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:rolleyes: Let's start worrying after game 6, not after game 2.

I'm not worried, just irritated because I know what this football team is.

In normal circumstances, it would make sense to wait until game 6 to rush to judgements about a football team. Unfortunately, our problems have been the same for years now. Yeah years, and these same problems seem to be plaguing this team yet again in the first two games. No running game, poor game plans, questionable play calling, being outcoached, and untimely penalties. That's us in a nutshell.

As I said before, it seems like I am watching last year all over again, lip service and all.


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We lost. That's how it's the same but go ahead and celebrate the fact that we didn't get blown out. No wonder this team is stuck in mediocrity. We have people like u who keep thinking things have changed. Please tell me how this offense has changed besides the fact that it runs the ball worse and has a new play caller. Absolutely clueless!
Listen here pal don't come on here with your remarks about people like me where I am celebrating we lost? To me it shows improvement and had a few plays fine our way we win. It's people like you that I can't stand. Wants to go jump off a cliff and talk about how bad the team us. Go cheer for another team if you are so blinded to the fact this team us different, get on the wagon or get off and stop with your negativity after every game.


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Listen here pal don't come on here with your remarks about people like me where I am celebrating we lost? To me it shows improvement and had a few plays fine our way we win. It's people like you that I can't stand. Wants to go jump off a cliff and talk about how bad the team us. Go cheer for another team if you are so blinded to the fact this team us different, get on the wagon or get off and stop with your negativity after every game.

Amen. Lots of crybabies. Not different? We beat the giants at home for the first time in 5 years. We have the best fg kicker in the league a few short years ago that was a huge problem. The defense is already much better. Ditto special teams. The offense may take more than 2 games so what we have a new playcaller and a bunch of new guys on the Oline. But one lousy one point loss and its end of the world


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Amen. Lots of crybabies. Not different? We beat the giants at home for the first time in 5 years. We have the best fg kicker in the league a few short years ago that was a huge problem. The defense is already much better. Ditto special teams. The offense may take more than 2 games so what we have a new playcaller and a bunch of new guys on the Oline. But one lousy one point loss and its end of the world
there is many things that are different. I would like to see the offense pick things up but think with loses like this will make the team better. The main goal is to make the play offs to have a chance at a championship and seeing that our lost is from the AFC tied with philly and Giants and Skins are 0-2 with division and NFC loses we are ok. 14 more games to go lots of football left.


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Amen. Lots of crybabies. Not different? We beat the giants at home for the first time in 5 years. We have the best fg kicker in the league a few short years ago that was a huge problem. The defense is already much better. Ditto special teams. The offense may take more than 2 games so what we have a new playcaller and a bunch of new guys on the Oline. But one lousy one point loss and its end of the world
Oh yea when is the last time we blocked a kick? That seems good. Plus turnovers are coming missed 3 this game but they are getting there


Rising Star
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Jerry Jones: "This is a different group than last year. We got different issues that cost us this game over our second game last year."

No, sorry Jerry but they have the same issues that plague them every season. Bad game management in the 4th quarter by the head coach. Lack of ability to make in game adjustments offensively through out the game. In ability to run the ball effectively. Untimely penalties in the red zone and a defense who just couldnt get that one last stop when it was needed. Its the same thing we see every year. I love the Cowboys, but only a fool what believe this team is a contender. You cant watch, Denver, Seattle, San Fran etc.. and feel like we are in their league.

Your BS about being excited for this season and not being able to sleep, was just a genius marketing ploy to sell tickets, congrats it worked.


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Long ago getting TDs was no problem. Maybe it was our running game back then. But most of those TDs came from the passing game. I think its the playcalling and the playbook. When you create an offense that takes too long to get ready, too long to snap the ball, and just too short of creativity in the redzone, you get the results that your getting now.

TDs was never an issue until Garrett started calling the shots on offense. Slowly we started to slide on the scoring column.


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Just win against StL and all will be forgiven

also, I like that Hatcher took responsibility for the loss (the defensive unit), but he is covering for the offense with that comment...deflection at it's best...the defense kept the team in the game, the offense and the putrid play-calling lost the game


Well-Known Member
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Listen here pal don't come on here with your remarks about people like me where I am celebrating we lost? To me it shows improvement and had a few plays fine our way we win. It's people like you that I can't stand. Wants to go jump off a cliff and talk about how bad the team us. Go cheer for another team if you are so blinded to the fact this team us different, get on the wagon or get off and stop with your negativity after every game.

First of all watch your tone with me. And what wagon? I've been a fan since I was born. Win or lose, I'll always be a Dallas Cowboys fan.

Second of all, list my posts after every game we have lost where I have wanted to jump off a cliff. You can't.
I made a simple remark about how I thought these first two games reminded me of things last year. You are the one that responded to that simple little comment by saying that this team is obviously and significantly different. I went ahead and said that you are clueless for that evaluation, which you are if you think that. How is that indicative of me wanting to jump off a cliff because we lost to the Chiefs?

I really do have to spell this out for you don't I. Yes, people like you watched yesterdays game and actually think that this team has made the changes to be a contender. Now, I don't know what in the world you are thinking and where you get that from, but you are entitled to that. I guess we changed because we went to KC this year and only lost by one point, going off of your logic. Maybe it's the fact that Bill Callahan is calling our plays on offense instead of Jason Garrett. Other than those two facts, I have no idea what changes you are referring to, on offense.

Last year, we went on the road on opening day and beat the Giants. Everyone was feeling good and looking forward to going to Seattle to play a team that most thought we were more talented than and should beat. We lost. We lost because we were not prepared, were outcoached, could not run the ball, and turned the ball over. The same things that have plagued us for the last few years. Flash forward to the first two games this year, it seems like almost virtually the same. We get a big win against the Giants on opening day and then proceed to go on the road to a team that we seemingly should beat and suffer through the same problems that we have not been able to get over for the last few years, including the 2nd game of last season. There you go, it's really not that hard to follow.

Everything about this team I have stated is fact. They can't run the ball, they are consistently outcoached, and they are turnover prone. If that makes them a bad football team then I guess that is what they are. I'll still pull for them and still hope they get it turned around, but at the same time still shake my head everytime I run into a delusional fan like yourself.


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First of all watch your tone with me. And what wagon? I've been a fan since I was born. Win or lose, I'll always be a Dallas Cowboys fan.

Second of all, list my posts after every game we have lost where I have wanted to jump off a cliff. You can't.
I made a simple remark about how I thought these first two games reminded me of things last year. You are the one that responded to that simple little comment by saying that this team is obviously and significantly different. I went ahead and said that you are clueless for that evaluation, which you are if you think that. How is that indicative of me wanting to jump off a cliff because we lost to the Chiefs?

I really do have to spell this out for you don't I. Yes, people like you watched yesterdays game and actually think that this team has made the changes to be a contender. Now, I don't know what in the world you are thinking and where you get that from, but you are entitled to that. I guess we changed because we went to KC this year and only lost by one point, going off of your logic. Maybe it's the fact that Bill Callahan is calling our plays on offense instead of Jason Garrett. Other than those two facts, I have no idea what changes you are referring to, on offense.

Last year, we went on the road on opening day and beat the Giants. Everyone was feeling good and looking forward to going to Seattle to play a team that most thought we were more talented than and should beat. We lost. We lost because we were not prepared, were outcoached, could not run the ball, and turned the ball over. The same things that have plagued us for the last few years. Flash forward to the first two games this year, it seems like almost virtually the same. We get a big win against the Giants on opening day and then proceed to go on the road to a team that we seemingly should beat and suffer through the same problems that we have not been able to get over for the last few years, including the 2nd game of last season. There you go, it's really not that hard to follow.

Everything about this team I have stated is fact. They can't run the ball, they are consistently outcoached, and they are turnover prone. If that makes them a bad football team then I guess that is what they are. I'll still pull for them and still hope they get it turned around, but at the same time still shake my head everytime I run into a delusional fan like yourself.
Anyways you are going to believe what you believe and I will believe what will, not changing that. To me you can't see the changes then that's on you but you need to stop with the personal insults and grow up.

Defense had changed a ton, not the same at all. While there might be similarities from last season to say it's the same is wrong.

You know what though no need to keep this debate going because I have had this same debate with other Cowboy fans and i'm just wasting my breathe. Do good day to you


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Anyways you are going to believe what you believe and I will believe what will, not changing that. To me you can't see the changes then that's on you but you need to stop with the personal insults and grow up.

Defense had changed a ton, not the same at all. While there might be similarities from last season to say it's the same is wrong.

You know what though no need to keep this debate going because I have had this same debate with other Cowboy fans and i'm just wasting my breathe. Do good day to you

If it seemed as if I personally attacked you, I'm sorry.

I was mainly talking about the offense. I do see what you are saying on the defensive side of the ball. Much of the defense still consists of the same personnel, but we are much healthier this year and have seemed to be doing much better putting pressure on the quarterback. I think we are on pace to have over 50 sacks this year as of now.

If this team is going to take the next step, they should go to a place like Kansas City and win. Period. Anyway, you are right. I have my opinion and you are certainly entitled to yours. Hopefully we can put a few wins together and get on a roll.

Again, my apologies for any perceived attacks. They were not intentional and are usually and generally saved for Eagles' fans.


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I also see some of the same problems as last year but I think we will get better. KC is a decent team and yes we should have won that game and we had 1 too many mistakes that cost us the game. Now we will see how this team responds, STL has a decent team as well but would love to see this team go full throttle and bury a team for once. I agree with you we should save our attacks for other fans not my brothers. Hopefully we as a team can change your outlook and mine as well for a positive, just hard seeing the glory days....seems so long ago.


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I also see some of the same problems as last year but I think we will get better. KC is a decent team and yes we should have won that game and we had 1 too many mistakes that cost us the game. Now we will see how this team responds, STL has a decent team as well but would love to see this team go full throttle and bury a team for once. I agree with you we should save our attacks for other fans not my brothers. Hopefully we as a team can change your outlook and mine as well for a positive, just hard seeing the glory days....seems so long ago.

I hear ya bro. Bright side is we are really making progress in important areas. Defense and special teams look so much better already. Offenses in general take longer to get going look around the league. I think we willl be better and better I still see 10 wins


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I hear ya bro. Bright side is we are really making progress in important areas. Defense and special teams look so much better already. Offenses in general take longer to get going look around the league. I think we willl be better and better I still see 10 wins
I feel like our offense was a weak link last year. They constantly put our defense in bad situations and had it not been for defense and special teams we could have had a worst lost. I have been thinking about the run game a lot. Murray isn't doing it, Dunbar sends to fumble every touch so why not put the rookie Randle in and let's see what he can do. Not even being activated has me like why draft a guy? Offense has to score more then 16 points, not excuses. They will get better and 10 wins should do it. The division doesn't scare me