CowboysZone State of the Union??

Even though I don't post often, I've been reading this board for long time. When I do post, I feel very welcome. It's great to read others' opinions and form my own. Also, I appreciate the "family oriented" atmosphere around here. It's a great site and a treasure for any Cowboys fan.
I'm not sure where I fit in. I'm 29 years old, so many would consider that young and many might consider that old. Either way, there's minimal amount of crap that goes on here but tons of great posters on here as well. Hey, we are all Cowboys fans here (well most of us) and if you're a true Cowboys fan, regardless of age, location, sex,'re always cool with me.

Great website. I'm a regular here. 1st place I check in the morning, and the last at night. Full of interesting articles/discussions with a mix of mindless garbage thrown in. It's easy to avoid the threads you arre not interested in - I just don'open them.

I've felt welcome, though am very much a reader rather than writer.

Mods are great, and the 'old heads' really make this the only site to regularly gain extra insightful information at any time of the day.

Only changes I'd really want to make are perhaps to limit the size of some of the sigs (although some are fatastic, they just wast space)....

Also, because I live in the Uk, I am asleep when much of the discussions take place, consequently I often join a thread when it has already run its course! .....Would it be possibe for everyone to change their sleeping patterns to fit in with mine? ;)
Chrissyboy said:
Great website. I'm a regular here. 1st place I check in the morning, and the last at night. Full of interesting articles/discussions with a mix of mindless garbage thrown in. It's easy to avoid the threads you arre not interested in - I just don'open them.

I've felt welcome, though am very much a reader rather than writer.

Mods are great, and the 'old heads' really make this the only site to regularly gain extra insightful information at any time of the day.

Only changes I'd really want to make are perhaps to limit the size of some of the sigs (although some are fatastic, they just wast space)....

Also, because I live in the Uk, I am asleep when much of the discussions take place, consequently I often join a thread when it has already run its course! .....Would it be possibe for everyone to change their sleeping patterns to fit in with mine? ;)

Chrissyboy said:
Also, because I live in the Uk, I am asleep when much of the discussions take place, consequently I often join a thread when it has already run its course! .....Would it be possibe for everyone to change their sleeping patterns to fit in with mine? ;)

See! I'll bet I have to wait 4 or 5 hours now for the next post! :cry2:
Chrissyboy said:
Great website. I'm a regular here. 1st place I check in the morning, and the last at night. Full of interesting articles/discussions with a mix of mindless garbage thrown in. It's easy to avoid the threads you arre not interested in - I just don'open them.

I've felt welcome, though am very much a reader rather than writer.

Mods are great, and the 'old heads' really make this the only site to regularly gain extra insightful information at any time of the day.

Only changes I'd really want to make are perhaps to limit the size of some of the sigs (although some are fatastic, they just wast space)....

Also, because I live in the Uk, I am asleep when much of the discussions take place, consequently I often join a thread when it has already run its course! .....Would it be possibe for everyone to change their sleeping patterns to fit in with mine? ;)

Uhhh, what is this "sleep" to which you refer??

Sounds like an interesting concept, I may have to look into it... does it have any recreational and/or therapeutic benefits??
seeing as how i qualify for a youngin (age 18) i think this sites pretty cool, its not your average "run of the mill" fan site.
We have (at times) classy debates with posters that are fans of other teams (except in 5stars case he replys with :disseags: or :dissskin: haha)
And when us youngin's act right you oldins (?) give us some respect and us back to you
I found out about this forum from another cowboys forum and it quickly became my first stop for cowboy news. I don't post that much but I'm usually here at least 2-3 times a day. Thanks to everyone that goes out and finds articles and posts useful content on this board, it is much appreciated. I also like the thoughts of fans from other teams..As long as they are not as big of homers as some of us are on our own team forum =]
Definitely the best run Cowboys site on the net. Before I found this one I was a forum mod on another board. It wasn't simply a Cowboys board, it had forums for every NFL team along with several other general NFL discussion forums. I moderated the Cowboys forum and we had a core group of about 5-10 guys who were regular posters and others that simply liked to come around to stir things up (much like you do with any other board). Mods would jostle for power, which I never really understood since it was really only an assumed power and it just got to the point where the bickering got to be the point of the forums.

This board is exactly the opposite where members here just want to talk about the Cowboys. Sure we have our trouble makers, what board doesn't. I don't always agree with everything that is said on this board and sometimes it seems some people are fighting to be the first to knock a poster for his/her opinions. For the most part though this board has a great fan base and everyone keeps things civil. This is always the first place I go on the net and probably the only site that is a daily stop.
silverbear said:
Uhhh, what is this "sleep" to which you refer??

Sounds like an interesting concept, I may have to look into it... does it have any recreational and/or therapeutic benefits??

As my daughter is now only 1 week old (conceived at Oxnard last summer..... which my wife conveniently overlooks as she is not a Cowboys fan!) I am rapidly coming to understand that there is an activity referred to as 'sleep'! I have also read ample anecdotes of a process known as 'rest'.

Either way, barring my side-tracking..... without a shadow of a doubt, I find this board far more informative than subscribing to 'Insiders' or 'CowboysPlus' - and this is due to the efforts of the regular posters on this board.

I, for one, am extremely grateful. Thank you.

I love the board. I don't post much when nothings going on, but when their's action, I'm all over it. I've been on since last year, but I've been a visual spectator back in 2004.

I'm 36 and the young guys kill me. They are pretty funny.. Then you have some people on here that are flat out rude and think that everything they say is gold, and they know it all. The mods are excellent, and I don't see how they don't get into fights on here, they seem to have plenty of patience and that's cool.

I'm also amazed at how quick the zone gets breaking news and information, it's simply amazing. But during this time of the year, it's excrutiating, I can't take all the history talk and, I'm like ready to jump off a dumpster onto a bed of nails. But as boring as it is, I still come up in here and mostly read.

I usually try not to get into heavy debates, and the only time I fire off at someone is if they try to attack my intelligence or being completely rude. Other than that, I'm a cool customer. Generally, this is a great place to hang out and their's nothing like it on the internet.
I am interested in hearing opinions on our board. Younger posters, how do you view our board? Are we old and stiff? Did you feel welcome and do you still feel welcome?

I said this in another thread somewhere, but the discrepancy between the older and younger posters is very obvious i think. Not that thats a bad thing, its nice to hear about memories from decades ago. But ill be honest there are times i have no clue what someone is talking about from before i was born :banghead: haha

As for feeling welcome, its nice to see the little rainbow welcome icons. However, i think that newer posters take a long time to feel welcome. A lot of opinions go unreplied to and that could be a little discouraging. But I've noticed in my own experience that this tends to change as you post more and get used to the way things are run, what kind of posts are enjoyed etc.

But i think this is all natural, not much anybody can do about it. Overall, the boards are very well run and enjoyable and i dont think there is anything wrong with them that could be chagned.

Oh the one thing that does sorta irritate me and this is just a little annoyance is when people quote entire articles to say "Great post" or "this writer has no credibility" etc. I dont see the point in copying the whoel thing.
Chrissyboy said:
As my daughter is now only 1 week old (conceived at Oxnard last summer..... which my wife conveniently overlooks as she is not a Cowboys fan!) I am rapidly coming to understand that there is an activity referred to as 'sleep'! I have also read ample anecdotes of a process known as 'rest'.

Either way, barring my side-tracking..... without a shadow of a doubt, I find this board far more informative than subscribing to 'Insiders' or 'CowboysPlus' - and this is due to the efforts of the regular posters on this board.

I, for one, am extremely grateful. Thank you.

Congrats on the birth of the baby. If she's your first you're about to learn a kind of love you never imagined. There is no greater feeling in the world than a baby asleep on your chest.
When I originally posted this subject matter, I was not certain it would get much interest or that we would be able to keep it civil. Lots of different opinions but all in what I consider to be good tast. All positive, IMO. All with a commen them. All our members enjoy the diversity in back rounds and ages. Everybody is happy to have a place to come and talk football. Happy to have a place where you can state an opinion, popular or otherwise and be welcomed back regardless.

It would seem that we have a good thing going. Much credit goes to Reality and to the MODs but much credit should also go to the members themselves. It is a very good thing to see the growth and the prosperity. I very much enjoy my association with this board. I hope it continues for many more years.

Give yourselfs a small pat on the back. This board is only as good as it's members. So long as you care about this place, it will continue to be an exceptional site. I thank you all for making it such.
TwoSteppinJJ said:
I think the board could use a little less Henson propaganda.
I think people should be able to express what they think. About any player. As long as it doesn't get personal.
I really enjoy this board. Unlike other sites, this one has a bunch of people and a lot of comments going on but it doesn't have the stupidity and immature behavior. I really appreciate that. You get sick of dealing with idiotic trolls.

I also really like that the site is reaching out to Cowboys people in the media to get them to answer questions from the board. I'd like to see more of that.

I also think it would be great to try and get some of the recent former players to answer questions and talk with the board. I'm not talking Aikman or Smith, but guys like Teague, Young or some of the lesser stars that might be willing to spend some talking talking about the Cowboys. That would be pretty cool and informative.
Listen as much as I love the Mods...this place is only gonna be as good as its posters....for those old enough to remember when you were learning...basic, cobal, pascal or fortran...what was the big saying at the time garbage in garbage out...same holds true with this forum if you put nothing but garbage in than you are likely to get nothing but garbage out...

but for the most part the board is strong and healthy

so:thankyou: take a friends for making it what it is

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