Cowboys Vs Giants ***Game Thread***

peplaw06;1109797 said:
Did Tony K just coin the term "statuary"??


Main Entry: 2statuary
Function: adjective
: of, relating to, or suitable for statues

Main Entry: 1stat·u·ary
Pronunciation: 'sta-ch&-"wer-E
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ar·ies
2 a : the art of making statues b : a collection of statues : [SIZE=-1]STATUES[/SIZE]

Frakkin Romo just threw a frakkin interception. Rookie mistake. :bang2:
Dumb play Romo. Stupid play call there with the screen, just drop back and play, it's working.
wow young QB mistake and that was a bad looking screen at that they had that sniffed out easy
Romo really needs to learn to throw the ball away when the play has been sniffed out by the defense.
I hope we draft some elite O-linemen this year. May be all for naught with Soprano coaching them though.
As much as I can blame the offensive line, Bledsoe, and our defense, our coaching is just bad.

Not a single run was called on that drive. We've got over 11 mins left and we're panicking with a momentum shift our way.

You know, I could sense something stupid would happen. There was no reason to not call some runs on that drive.
One: Our offensive line has to be one of the worst ever. Parcells should take full blame for not getting this fixed in his four years here.

Two: That jumpshot celebration the Giants players do must go down as one of the most ********, annoying celebrations ever.
T-New41;1109823 said:
Well, thats what you get with a young QB. There will be growing pains.

I'm willing to endure the growing pains with Romo.

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