Game Day ***Cowboys vs Falcons 2nd half game thread***

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I cannot not believe a Professional football team, Our Cowboys did not attempt a single pass downfield....AMAZING!!!
It's going to be doom and gloom if Weeden can't play any better than he did in the second half and we don't start getting the ball down the field to the WR's.

This is what amazes me.. The offense did nothing, absolutely nothing, all 2nd half but yet it's all the defenses fault?

What the.. Maybe if we would have actually picked up a 1st down or few they wouldn't have been so gased.
So what does that have to do with what I said about the whinning and fickleness?

As long as the Weedman checking down and Twill dropping passes and nobody outside getting respected its definitely a chance of happening again.

No its not y'all just want to whine so go ahead and whine I'm just going to call it like I see it. I see it for what it is a bad half no matter how many points they scored. Most of y'all wasn't saying this first half probably was giving props to the D now they are super bad lol.

I agree with this I just have to laugh at how fickle guys are from one half to the next. 2hrs ago bet the thread looks a whole lot different than now that's all. We wasn't going Undefeated lol

As long as the Weedman checking down and Twill dropping passes and nobody outside getting respected its definitely a chance of happening again.

So then it WILL continue!
Good thing the falcons weren't prepared, kyle shannahan beat on rod, d law and hitches are still the best, our safeties are the best eva. And Dunbar can not be held, hes so good, idk why he wasn't ised more, but hey, his legend knows no bounds
I hate seeing all of the QB blame. It was Freeman running for 141 yards that really killed us. By not being able to stop him, it opened up the field for Julio

I don't understand why people seem hesitant to blame multiple parties for this loss.

Did the D stink? Of course. But Weeden was pretty terrible in the 2nd half. So therefore, I think it's perfectly fine to blame the QB.

I don't care what anyone says, but if your QB can't even muster ONE DRIVE in an entire half.......... he's failed.
It's going to be doom and gloom if Weeden can't play any better than he did in the second half and we don't start getting the ball down the field to the WR's.

"If" is a powerful word I hear and doesn't mean crap! Let's let this play out for more than one game, before we say the season is over.
I understand how people are upset with Weeden and the lack of explosive offense in the second half.

But all week long I saw it posted here, and I heard it from everyone, that all Weeden had to do was drive the bus, don't turn it over, and we would be fine cause the defense would win the game.

Well that's what you get when you drive the bus people.

Weeden did exactly what people believed he needed to do.
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