Cowboys' $240M star Dak Prescott admits to crying over horrendous season do have to talk to the media, a bit...... or storming out from an interview or locker room before the media crush sends an "optics" too. Then again, you could go with "I'm just here so I don't get fined." even after good games or wins.
Talking with the media does not carry a requirement of saying everything that crosses a person's mind within the moment. They are question-and-answering situations. They are not mental health therapy sessions.
Talking with the media does not carry a requirement of saying everything that crosses a person's mind within the moment. They are question-and-answering situations. They are not mental health therapy sessions.
Ok.....and your point? What are we saying.......elaborate.
I'm not scrolling through 4 pages to say this but...."he's crying all the way to fort knox.
Ok.....and your point? What are we saying.......elaborate.
What am I saying? What is my point? My point never changed. Run DMC reiterated what I have said perfectly:

You talk too much
You never shut up
I said you talk too much
Homeboy, you
never shut up!

"You" = basically everyone in this franchise--including Dak Prescott. There are essentially no exceptions to their vomiting-from-the-mouth mentality. That includes tearful confessions of personal regret.
The hate around this place never ceases to amaze me, you guys in here talking trash about a guy's never done a single thing to you, can't defend himself ,all these players you talk trash about, you're running your mouth!! Ironic huh? running your mouths about someone not talking too much??!@!

I mean it's a circus around here,​
you all vent and use this place for therapy 24 hours a day and you talk about Prescott as if he should be shutting up and never saying anything to the media even though his job has people putting cameras and microphones in his face 24/7!! they follow him around everywhere, Its part of being a superstar in a sports or entertainment field, they follow you around there at your house noticing you're having it tore down they're bothering you 24/7 asking you questions part of it the league mandates you talk ,does that mean you have to talk about anything, no ,but you all are terrible you're some of the most horrible fan base and the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen on earth...​
you come in here on every single thread and it's like you copy and paste from somewhere where you have to hate rhetoric and hyperbole ready for every single post, you say and whether it's about Jerry or dak or some draft pick you don't like, you just literally go off and let diarrhea of the mouth spill out on the pages, and you talk about them talking too much, at least they're the ones who are in the spotlight supposed to be talking, and you talk trash as if they can see or hear you because it's not a fact, if it was, I'd like to see you go talk to them in public without any cameras nobody there to witness it and you go say these things to these guys...​
Prescott cares he may have gotten emotional he cried when he broke his ankle oh and by the way everyone acting like​

"oh you're just flapping your gum saying you're going to work hard and come back better and stronger and in better shape yeah that is what their goal is that is what they do in the offseason he is not an out of shape lazy player this man is a great human being ,he hasn't done a single thing off the field, he now has a family he's about to get married ,he's building a new house, he's laying down roots right here in Dallas, and all you can do is run your mouth...

but do you remember in 2020 when he broke his ankle ,he said those things he had one of his best seasons in 2021, you know it take a little bit more from the front office and a little more effort by the GM and the other teammates that are not playing well to help Prescott back up his talk!!~~

that's a fact this team has failed each other and the coaching staff is horrible but we keep running these circles where you guys run your mouth about players it makes you a hypocrite you don't need to run your mouth and talk either but here you are all of you talking trash run in your mouth like diarrhea that's what it sounds like garbled diarrhea it's sad really you are a bad human being every one of you that are reading this and I know everyone say too long a read it's rambling not proper sentence structure you know what it has to be said you all are terrible human beings terrible absolutely horrible your attitudes are horrible the things you say are horrible the fact that those people can't defend themselves makes it even worse..
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By the way this gets to be ridiculous that everything has to start with how much money they make like it flipping, matters it don't matter at all... I'll go ahead and keep em coming keep all the hate and the ridiculousness in the stupid statements keep em coming 'cause that's all this is this is drama this is like the ultimate bad reality TV place to visit is cowboy fans talking trash about a team they're allegedly supposed to be pulling for sure man can't defend himself just keep talking trash the hypocrites and the irony just run so deep in this place and you all think you're cute and entertaining and you're not..

It's insidious negative rhetoric and hyperbole and personal attacks on people that can't defend themselves just shows your IQ.... Anything else you'd like to add is he getting too fat and too slow is he lazy I mean is that what we say about big Mike and everyone talking trash about a man again can't defend himself calling him fat and making fun of him and posting memes about big Macs yeah that's great you guys are about I don't know I don't know any of y'all but I imagine a kindergarten class with a computer in front of them on in their desk and this is a bunch of five year olds talking in here that's what it seems like to me..
Who cares :facepalm:
who cares about you not caring I don't so why did you even join in on a conversation if you don't care you shouldn't even post it kind of crazy isn't it everyone on this little heat train talking trash running their mouths in here talking about other people running their mouths I can't even defend themselves or see these posts isn't that ironic the hypocrisy runs deep in here how about this the reporter who stuck the cameras and everything in his face obviously cared and Prescott cares and a bunch of jealous fools in here that has to start a thread that says $240 million start to put his money first just shows me where everyone's heads at man's got a beautiful wife and baby about to get married beautiful house makes a ton of money it's a superstar for the team you drool over and it's quite obvious in jealousy that's where all this comes from same thing with Jerry Jones man has a helicopter in a yacht and he does what he wants when he wants and he runs a business and everybody has a problem with the way he runs his business how about everyone get $10 billion and go buy your own team and run it how you want if and win an opening comes up because right now Jerry Jones he did what most Americans dream about doing he loved football he's found the Dallas Cowboys in trouble financially he scraped together the money by himself no group bought the team put the team in great financial success 1-3 super bowls but hey it was too long ago everybody hates him now.

Jealousy!!... enough said...

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