cowboysfan31 Well-Known Member Messages 1,360 Reaction score 132 Dec 20, 2008 #101 Picked off by Ed Reed...damnit.
Real1st Nikola Tesla Messages 6,060 Reaction score 1,599 Dec 20, 2008 #103 LOL Romo makes a dumb *** throw
windward NFL Historian Messages 18,883 Reaction score 4,677 Dec 20, 2008 #104 Great. Nice "punt" by Romo.
DallasEast Cowboys 24/7/365 Staff member Messages 63,654 Reaction score 67,020 Dec 20, 2008 #108 dang... Roy should've tried harder to knock that ball out.
CarlAllDay Active Member Messages 1,845 Reaction score 11 Dec 20, 2008 #109 thanks tony that was terrible hung up there to long and there's no wind or protection issues to blame it on thanks
thanks tony that was terrible hung up there to long and there's no wind or protection issues to blame it on thanks
sacowboysfan513 Well-Known Member Messages 1,998 Reaction score 44 Dec 20, 2008 #110 i honestly want to know why romo saw there
Real1st Nikola Tesla Messages 6,060 Reaction score 1,599 Dec 20, 2008 #112 Give the ball to choice ******.. OMG ROMO
RoadRunner New Member Messages 2,809 Reaction score 0 Dec 20, 2008 #114 On a side note, it looked like Anderson picked up a good block for Romo on that play. Gave him a lot of time.
On a side note, it looked like Anderson picked up a good block for Romo on that play. Gave him a lot of time.
Ren Well-Known Member Messages 12,218 Reaction score 1,944 Dec 20, 2008 #115 Romo :bang2: he could have ran for a first, what the hell is that guy thinking? :bang2:
Rack Federal Agent Messages 23,904 Reaction score 3,106 Dec 20, 2008 #116 Great freakin' start you IDIOT. No one open? THROW IT AWAY, MORON!
Frozen700 Well-Known Member Messages 17,521 Reaction score 6,487 Dec 20, 2008 #117 great romo......just great bro
dallas_112678 New Member Messages 368 Reaction score 0 Dec 20, 2008 #118 that ball was in the air forever, if i drove to the stadium in rush hour traffic when that ball was thrown i would have made it in time to make the catch.
that ball was in the air forever, if i drove to the stadium in rush hour traffic when that ball was thrown i would have made it in time to make the catch.
Real1st Nikola Tesla Messages 6,060 Reaction score 1,599 Dec 20, 2008 #119 Romo is so stupid sometimes..
CowboyManDan Well-Known Member Messages 1,797 Reaction score 443 Dec 20, 2008 #120 Romo, don't force it, just move the ball and STOP turning it over NOW.