Game Day *** Cowboys vs Packers 1st Half game thread ***

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Welp.... Same old Cowboys... Weak up front, no gap containment, mistakes on offense, drops etc... This team... Football gods blessed us with an easy 3 games, now we really are seeing who/what this team is the last 5 quarters. I just do not like JG coached teams.
Man if Cooper catches that ball there's a good chance we blow these clowns out
Woods didn't even make an effort to tackle, get him off the field.
That’s a 14 point swing right there we are not a super bowl team. Super bowl teams do not make these kinds of mistakes.
If you want to play sit back and watch defense, you're gonna be sitting back and watching the Packers score.
reads off the list of all the posters

CBZ: This year feels different

SS: its indigestion, just give it a bit.

CBZ: shut up SS you re a hater.

SS: you ll see.

NFL: and Dallas continues to be a laughing stock.

CBZ: facepalms
Same cowboys trouncing the little sisters of the poor but the moment they play a real team they get exposed.
People will blame Cooper for the INT...but that was all Prescott. Late w/ the throw....and a lame duck throw. If we just had a QB that could throw a spiral on time....Jesus. :(

That’s ok, the Dakota apologists don’t think a pass thrown behind the receiver is a bad thing, lololololol
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