Twitter: Cowboys tweets 1/2/18


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A big price? Aka paying Garrett 12mil to take a hike is too much for Jones


1st Round Pick
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Strap yourself in for a whole lot of nothing from Jerry. :rolleyes:

The problem with familiarity is they are too familiar with us.

We've seen the best results with Garrett when we've made drastic change.

2014 we decided to commit to the run and switched the playcaller. 2016 we changed the QB and added a horse at RB.

Changes are when we have success. Change things!


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I listened the interview.

You can tell he knows that nobody is going to buy what he's selling with Jason Garrett.

He tries so hard to defend him but he doesn't even sound like he is selling himself on Garrett.
Then I wonder why the heck he's sticking with Garrett.. Makes me even more depressed!


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I had high hopes for Garrett but he has proven to be stuck in the 90's and totally incapable of innovation. He was supposed to be an offensive genius and he probably is when it comes to the Cowboy's 90's offense but he is a total dunce at running an offense in the year 2017. Does it really take a genius to understand that an offense designed to work against defensive schemes that are no longer being run won't be very effective against modern defenses? When was the last time Dallas ran a play where the scheme or formation created a total mismatch? I've never seen it yet I see it all the time with other teams. A LBer trying to cover a #1 WR and they show how it was created by the formation. Jerry wants Garrett to be Tom Landry, a lifelong Cowboy who coaches the team for 30 years but Garrett isn't 1/10th the football coach/mind that Landry was.


1st Round Pick
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I had high hopes for Garrett but he has proven to be stuck in the 90's and totally incapable of innovation. He was supposed to be an offensive genius and he probably is when it comes to the Cowboy's 90's offense but he is a total dunce at running an offense in the year 2017. Does it really take a genius to understand that an offense designed to work against defensive schemes that are no longer being run won't be very effective against modern defenses? When was the last time Dallas ran a play where the scheme or formation created a total mismatch? I've never seen it yet I see it all the time with other teams. A LBer trying to cover a #1 WR and they show how it was created by the formation. Jerry wants Garrett to be Tom Landry, a lifelong Cowboy who coaches the team for 30 years but Garrett isn't 1/10th the football coach/mind that Landry was.

Jerry even reached back in time and told a story about Don Shula and how predictable he was and how teams knew what they were doing but they still steam rolled whoever they play.

Then he goes on to acknowledge that the salary cap has all of these teams similar and that schemes matter.

So he wants his cake and eat it too.


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Strap yourself in for a whole lot of nothing from Jerry. :rolleyes:

Familiarity with opponents is a plus? What the hell does that mean? It's possible that next year, Garrett will be facing two new coaches in NY and Washington and a 3rd year coach in Pederson. What is that drunk fool talking about?

There is also a price to pay for sticking with what's not working Jerry..........


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Then I wonder why the heck he's sticking with Garrett.. Makes me even more depressed!

Because he's too emotionally invested in Garrett. They are basically friends, father/son, whatever. He's incapable of making the tough but necessary decision because of personal feelings on Garrett. There isn't a shred of doubt in my mind that's the biggest factor here. I believe his ego also is at play here and he thinks that moment is coming when Garrett will succeed and Jerry can tell everyone how smart he was. Problem is, it's likely never coming and the historical trends are pretty strong against Garrett.

Garrett wins just enough that the personal feelings for Garrett that Jerry has can override just what is logical.


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I listened to the interview.

You can tell he knows that nobody is going to buy what he's selling with Jason Garrett.

He tries so hard to defend him but he doesn't even sound like he is selling himself on Garrett.

Jerry will just pat his puppet on the head and tell him he has a grand plan to return the team to greatness. NOT!


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A big price? Aka paying Garrett 12mil to take a hike is too much for Jones

Right...For Jerry, it's all about EGO and that contract that would pay Jason to take a hike. You can say the same thing about
Dez and a few other veterans. This team is going nowhere fast.


Fattening up
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Then I wonder why the heck he's sticking with Garrett.. Makes me even more depressed!

Catch is reading into the comments. The fact is that Garrett does well everything Jerry wants from the coach of his team. The idea that Jerry would keep a coach he felt was incompetent in charge of his $5B baby because of ego is silly. Whatever fans think of Jason, he’s focused and organized and does the things Jerry wants done for his organization. And he does win his share of games.

What fans want and what owners see from a coach can be two very different things.


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Because he's too emotionally invested in Garrett. They are basically friends, father/son, whatever. He's incapable of making the tough but necessary decision because of personal feelings on Garrett. There isn't a shred of doubt in my mind that's the biggest factor here. I believe his ego also is at play here and he thinks that moment is coming when Garrett will succeed and Jerry can tell everyone how smart he was. Problem is, it's likely never coming and the historical trends are pretty strong against Garrett.

Garrett wins just enough that the personal feelings for Garrett that Jerry has can override just what is logical.
You know the saying about blind squirrels and acorns... That's what Jerry is banking on with the Clapper.


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Catch is reading into the comments. The fact is that Garrett does well everything Jerry wants from the coach of his team. The idea that Jerry would keep a coach he felt was incompetent in charge of his $5B baby because of ego is silly. Whatever fans think of Jason, he’s focused and organized and does the things Jerry wants done for his organization. And he does win his share of games.

What fans want and what owners see from a coach can be two very different things.

Then Jerry doesn't care much about winning a SB if he's going to put things like organization and focus as more important than actual on the field results.

What makes it odder is if he truly believes that, then it would be imperative to get better at the coordinator spots. But apparently, we are all good there too.

And LOL at the "he does win his share of games". Thanks to Marvin Lewis and a few others, Garrett now has these distinctions:

- 8 NFL coaches have been on their existing job for 5 or more years. Garrett ranks last amongst that 8 in winning percentage.

- 15 NFL coaches have been on their existing job for 3 or more years. Amongst that group, Garrett ranks 11th in winning percentage.

So in reality, amongst his peers, he's not winning his fair share of games.
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I listened to the interview.

You can tell he knows that nobody is going to buy what he's selling with Jason Garrett.

He tries so hard to defend him but he doesn't even sound like he is selling himself on Garrett.

Good! I hope he suffers too!

Why should the folks who pay the bills be the only ones.