Crayton Strikes Again: Tomlin amused by comments


Sleeps with the fishes
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Chocolate Lab;2478507 said:
Funny though that the doting local Pitt media would even ask him about that. These days with a million mikes in front of these guys after games, probably every team has one guy who makes a comment like that after losing a heartbreaker like that. Is it really worthy of bringing up to the coach, other than as the ultimate softball?
You don't even live here and you've got these homer journalists down pat. I can't stand each and every one of them.


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Man, comments like these infuriate me. Earlier in the year, he said he wished they could just fast forward to the playoffs. No wonder they choke so much, they think they had the playoffs wrapped up before the season started.

He and I believe many on this team have a toxic combination of arrogance and denial that underminds everything they hope to do.

They think they are entitled and when that don't win, it coudln't possibly be that the Cowboys failed or need to improve and pay more attention to the fine details, it's always some BS excuse about how the other team got lucky or got an early christmas present.

I think many on this team have a real cocky arrogance that is in no way justified by their accomplishments.

How many freaking times does this team have to be humbled before they get it through their thick skulls that nothing is given, nothing can be assumed, max effort and attention to detail has to be given at all times and the minute you don't someone will knock your block off.

Walk the walk, then you can talk the talk

Ratliff said something that encouraged me the other day, he acknowledged that pride goeth before the fall and that statement really hit home after the Pitt game with him and the team.

I hope so because if they lose the cocky attitude, put their nose to the grindstone and be humble and let their play do the talking, they will succeed.

Keep thinking they just have to show up and they'll continue to fall flat on their face


Messenger to the football Gods
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They're both right.

He was handed that game five times and he knows it. The Stealers are not as "big and bad" as every AFC fan thinks they are.

I don't really care what folks say but when we outplay an opponent and freakin' grates on me. Big.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
yimyammer;2478684 said:
Man, comments like these infuriate me. Earlier in the year, he said he wished they could just fast forward to the playoffs. No wonder they choke so much, they think they had the playoffs wrapped up before the season started.

He and I believe many on this team have a toxic combination of arrogance and denial that underminds everything they hope to do.

They think they are entitled and when that don't win, it coudln't possibly be that the Cowboys failed or need to improve and pay more attention to the fine details, it's always some BS excuse about how the other team got lucky or got an early christmas present.

I think many on this team have a real cocky arrogance that is in no way justified by their accomplishments.

How many freaking times does this team have to be humbled before they get it through their thick skulls that nothing is given, nothing can be assumed, max effort and attention to detail has to be given at all times and the minute you don't someone will knock your block off.

Walk the walk, then you can talk the talk

Ratliff said something that encouraged me the other day, he acknowledged that pride goeth before the fall and that statement really hit home after the Pitt game with him and the team.

I hope so because if they lose the cocky attitude, put their nose to the grindstone and be humble and let their play do the talking, they will succeed.

Keep thinking they just have to show up and they'll continue to fall flat on their face

I don't buy into the sense of entitlement perspective started by the media. The Cowboys are a team that needs to get over the hump. Every team goes through this on its way to greatness. Will the Cowboys get there? I don't know. But I know that the sense of entitlement argument is media-driven nonsense. When they win, no one brings up the so-called arrogance of the team. They simply lost a game they should've won by making the same mistakes they've been making all year and the officiating didn't help matters either. The Cowboys need to learn how to finish as a team and as a coaching staff. It has nothing to do with arrogance, a sense of entitlement or lack of humility.


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This team better start thinking about the Giants because if they don't this won't even be a team come Christmas time. We lose this andforget about the playoffs. We need the next 2 and possibly Philly. But next 2 for sure.


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AKATheRake;2478811 said:
This team better start thinking about the Giants because if they don't this won't even be a team come Christmas time. We lose this andforget about the playoffs. We need the next 2 and possibly Philly. But next 2 for sure.

Agreed that we need 2... heck I want all 3.

But it may not matter which 2 we win... just win 2.

The Season is not over if we lose to Giants. Again... let me stipulate... I dont want to lose to Giants but the season WILL come down to the wire.


No Quarter
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lets be honest, this trickles down from wannabe coach/owner/enabler.

yimyammer;2478684 said:
I think many on this team have a real cocky arrogance that is in no way justified by their accomplishments.


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Seven;2478792 said:
They're both right.

He was handed that game five times and he knows it. The Stealers are not as "big and bad" as every AFC fan thinks they are.

I don't really care what folks say but when we outplay an opponent and freakin' grates on me. Big.



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"We could have said the same thing about our Indianapolis game but we didn't."

You just did, Mike. Thanks.

Royal Laegotti

Dyin' ain't much of a livin', boy!
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If I were Crayton I wouldn't say anything this whole season after what happened in that playoff game against NY last year.


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"That's just guys talking," Tomlin said. "That's funny to me. When the clock strikes zero, you either got more points than your opponents or you don't. We could have said the same thing about our Indianapolis game but we didn't. We acknowledge that we didn't finish the job. That's what winning is about, particularly winning in December."


Ouch! :(


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I could have sworn I heard witten say this and not crayton on one of the sunday night shows.

and everyone is right. It was a christmas gift but at the same time the steelers earned it...


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Boyzmamacita;2478801 said:
I don't buy into the sense of entitlement perspective started by the media. The Cowboys are a team that needs to get over the hump. Every team goes through this on its way to greatness. Will the Cowboys get there? I don't know. But I know that the sense of entitlement argument is media-driven nonsense. When they win, no one brings up the so-called arrogance of the team. They simply lost a game they should've won by making the same mistakes they've been making all year and the officiating didn't help matters either. The Cowboys need to learn how to finish as a team and as a coaching staff. It has nothing to do with arrogance, a sense of entitlement or lack of humility.

I'm not basing my opinion on when they win or lose or what the media says, I'm basing it on direct quotes from the players themselves. All the players are not guilty of having the attitude I described, but based on the statements Clayton has been making after wins or losses for the last year or two, he definately exemplifies the type of arrogance and entitlement I'm talking about. Look them up, he consistently makes assinine statements that either motivate the team we beat or insults them after they have beaten us. Forget the other team and do your job!! Smack talk when you've actually accomplished something. Until then, shut up! I sincerely hope he's the exception and not the norm because if his words are a true reflection of his or this teams attitude, then it stinks.

Many of the players talk about how talented they are and how many pro bowls they have been to, etc...only recently have I heard players speak more humbly. Who cares about pro bowls or regular season wins, this team has consistently failed when it matters most.

I'm not a smack talk kind of guy and have always believed the most painful thing I could ever do to an opponent is beat them, anything else just isn't satisfying.

Why give your opponent any edge or motivation by running your mouth? Even if running your mouth has no effect on your opponent, if you don't respect your opponent, then you're less likely to have the proper focus and preparation necessary to beat them. I think there is plenty of evidence to support that this team is either severely over rated or extremely cocky and arrogant, neither of which bodes well for the goals we want them to achieve.

Hopefully after yet another devastating loss against Pitt, this team has finally started to learn this.


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JerryFan;2478503 said:
Tomlin is right. Ifs, ands, and buts mean jack crap. Did we gift wrap it for them? YES, but it's doesn't mean jack cause we came out on the wrong end of the score board. Just win and thats all that matters.

That's right....If if was a 5th, we would all be drunk.


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Crayton always does this and I don't know why people can't just be used to it and leave him alone. It's not like he jeaopardizes the team or anything.

Crayton is a great player and I don't care what he says.


Arch Defender
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Nav22;2478488 said:
Tomlin's right.

Crayton was right, Christmas did come early. Turnovers and bad officiating gave the game away.

We kicked their arses all over the field.


Arch Defender
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Coakleys Dad;2478491 said:
Shut up and catch a ball Patrick...oh wait youre invisible...

yeah invisible...I didnt see him running down the seem open for an easy TD the other day, only to watch Romo throw the ball way behind him.


Arch Defender
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theebs;2478908 said:
I could have sworn I heard witten say this and not crayton on one of the sunday night shows.

and everyone is right. It was a christmas gift but at the same time the steelers earned it...

Not really. Romo threw three balls right in their hands. They got a fumble that should have been overturned. They got a gift turnover on a punt return. They got a on of help from the zebras.

The better team did not win that game.


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dbair1967;2479695 said:
Not really. Romo threw three balls right in their hands. They got a fumble that should have been overturned. They got a gift turnover on a punt return. They got a on of help from the zebras.

The better team did not win that game.

With all due respect, David, as you know it doesn't matter which team is better, only which team has the most points when the game is over.