I like Murray but he's not elite and can't have those fumbles. Randle is untouched with that hole and is a huge gain, IMO.
Not criticizing but is there a reason Randle and Dunbar are not being utilized all day? (orate least it seems this way)
He's been average at best since the Chicago game. Come on people he's not that good.
Im just going to say it : Randle wouldve scored a TD on that Murray fumble.
Dez was covered 1on1 on that TD. Beat 3 people. Dez coverage had zero factor on that TD
Dorsett was a fumbler. He's in the hall of fame. People need to stop freaking out. We have to overcome it.
Not criticizing but is there a reason Randle and Dunbar are not being utilized all day? (orate least it seems this way)
two screwed up offensive series and still gonna be ahead. Good job D!