They were up 28-14 in the 4th Q and the defense and offense both **** the bed. That missed PI in OT was bad but this team, if they were actually any good, shouldn't have even been in OT with a 14 point lead.
This is just a poorly constructed, poorly coached team.
I blamed Dak for the first half..the second half is all Dan Quinn..dude is an idiot that gets by on talent. All of his players commit the dumbest penalties. Both teams crapped the bed each half.
That holding penalty on McGovern and the non pass interference call was garbage but our defense cost us this game. You can’t blow a 14 point forth quarter lead. I thought Christin Watson was Randy Moss on Thanksgiving.
When you play your mvp pass rusher in coverage all game you deserve it. I don’t get it. That was definitely pass interference at the end. Why not kick it.