What would be an acceptable time frame for you? 15 years? 20 years? Whatever number of years adds more players to the list that can make things look better?
Twelve years is practically a generation and a half in terms of NFL player careers.
Going back 20 years would have much less relevance as the game and rules change.
That list of players with similar starts to their careers is a sad one. Perhaps two or three could even be considered decent NFL players.
That is where Charlton is at right now, on a similar path if trends hold.
It says a lot to me that he even had to include 3-4 ends like Tyson Jackson and interior defensive tackles like Poe and Bunkley to get even that many names. Truly reaching to find them. Even with a 12-year sampling of ineptitude, he had to look outside the 4-3 defensive end position to find more names.
Part of me is trying to stay positive, hoping for a turnaround, and the other part of me has a sick "Shante Carver" feeling all over again.
Going back to those post-Haley years when the Cowboys struggled for years to find 4-3 pass rushers and we had the Carver, Pittman, and Ekuban drafts. And desperate for answers, made the switch to the 3-4 and had the Ware era.
It was the worry I had when they decided to switch back, and seeing this doesn't make it any better. I'm just thankful Lawrence is lighting it up, but now they have to pay him to keep him. Big time!