The Jones boys are a couple of billionaire bozo fans who run a football team the way they WANT TO !
it wont make sense half the time, and you just need to accept that, because it wont change.
We as fans are cursed by them owning the team, and they love playing with it. They are having fun with it win or lose.
So as a fan you need to find a way to have fun too ! Fisher said that in his rant video the other day, that you can still have fun
as a fan of cowboys, if you dont look at just the mole, dont focus on the mole or you wont have fun.
It helps to pick a couple of other teams to root for each year, and if they do good, then you can enjoy the season more.
I rooted for Seattle back when they went to their 1st SB, and that was fun, I was rooting for brady and TB and they won the SB,
so that was fun too. Rooting for him / them this year too.
The cowboys, I find them entertaining, and like for them to make the playoffs, but I dont really care what happens in the playoffs.
I dont expect them to go all the way, so I cant be disappointed. Also I really dont want to see jerry hold up another SB trophy,
as he doesnt deserve another one. I dont like the way he has treated jimmy, acting like a child still being mad over
something that happened 27 years ago.
But I still enjoy watching cowboy games and talking about all the goings on which are usually amusing, and I have fun with it.
So like fish says, the important thing is find a way to have fun with it as it is, because the jones boys are what they are, and we are stuck
with those 2 bozo's!