Yea but I don’t think Katy High School sucks lol70 million dollar high school stadium... and the schools suck... wow... priorities....
Of course, he will. But it's not always true that you can catch a ball simply because you get your hands on it. He may have been at the apex of his jump and descending before he could secure the ball.I’m going to bet Austin will say he should have caught it.
high throw.............still a catch.........hmmmmmmm
Yea but he missed tavon earlier for a TD.That's what fooling people looks like. It leaves guys wide open, innovation.
Operative word "good" receivers. Average receivers don't make that catch.I'd say 50-50. Pass was a bit high but good receivers make that catch. Can't expect every throw to be perfect....
Agreed. High pass, short guy, what the heck?Why wasn’t that high pass tipped for an INT?
Texas has some pretty impressive high school stadiums