Twitter: Cowboys are Dead Last in Opponent Penalty Yards


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No they weren't.. Clearly if no holding was called for that 9 game stretch then none was committed.. <~~~~~~ dripping with sarcasm.

Yes every OL that the Cowboys have played against, somehow has managed to play flawlessly and never commit a hold.


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That’s what losers do. NFL history is full of teams that led the league in penalties and won SBs. John Madeen’s raiders, Jimmys Cowboys, the Seahawks a few yrs ago…all were called for lots of penalties yet played well enough to overcome it. Honestly, I’m more worried about seeing our players cry about penalties than anything else. They need to play better. Period.
That is not what losers do. This is the first time multiple players have been vocal about an ongoing problem. This is an either or problem. You can still be vocal about it and continue to move on which is what they are doing. And just because those past teams didn't complain about it doesn't mean the 2021 Cowboys shouldn't either. This has nothing to do with losers/winners it has to do with making the correct calls consistently.


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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.
Can you admit that 1 big play in any game can win or lose a game in the NFL where the difference between wins and losses is razor thin?
Well to deny that a huge screw up by refs also can decide a game. These games are close... period. To simply dismiss refs that make or fail to make a call at crucial points in a game and then try to say they dont decide games is nuts.

The Cowboys defense did what they needed to do on that last Cards drive, they forced a turnover. A TO that was denied by some old guy running in an EMPHATICALLY signalling the runner was down... when it was clear it was a fumble. All he needed to do was let the play go and then everybody could watch it on replay to see if it was correct, instead of just guessing... which is what the ref did.


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My answer to this: The Cowboys need to play better. Period. They lost (also in their other losses) because they didn’t make enough plays when they had to.

The refs didn’t cause the missed FG, they didn’t cause the 3 dropped passes, they didn’t allow Kyler Murray to scramble 3 times for a key first down, they didn’t cause Dak to fumble, and they didn’t make Dallas burn a timeout because they were unprepared for an unusual FG attempt.

The Cowboys have 5 losses because they earned them.

Well unless you count this as why Murray scrambled for key first downs


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“or something like that”. Is your way of showing that you did do the research and looked deeper into the stat?

Lol, for real.

Can’t help these people. They find comfort in believing the unseen hand is screwing the Cowboys and not the team itself.


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Our fanbase, generally speaking, are so dumb they don’t understand how to read that table or what it’s even saying.

All they see is “Huh? Cowboys more penalties…opponents less?!?!?”