More important than many players, especially early on, understand. Figures with all the investment in the players, and all the hard work in weight room and on field, an organization in this day and age has to focus on this (my step-nephew is a Washington Husky - and they do this already too - every after practice a "shake" with individualized protein and weight gain and recovery substances is waiting for each player....- they now pay for and provide 3 full meals per day, while it used to be 1.....- nutrition is huge)...
Gregory and others won't be just eating burgers and pizza anymore.....- they will be watched a lot more closely - might take a year or two before it transforms bodies, which is usually the case (anointing oils need to be put away or at least used patiently, even the "healthy - good fat - kinds"....).
Michael Irvin said it, - can't remember if it was on his short-lived reality show (Hawkins is still playing I think), or if it was on NFL network - story about talking to players - he said to a few guys "You are no longer eating for pleasure/fun - you are eating for PERFORMANCE now"......and he's right - genetics only does so much - and so many are so strong genetically in the field, that nutrition plays a big roll nowadays...
Good to hear this - and chefs preparing meals to be brought home - how great is that - NO EXCUSES!!!