Cowboys Enthusiasts vs. Cowboys "Fans"

Sgt. Fury;2536178 said:
I agree that there are people who are merely enthused about their given team of interest. What I would also say is that the types of fans out there are as varied as any personalties you see in any group of people.

The problem is that some fans think you aren't a fan like them, unless you think, act, believe exactly as they do. These are the guys who complain that someone isn't a TRUE fan for this or that reason but mostly because they are being confronted with a view that is contrary to theirs.

This is asinine when applied to a diverse group of people on a forum like this. Why even log onto a forum if the varied opinions and views upset you. I don't post much but I do enjoy reading all the posts. Many of them I disagree with or I think are stupid but I'm interested in the other guys opinion because I know he wouldn't be wasting his time doing this if he wasn't a fan, albeit a diffrent type of fan than I am.

Or I may totally full of it.

Main Entry: en·thu·si·ast
http://javascript<b></b>:popWin('/cgi-bin/')Function: noun

: a person filled with enthusiasm: as a: one who is ardently attached to a cause, object, or pursuit <a sports car enthusiast> b: one who tends to become ardently absorbed in an interest


Main Entry: fa·nat·ic
http://javascript<b></b>:popWin('/cgi-bin/')Variant(s): or fa·nat·i·cal

http://javascript<b></b>:popWin('/cgi-bin/'): marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion <they're fanatic about politics>
— fanatic noun


My question is what are the fundamental differences between "ardent" and "excessive/intense uncritical devotion"? In my heart, I believe there are differences, but it's hard to quantify them according to the relative definitions.
Everlastingxxx;2536182 said:
Elite Holier Than Thou Fans: “Thinks” they are the perfect fan.

Just a Fan: Invests their time/money in a team and hurts when it’s all over.

Post of the day.

That how it is.. I don't want to say any names.. *cough* zrinkill *cough*
Everlastingxxx;2536182 said:
I don’t eat my boogers and i drink Bud Light, so you are wrong again!

But here are my two versions of fans:

Elite Holier Than Thou Fans: “Thinks” they are the perfect fan.

Just a Fan: Invests their time/money in a team and hurts when it’s all over.
You got it! But no matter what those " self called elites ' think, we call go to the can the same way. Well some may sit down more than others!
It takes all kinds.

Liberal, conservative, we're all "Americans".

Same thing with "Dallas Cowboys fans".

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