Cowboy Tweets 11/3

No, your attempting to minimize him in the face of the Nolan Carroll failure is the only thing that "reeks of desperation".

You make excuses like it's your job.
Still whining after two consecutive wins shows a lot about you. You honestly could keep a straight face and say the Cowboys should of retained Claiborne? Claiborne was one of the biggest bust of all times for the Cowboys. You would of crucified this FO if Cliaborne was on this team right now and injured yet again. I've seen the kind of snake in the grass Cowboy fan you and some others in this forum are. As soon as this team struggled out of the gate you pounced on here with over exaggerated takes to try and tell zoners on here what a inept FO the Cowboys have, when I'm sure most of us on here already know, but choose to move on and root for the team to improve. If you think your consistent and endless rants are going to initiate a coo and overturn the Jones regime, let me persuade you to purchase some oceanfront property in Arizona.
Still whining after two consecutive wins shows a lot about you.

Again, the "whine" comes from you, trying to minimize Claiborne in an vain effort to hide the fact that what Dallas chose was far, far, worse.

You honestly could keep a straight face and say the Cowboys should of retained Claiborne? Claiborne was one of the biggest bust of all times for the Cowboys. You would of crucified this FO if Cliaborne was on this team right now and injured yet again.

How many games has Claiborne played and played well for the Jets?

And how many did Nolan Carroll play, much less play well?

Answer those questions and we'll continue with the conversation. Or run.

I've seen the kind of snake in the grass Cowboy fan you and some others in this forum are. As soon as this team struggled out of the gate you pounced on here with over exaggerated takes to try and tell zoners on here what a inept FO the Cowboys have, when I'm sure most of us on here already know, but choose to move on and root for the team to improve. If you think your consistent and endless rants are going to initiate a coo and overturn the Jones regime, let me persuade you to purchase some oceanfront property in Arizona.

Nice strawman. Is that where you have to go now? Is this what you have to resort to?

I'm acknowledging the front office's multiple screwups. But the "whiners", like yourself, can't take the fact that they screwed up. But instead of "moving on" as you claim, here you are. If you don't want to talk about how the mistakes they've made are hurting this season, you do that. "Move on!" But instead you want to try to attack and shout down those that do have the guts to talk about it.

The weakness in being unable to deal with the facts is yours, not anybody else's.

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