fan just politely ask them to stop staring at your pouch or bum. :laugh2:
In order...

San Clemente and Camarillo California > Northern Virginia > Rhode Island > Northern Virginia > Jacksonville NC > Northern Virginia > Harrisonburg VA > Washington DC > Outer Banks NC > Los Angeles > Gainesville FL > Harrisonburg VA.

...but my sister live in if that counts for something.

Actually, it does...she's bribing me to come visit my nephews by getting us Cowboys tickets. ;)
Colo;1458580 said:
Born and raised in south Dallas - Oakcliff. Moved to Denver, CO area in 2000. Will live and die in Colorado. Love it here..
Stop teasing me, I'd love to live there.
Clove;1458641 said:
Stop teasing me, I'd love to live there.

Growing up in TX, I never thought I'd leave. Married a Cali girl though. She was ready to get back to the mountains. I was moved up here during the IT boom though. Finding a company that will pay to move you is a little more difficult these days..

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