Cowboys wanted Demarco back before he went to Titans

Taking big money up front can cost you a lot of money down the road. You have to have foresight.

the whole situation was geared for Murray to take the deal. I dont think any player would turn it down
The phil offer was deceptive, 5 for 40 is also 4 for 32 and cowboys offered 4 for 24.
but the big difference was 12G to 20G That is 8 mil more than Dallas Guaranteed.

It now turns out That G money was important. They almost G as much as dallas total offer.

some bad things that led to Murray going.
1.Murray had his best and record breaking year in contract year
2. Bryants contract was also up at same time, and he would require a large sum to keep even if franchised
3. The GB fumble
4.It had to pump up his ego, then jones dont offer much, so he was insulted.
5.murray had been playing for 3rd round paycheck for 4 years so was really wanting the big payday.
6.Bradford goes to philly, and he calls Murray and says they will pay more than dallas and they can
play together again and go to SB. lol
7. Cowboys think they can do fine with any RB and the OL is all they need.
So all that and maybe more played into Murray not staying here and taking the phil deal.

Only time will tell who made the bigger mistake, Murray or the jones boys.
Could be they both made mistake, and last year both paid the price and neither did good.
I think now I would like cowboys to draft zeke, since he is supposed to be the man, and is about murrays size.
He looks smaller in the HL film, but would just like to see them get another top back who can string some 100 yd games together.

I will root for Murray in tenn, this season, no harm in that.
Just happy he got away from the eagles.

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