Actually, I was going to disagree with you again, but then I walked through the break room and saw my boss eating a donut and I immediately dropped everything and engaged in a glazed-sugar orgy of fried dough and shame that I was powerless to resist because of all the behavior modeling I'd been subjected t
nce this shame wears off and the insulin shock recedes, I intend to march into HR and tell them it's imperative that these men I look up to, respect, and see as my role models start demonstrating the sorts of behaviors that will help me be successful at my job.
Just kidding. I'm an adult. I eat what I feel is appropriate. I don't have a boss, but if I did, I wouldn't care what he eats, either, assuming he was also an adult and not one of my children.
Now, if I were a professional athlete, it would be a different story. I'd want an actual nutritionist because the relationship between what I eat and how I perform would be much more significant for an endurance competition.