I know how to read lines. And this line says all cowboys. Reason is this...the skynyrds have won two straight and are 2-1, right? So why would a team like that be almost 12 point dogs? If it doesn't make much sense at a high level, then you must go the oppostie way of conventional wisdom.
The line is designed to get a lot of action from small gamblers on the skinbags, but the "big" players will put all their money on the Boys.
In other words, this game will be a laugh riot. One reason is that its the last game at TExas stadium for the skidz, and we'll want to escort them out in a memorable way. Dont think that means something? Well remember back to 1996, when the Cowboys were tops and the skudz were ick. Last game ever at RFK, we played them, and they stomped our butts 37-10 or something.
Well if a piece of poo like the 96 skins can do that, what about our jaggurenaut Boys team?
Now you starting to get it?
Forget the points, the Boys will cover this before teh end of teh first quater.
Cowboys easily, 45-6, and that's if they put the brakes on in the second half.
Bank it.