Cowboys secret weapon is C-Mike


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The Cowboys have been getting their secret weapon ready. It is called C-Mike.

Last week he was "cold" and couldn't compete, but much like the speeding locomotives that he races for fun, he needs time to warm up. This week he should be warm and can save the Cowboys season. Hopefully, he has time for this game because I know he has a busy schedule.

I'm expecting him to rush for 250+ yards and prevent Weed from having to exert himself.

These poor Patriots will not see it coming. They will beg forgiveness for their cheating ways but C-Mike will not listen. He will pummel them to oblivion. He might even take a rep as a pass rusher in order to inflict pain on the cheater QB Brady. C-Mike will tell Brady as he is lying on the field in blood that C-Mike will be taking Brady's wife to add to his polygamous stash of wives. Brady will say "Thank you sir, may I have another". C-Mike will let out a laugh that will be heard around the world and exclaim "The NFL is mine, HAhahaha". Beli-cheat will go into hiding and become a monk to save himself from having to face the wrath of C-Mike again. Tom Brady after losing his wife to C-Mike will then marry Roseanne Barr after C-Mike commands him to do it.

They don't even need to make Randle or McFadden active unless C-Mike needs someone to carry around his extra jock strap that he keeps on ice.

We won't have to deal with anymore nonsense from Joseph Randle and disobedience to his head coach. C-Mike will tell Garrett to step aside because C-Mike will now make all decisions including calling the plays. He only has 1 play in his playbook (C-Mike Touchdown).

Seriously, I'm expecting at least 250 yards from C-Mike today. Anything less and I will be disappointed.

Remember when C-Mike is great today that I called it!



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Well technically X they do have a poor rushing defense so far so you never know! If that really did happen though I would be thrilled, but pissed at the same time that we didn't use him sooner. Same as I will be if Lucky goes nuts as a returner!


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And I thought this was going to be another "We would have won today if Parnell was here" thread when I saw the title.

If they want to guarantee that the season will be saved they should admit their mistake and send multiple 1st round picks to Jacksonville to get JP back. ;)


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The Cowboys have been getting their secret weapon ready. It is called C-Mike.

Last week he was "cold" and couldn't compete, but much like the speeding locomotives that he races for fun, he needs time to warm up. This week he should be warm and can save the Cowboys season. Hopefully, he has time for this game because I know he has a busy schedule.

I'm expecting him to rush for 250+ yards and prevent Weed from having to exert himself.

These poor Patriots will not see it coming. They will beg forgiveness for their cheating ways but C-Mike will not listen. He will pummel them to oblivion. He might even take a rep as a pass rusher in order to inflict pain on the cheater QB Brady. C-Mike will tell Brady as he is lying on the field in blood that C-Mike will be taking Brady's wife to add to his polygamous stash of wives. Brady will say "Thank you sir, may I have another". C-Mike will let out a laugh that will be heard around the world and exclaim "The NFL is mine, HAhahaha". Beli-cheat will go into hiding and become a monk to save himself from having to face the wrath of C-Mike again. Tom Brady after losing his wife to C-Mike will then marry Roseanne Barr after C-Mike commands him to do it.

They don't even need to make Randle or McFadden active unless C-Mike needs someone to carry around his extra jock strap that he keeps on ice.

We won't have to deal with anymore nonsense from Joseph Randle and disobedience to his head coach. C-Mike will tell Garrett to step aside because C-Mike will now make all decisions including calling the plays. He only has 1 play in his playbook (C-Mike Touchdown).

Seriously, I'm expecting at least 250 yards from C-Mike today. Anything less and I will be disappointed.

Remember when C-Mike is great today that I called it!

I hope you are right, go C-MIke !!!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No way does Michael get 250+ yards. It's simple math.

We all know that Lucky Whitehead will be unleashed today and will break Flipper Anderson's single-game receiving record (336). So we'd need to put up at least 586 yards of offense for your prediction to come true. Now if we were the Patriots, who love to run up the score, that might be possible. But with Greg Hardy sacking Brady on every play (except when he holds up so that Rolando McClain can intercept the pass), the Patriots won't score today and we'll let up in the second half, so the offense won't get the chance to approach 600 yards.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Well technically X they do have a poor rushing defense so far so you never know! If that really did happen though I would be thrilled, but pissed at the same time that we didn't use him sooner. Same as I will be if Lucky goes nuts as a returner!

I think the NFL prevented the Cowboys from using him before. The NFL figured that the Patriots were the only team that had any chance against him. Goodell told Brady that he would get him back for embarrassing him in court. Unleashing C-Mike on the Pats is the punishment.


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I really don't understand your hatred toward Christine Michael.

Did you not see the bottom of my OP? I am counting on C-Mike. Like I said, I'm calling it here. He will dominate and will be the story of the game.

Seriously, I'm expecting at least 250 yards from C-Mike today. Anything less and I will be disappointed.

Remember when C-Mike is great today that I called it!


Outta bounds
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Wha? You mean the Cowboys are actually going to go through with this? They're actually going to play the Patriots when they're angry?

Oh no... that's just crazy. I was sure Dallas would forfeit.


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lets hope this is not Dunbar part 2. Its half way there, if Michaels can get some yards ill call it a success.


Cowboys Diehard
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Great balls of optimism, xwalker -- when you go out on a limb you really put yourself out there! I do kinda love it, however. If what you say comes to pass, I may never doubt you again. If not, it's no big deal, so I guess there's actually not really much for you to lose. 250 yards seems a big order, though. Even if it's only a mere 150, you'll have outdone yourself in glorious fashion. I'll definitely be hoping you prove to be prophetic rather than pathetic.
Just kidding . . .