crazy ray

Everlastingxxx said:
The problem is. People that live sheltered lives, never see what most people go through in life. Help the guy out, i’m not knocking it. Have a heart. Proclam to the world your goodness. I could say many things and offend many but i won’t. I just think if you care so much about helping others...don’t wait for a thread to come up asking it. Poor people are right outside the door...believe it or not.

Oh please, nobody is proclaiming their goodness. I haven't personally even made a donation myself. You made a sarcastic remark about sending you money as if this guy is just some drunken panhandler on the streets or a money scam and anyone who donated was naive. What are you gonna say? Don't back down now. Nothing wrong with being a human being, more people should try it.
Kilyin said:
Oh please, nobody is proclaiming their goodness. I haven't personally even made a donation myself. You made a sarcastic remark about sending you money as if this guy is just some drunken panhandler on the streets or a money scam and anyone who donated was naive. What are you gonna say? Don't back down now. You're too busy trying to act like some harda** on the streets and you think you know everything. Nothing wrong with being a human being, more people should try it.

well, i don't think THAT'S what he said/meant, but then again, nothing seems to get translated more to americans than english.

all he's saying (and i can agree) is that don't wait for a sad story to motivate you to do something. could it have been said better? sure.

then again we could get thicker skin too and not take an offhand comment personally. then again, i could have avoided this thread and just tossed more paypal at the crazyone - he is the consumate fan and i just wanted to let him know he's been a part of my own cowboy history for all my life.

now if you'll excuse me, i need to go hand out soup in some unmarked line somewhere. >g<
Kilyin said:
Oh please, nobody is proclaiming their goodness. I haven't personally even made a donation myself. You made a sarcastic remark about sending you money as if this guy is just some drunken panhandler on the streets or a money scam and anyone who donated was naive. What are you gonna say? Don't back down now. You're too busy trying to act like some harda** on the streets and you think you know everything. Nothing wrong with being a human being, more people should try it.

And what is wrong with a drunken panhandler? Is he less a person than a famous Cowboy masscot? Doing for another should be done without getting any glory otherwise it is a selfish action. And my remark is based on the fact that many are in need.

ps. I have go home now.
iceberg said:
well, i don't think THAT'S what he said/meant, but then again, nothing seems to get translated more to americans than english.

all he's saying (and i can agree) is that don't wait for a sad story to motivate you to do something. could it have been said better? sure.

then again we could get thicker skin too and not take an offhand comment personally. then again, i could have avoided this thread and just tossed more paypal at the crazyone - he is the consumate fan and i just wanted to let him know he's been a part of my own cowboy history for all my life.

now if you'll excuse me, i need to go hand out soup in some unmarked line somewhere. >g<

First, I didn't take it personally. You're exactly right, you shouldn't need a sad story to motivate you to do something, or you might become the sad story. It is kind of cruel to suggest that this guy is scamming people or that he doesn't sincerely need help. If you don't want to do anything, then just move on. What's the point of raising doubts about the validity of the man or his family's situation when there's been nothing to suggest that is the case? That may discourage people who would have been inclined to help.
Kilyin said:
What's the point of raising doubts about the validity of the man or his family's situation when there's been nothing to suggest that is the case?

it's what people do. dunno why.
Kilyin said:
First, I didn't take it personally. You're exactly right, you shouldn't need a sad story to motivate you to do something, or you might become the sad story. It is kind of cruel to suggest that this guy is scamming people or that he doesn't sincerely need help. If you don't want to do anything, then just move on. What's the point of raising doubts about the validity of the man or his family's situation when there's been nothing to suggest that is the case? That may discourage people who would have been inclined to help.

I just read through this entire thread, unfortunately, but I'll have to say I dont think anyone was suggesting Ray himself is a scammer, he's blind, he cant get around and that really really sucks, and I hate it for him. But I'm not going to give money because I dont know how secure this things is first of all, and if it is secure, maybe this site isnt being run by ray or friends of his but by some jackhole who is trying to get a quick buck? Its not a matter of Ray scamming, its the other bozos that it could be that bothers me.
dallasblue05 said:
I just read through this entire thread, unfortunately, but I'll have to say I dont think anyone was suggesting Ray himself is a scammer, he's blind, he cant get around and that really really sucks, and I hate it for him. But I'm not going to give money because I dont know how secure this things is first of all, and if it is secure, maybe this site isnt being run by ray or friends of his but by some jackhole who is trying to get a quick buck? Its not a matter of Ray scamming, its the other bozos that it could be that bothers me.

NBC wouldn't have included the website URL in the article if it wasn't a legitimate operation.

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