LeonDixson said:
Regardless of his reasons, Nors said we would run a base 3/4 this year and others were saying we would NOT, based on whatever reasons they had. Nors was right. The others were wrong and won't admit it. He may turn out to be right about Romo being the # 2 QB, although that still remains to be seen. I can't remember the names involved but one poster accepted a stupid bet from another poster that he would leave the forum if Romo was #2 during any time of the regular season. He will probably waffle too. I've often thought that there are certain posters that act like trolls and wait for Nors to post so they can try to ridicule him.
Leon I'm going to disagree with you.
Nors said in 2003 we would run a 3-4 scheme. Most people did not agree with him because we did not have the right personnel for it.
Nors said in 2004 we would run a 3-4 scheme. Again, most people did not agree with him because we still did not have the right personnel for it.
95% of the fans recognized that 2005 was going to be different. The reason, because we went out and acquired the right personnel. Ever since we acquired Jason Ferguson those who were RIGHT in 2003 and 2004 have been told over and over and over how wrong we were because here comes the 3-4.
Leon, how is this wrong?
Let's say I tell you this year that we are going to draft a WR at #1. In the 2006 Draft we go DT. In the 2007 Draft we go OT. In 2008 we finally draft a WR in the 1st. Does that mean I was right all this time in your book?
Sorry but I don't follow the logic there.
LeonDixon said:
Having said all that in his defense, he is now showing his true colors as a pathetic wuss that won't accept a "just for fun" bet on something he has been claiming would happen. He either doesn't have enough courage to stand up for his convictions or he didn't really have a conviction in the first place. Maybe he was just throwing crap against the wall and hoping it would stick so he could say he was right. Either way, his refusal to take the bet casts a huge shadow on other things he has been right about. Did he make statements because he had a reasoned, heartfelt conviction? Or was he just throwing stinky crap against the wall.
On this part you are starting to get it. How many hundreds of posts has he made saying Singleton was worthless? I can't even begin to tell you. The guy is such a spin doctor it isn't funny.
For instance he spent all off season telling people how Shanle outplayed Singleton last year and took his starting spot. If you point out that Singleton was injured he ignores it and tells you Shanle played better and took the job.
Last night he basically got called out and he did a turtle. He even tried to spin a side bet with me, completely unrelated to anythign he has claimed for months and forcing me to agree to a side in the bet I've never once preached. According to him another forum is "recruiting" him and this forum may die off when he leaves because that happened before when he left another forum.
I personally don't think he will leave, he'll just wait for this to blow over and he'll quit playing turtle.
In the off season Singleton will be released and he's going to spout like a whale about how right he was and how we all should have listened to him.
I might as well start predicting Bledsoe's release right now, so that in 2 years I can tell everyone "I told you so."
That isn't about being right, that's about being annoying.