Cowboys are All-In on Dak Prescott


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I've never seen "Cowboys fans" hate the players on the team more than I have in the last few years. It has to be just awful being a "fan" of a team some almost hate. I think some people like being miserable. It seems like it helps them get through the day... To each its own I guess...


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2 years from now Jerry and his son will sing another song praising another new quarterback.

Dak will be around at least 5 years. He will get an extension after this season, with at least 2 more years of guaranteed income, simply because it will be cheaper to sign him next spring than after that if he grows into a legitimate long-term starter. So, the first "out" for Dak will be after the 2020 season.

As for Jerry and Stephen, they SHOULD be praising their own players publicly. Any discord should be handled privately. I don't understand why anyone would think it is appropriate for an employer to publicly humiliate his employees. Of course Jerry and staff are going to find the good things to talk about publicly, and mitigate the bad things. It doesn't follow that they are unaware of issues, and are leaving them unaddressed.

I think the ones with mental instability are those fans who DEMAND that Garrett, Jones et al be as publicly critical of their players as some fans are. Even if the Cowboys want to move on from Dez, there isn't a scenario where it would behoove them to publicly denigrate him, or any other player. Like it or not, Dez is the leading TD receiver in DC history. They should (and we should) appreciate and value that - no matter your current opinion of him. Likewise, Scandrick gave the Cowboys 10 years of his prime athletic life. Although he was never a Pro Bowl player, he was a valuable member of the team. There is no reason that the Cowboys front office or coaching staff should EVER have anything bad to say publicly about players who've made such contributions to the team.

Heck, even with marginal players like Lucky Whitehead, the Cowboys were very careful to not bad mouth him publicly, opting instead for a simple statement that the Cowboys made a decision in the best interest of the team. They steadfastly refused to bad mouth Whitehead, even as he was badmouthing the team after he was cut. That is called being "professional." I don't understand why fans want Jerry & Co. to "open up" and share their raw feelings about players. That's NEVER a good idea.


There are no Dak haters just Cowboy lovers!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak will be around at least 5 years. He will get an extension after this season, with at least 2 more years of guaranteed income, simply because it will be cheaper to sign him next spring than after that if he grows into a legitimate long-term starter. So, the first "out" for Dak will be after the 2020 season.

As for Jerry and Stephen, they SHOULD be praising their own players publicly. Any discord should be handled privately. I don't understand why anyone would think it is appropriate for an employer to publicly humiliate his employees. Of course Jerry and staff are going to find the good things to talk about publicly, and mitigate the bad things. It doesn't follow that they are unaware of issues, and are leaving them unaddressed.

I think the ones with mental instability are those fans who DEMAND that Garrett, Jones et al be as publicly critical of their players as some fans are. Even if the Cowboys want to move on from Dez, there isn't a scenario where it would behoove them to publicly denigrate him, or any other player. Like it or not, Dez is the leading TD receiver in DC history. They should (and we should) appreciate and value that - no matter your current opinion of him. Likewise, Scandrick gave the Cowboys 10 years of his prime athletic life. Although he was never a Pro Bowl player, he was a valuable member of the team. There is no reason that the Cowboys front office or coaching staff should EVER have anything bad to say publicly about players who've made such contributions to the team.

Heck, even with marginal players like Lucky Whitehead, the Cowboys were very careful to not bad mouth him publicly, opting instead for a simple statement that the Cowboys made a decision in the best interest of the team. They steadfastly refused to bad mouth Whitehead, even as he was badmouthing the team after he was cut. That is called being "professional." I don't understand why fans want Jerry & Co. to "open up" and share their raw feelings about players. That's NEVER a good idea.

Unless his passing skills greatly improve he won't even see a 2nd contract no matter how cheap it is....


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I'm already looking forward to the game day threads this season where any time Dak hits a great throw, half the posts will be "TOLD YOU SO LOLOLOL", "WHERE'S THE HATERS" instead of just enjoying the damn game. :rolleyes:

If Dak returns to his 2016 ways,
I wonder how many posts will be "Hey sorry guys, I was so wrong about Dak, I'm not a hater anymore!"
Then we can ALL enjoy the game! :grin:
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It's outlandishly tough to be accurate when you're constantly on the verge of running for your life. Here's hoping it'll change this year. ;)
Yes you're right Bullflop. With all the problems we had at LT, LG, and RT, the OL stunk. Zeke suspended, and defenses stacking the box and blitzing. But none of those things should have any effect on a 2nd year QB, right?
But some folks bought 1 way tickets on the hate Dak train and they can't get off.

To me, the jury is still out. In 2016 he did a tremendous job. Last year when his pass protection disintegrated and the run game hit a brick wall, his performance suffered. I believe we need to give the kid a fair chance with a decent performance by the OL and with some play calling designed to counter the all out blitzing he faced last year.
Course that requires our coaches to make some adjustments along the way.......and adjustments and Garrett/Linehan don't really belong in the same sentence.
But I'm not counting this kid out till he's had a fair chance to show us what he can do. I'd like to see him derail that hate Dak train.


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I wait and see if dallas even makes the tournament before I even think about the tournament. Going to be a tough road.


Cowboys Diehard
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Yes you're right Bullflop. With all the problems we had at LT, LG, and RT, the OL stunk. Zeke suspended, and defenses stacking the box and blitzing. But none of those things should have any effect on a 2nd year QB, right?
But some folks bought 1 way tickets on the hate Dak train and they can't get off.

To me, the jury is still out. In 2016 he did a tremendous job. Last year when his pass protection disintegrated and the run game hit a brick wall, his performance suffered. I believe we need to give the kid a fair chance with a decent performance by the OL and with some play calling designed to counter the all out blitzing he faced last year.
Course that requires our coaches to make some adjustments along the way.......and adjustments and Garrett/Linehan don't really belong in the same sentence.
But I'm not counting this kid out till he's had a fair chance to show us what he can do. I'd like to see him derail that hate Dak train.

Kudos. Good stuff and all well considered as well. There are simply far too many posters here who can't wait to board the blame train. I'm more than willing to wait and see how Dak does this year and perhaps even next before throwing him under the bus. There were far too many factors that would likely lead to any 2nd year QB having the same difficulties that Dak was confronted with. It's as if 2016 never happened to them -- very convenient poor memories.


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So we have a Teflon QB now!
Hmmm no matter how Dak stinks up the house some of you will still insist he's the future at QB for the most popular fan base Franchise in the NFL.
When did expectations drop here in Big D.
You have all forgotten what happened when Zeke went out?
You have all forgotten 3 str8 embarrassing loses( Eagles,Falcons.Bolts) that included 15 Quarters without 1 TD being scored....
Wake up Dak-bots and wake up fast unless Teflon Dak can start playing up to par his starting days will be over faster than you can Jerry Jones.

NFL demands results how many more games will the Brass excuse Teflon Dak...not many....Zeke and the offline cannot carry this young inept QB forever sooner or later his Head will be on the silver platter unless his play on the field saves him from his ultimate destination which will be on the bench and off the team when his contract expires or maybe sooner!
We lost with zeke in luke in denvet. We barely beat philly backups with zeke in the lineup so explain how thats all on dak


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We are going to continue to rearrange the roster until we hire a real gm and get a real hc. After 20 years of the same results you would think people would figure this is much bigger than the players


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You have all forgotten what happened when Zeke went out?
When you have a team that is supposed to be solid or a playoff contender you might have one bad game but your not supposed be raped 25% of the season. Broncos, Falcons, Chargers, Eagles. They werent even close to being in those games. The offense was so bad it brought the defense down!


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Depends ...if it’s like last year . Maybe so.

I think Jerry will make every effort to not look a fool for falling head over heel after one great season while booting Romo too early for him.

My question to you (and others) is did they boot Romo “too early” as you say? Romo, after being cut, had the opportunity to prolong his career elsewhere. HE chose not to. Why is that?


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So we have a Teflon QB now!
Hmmm no matter how Dak stinks up the house some of you will still insist he's the future at QB for the most popular fan base Franchise in the NFL.
When did expectations drop here in Big D.
You have all forgotten what happened when Zeke went out?
You have all forgotten 3 str8 embarrassing loses( Eagles,Falcons.Bolts) that included 15 Quarters without 1 TD being scored....
Wake up Dak-bots and wake up fast unless Teflon Dak can start playing up to par his starting days will be over faster than you can Jerry Jones.

NFL demands results how many more games will the Brass excuse Teflon Dak...not many....Zeke and the offline cannot carry this young inept QB forever sooner or later his Head will be on the silver platter unless his play on the field saves him from his ultimate destination which will be on the bench and off the team when his contract expires or maybe sooner!

Let me and the one person who liked this don’t feel that the same applies to Dez.


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If Dak returns to his 2016 ways,
I wonder how many posts will be "Hey sorry guys, I was so wrong about Dak, I'm not a hater anymore!"
Then we can ALL enjoy the game! :grin:

PULEEEEEZE!!!!!!!! That Dak Haters will NEVER apologize if they are proven wrong.


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Let me and the one person who liked this don’t feel that the same applies to Dez.
Don't listen to him. You should have seen how much he cried on the official forums because he feels they did Romo so wrong. It's a waste of time and he spent all season praying and hoping dak would get hurt and romo would swoop down from the booth and win a superbowl lmao.