Twitter: Cowboys are Dead Last in Opponent Penalty Yards


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To add to your point, a lot of people who refuse to see ref bias don’t look deeper into the stat. When the penalty takes place and what the penalty is are all very important to consider. For example, a holding call on 3rd and 10 is a lot more of a hinderance than a neutral zone infraction on a 1st down. A tick tack PI at the end of a close game is a lot more hindering and game changing than a PI would be at the beginning of the game. It seems a lot of our penalties happen when we get big first downs or when we have great returns or something like that.


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To add to your point, a lot of people who refuse to see ref bias don’t look deeper into the stat. When the penalty takes place and what the penalty is are all very important to consider. For example, a holding call on 3rd and 10 is a lot more of a hinderance than a neutral zone infraction on a 1st down. A tick tack PI at the end of a close game is a lot more hindering and game changing than a PI would be at the beginning of the game. It seems a lot of our penalties happen when we get big first downs or when we have great returns or something like that.

“or something like that”. Is your way of showing that you did do the research and looked deeper into the stat?


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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.


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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.

But this literally is ignoring reality. It’s insane that this keeps happening season after season, over and over that magically all our opponents become military style disciplined when they play us.


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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.
Admirable again and I’m sure that attitude serves you well, but bad calls/missed calls can bring down a team. Imo.

I’ll never forget Christian Lattener when discussing calls always going Duke’s was when he was there. He was honest and acknowledged it. His word was “empowering” and I believe that’s true.
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1st Round Pick
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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.

I can’t stand the refs and I totally feel like we get hosed bigtime in these games but that’s just part of our culture and nobody is coming to help the situation from the leagues end.

So the only thing Dallas can do is do their best to not let the refs decide the game because it will not be in our favor if they do.

Try scoring points and not starting out incredibly slow on offense. If you’re the Dallas Cowboys and you need the ref to make a call for you then good luck.


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But this literally is ignoring reality. It’s insane that this keeps happening season after season, over and over that magically all our opponents become military style disciplined when they play us.
Wait…you’re forgetting 2019 when they were 17 teams that had more penalties called against them than Dallas, 2018, when 20 teams had more penalties called than Dallas, and 2017 when there were 21 teams with more penalties against them. That’s reality.

The truth is the Cowboys are the most penalized team in the league for the first time in many years. They weren’t last year or the year before or the year before that or the year before that. Those are facts.


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To add to your point, a lot of people who refuse to see ref bias don’t look deeper into the stat. When the penalty takes place and what the penalty is are all very important to consider. For example, a holding call on 3rd and 10 is a lot more of a hinderance than a neutral zone infraction on a 1st down. A tick tack PI at the end of a close game is a lot more hindering and game changing than a PI would be at the beginning of the game. It seems a lot of our penalties happen when we get big first downs or when we have great returns or something like that.
Yep. And other calls. Fumbles not called fumbles. A opponent catches and has possession and turns up field and get the ball knocked out and they call it a incomplete. They used that one twice on us in games we lost that would have turned the game and gave us points and momentum.

Always something on us to take momentum. Take away a long run. Or a deep pass. Ticky tack PI calls. Against at pivotal times.

Sometimes you can tell when we are gonna get hosed all game long..


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I can’t stand the refs and I totally feel like we get hosed bigtime in these games but that’s just part of our culture and nobody is coming to help the situation from the leagues end.

So the only thing Dallas can do is do their best to not let the refs decide the game because it will not be in our favor if they do.

Try scoring points and not starting out incredibly slow on offense. If you’re the Dallas Cowboys and you need the ref to make a call for you then good luck.
They can’t do it when we jump out and are creating undeniable turn overs. When they get a chance they take it.


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The title of the post is a little misleading. The Cowboys are dead last in penalty yards differential, not in penalty yards. At least that's what the chart shows. I'd have to dig deeper to determine if there is a specific cause for the difference in yardage over the years but there is one factor that can make this look worse than it is and that is Defensive Pass Interference because that penalty is a spot foul. Now I am not saying this is the reason for the big differential in Dallas's case, but it seems like the Cowboys have been getting called for PI a lot and all the time for the same reason. Their DBs do not play the ball. We've seen this for years, especially on deep balls. Those spot fouls add a lot of yardage to the penalty totals.

On the other hand, this is a lot of data and you would think over a period of years the differential would be small to 0. Is it likely that every team that the Cowboys play is better coached? Commits fewer penalties in any one game? We are talking about dozens of coaches and hundreds if not thousands of different players. With samples like that it would seem that penalties would be close to even. I'd like to see the number of penalties called to go with this data.

As I think back over the last few seasons and some of the penalties called, like those tripping calls against New England, one on Travis Frederick and one on Tyron Smith. Those were horse crap. The holding calls against the Cards Sunday. The PI against Anthony Brown that game that Raiders game to the Raiders. We have gotten more than our fair share of bad calls.


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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.
Agreed but my issues come with "should be" penalties that go uncalled. Hypothetical example: it's 3rd and 10. Dallas has the ball. Cee Dee runs a 15 yard route. Right before he's about to make the reception, he's clearly interfered with (no flag). Drive stalls. Dallas has to punt.

Things like this kill drives. I see it all the time. This is why what Marcus tweeted has merit, at least in my eyes. Dallas, OTOH is just about the most penalized team in the NFL. IJS


Well-Known Member
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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.
This 'rationale' always makes me laugh. Of course the refs didn't cause all of that. That has nothing to do with the refs DOING THEIR JOB!! If a player is held then be consistent about the call, if a fumble occurs check with New York to make sure it gets reviewed instead of just moving on, if the clock winds to 0 before the snap is off that is a delay of game and not 'well sometimes they call it and sometimes they don't' and on and on. You can still have all of these things the Cowboys failed to do and the refs failing to do their job correctly and more consistently. These two things can still happen and they don't.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This 'rationale' always makes me laugh. Of course the refs didn't cause all of that. That has nothing to do with the refs DOING THEIR JOB!! If a player is held then be consistent about the call, if a fumble occurs check with New York to make sure it gets reviewed instead of just moving on, if the clock winds to 0 before the snap is off that is a delay of game and not 'well sometimes they call it and sometimes they don't' and on and on. You can still have all of these things the Cowboys failed to do and the refs failing to do their job correctly and more consistently. These two things can still happen and they don't.
I’m not defending nfl officiating…it stinks. I’m just saying this team needs to stop crying about it and play better. Did we win 11 games just because we got better calls? The players don’t control the refs. Worry about what you can control. Don’t hold. Catch the ball. Don’t fumble. Execute. Etc.


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I’m not defending nfl officiating…it stinks. I’m just saying this team needs to stop crying about it and play better. Did we win 11 games just because we got better calls? The players don’t control the refs. Worry about what you can control. Don’t hold. Catch the ball. Don’t fumble. Execute. Etc.
I don't think the team needs to stop crying at all. This is the first time it has been really vocal with multiple players on the team. I say it's about time because it's been happening almost every week.


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I know people say don't complain about officiating but this is foul.

This is because the Cowboys are such a high profile team. Just like the pressure is on the coach and quarterback. The referees watch our players with plenty of scrutiny. I will never forget two years ago when we played the Patriots the refs called a horse Poop penalty on Tyron because Belichick talked to the referees before the game.:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.

What you say happens to all other teams but they don’t have to play a 2nd team that can negate 100% of their effort with a call.

Weak, support & defend your team like a real fan.


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Officiating is the worst it’s ever been. Many games stink of biased officiating. These old dudes have teams they like and teams they hate and if we’ve learned anything recently, it’s that very few people have a lick of integrity.