Cure for Cancer

theogt;2786600 said:
Ugh....the mother is killing her own child. She should be arrested.

I think so too. The court ruled for him to have chemo and his mother defied that ruling.

Feel bad for the kid. From what I have read he has like a 85%+ chance of making it because its in such an early stage.
theogt;2772449 said:
Seek medical help from a physician. Stay away from quacks with ridiculous cure all voodoo treatment.
That's all well and good advice until said physician tells the patient "there's nothing more we can do". If you love someone with cancer and that day comes, I ASSURE you that you and everyone else that cared for that person would look at EVERY possible cure. No matter how "quacky" it might seem or how much it sounds like "voodoo" magic.
Scranton Tiger;2786919 said:
That's all well and good advice until said physician tells the patient "there's nothing more we can do". If you love someone with cancer and that day comes, I ASSURE you that you and everyone else that cared for that person would look at EVERY possible cure. No matter how "quacky" it might seem or how much it sounds like "voodoo" magic.

Don't waist your breath. Theogt is an expert on all facets of life. And don't forget it. :rolleyes:
Scranton Tiger;2786919 said:
That's all well and good advice until said physician tells the patient "there's nothing more we can do". If you love someone with cancer and that day comes, I ASSURE you that you and everyone else that cared for that person would look at EVERY possible cure. No matter how "quacky" it might seem or how much it sounds like "voodoo" magic.

Okay, I see your point in going to alternative methods if there isn't another option but let me ask you a question.

If you were diagnosed with a form of cancer that can be treated by medicine with a success rate of 80-90%, would you undergo traditional treatment or would you deny traditional treatment in favor of alternative medicine?

When you have nothing else to lose, I don't think it is unreasonable to look for any help possible. When there are PROVEN alternatives however, I think it is completely unreasonable to turn to these unconventional methods. Trying unproven techniques as a last ditch effort isn't exactly the same as rebuffing modern science in the name of caffeine enemas and hourly fruit/vegetable drinks.
Scranton Tiger;2786919 said:
That's all well and good advice until said physician tells the patient "there's nothing more we can do". If you love someone with cancer and that day comes, I ASSURE you that you and everyone else that cared for that person would look at EVERY possible cure. No matter how "quacky" it might seem or how much it sounds like "voodoo" magic.

Hoofbite;2787112 said:
Okay, I see your point in going to alternative methods if there isn't another option but let me ask you a question.

If you were diagnosed with a form of cancer that can be treated by medicine with a success rate of 80-90%, would you undergo traditional treatment or would you deny traditional treatment in favor of alternative medicine?

When you have nothing else to lose, I don't think it is unreasonable to look for any help possible. When there are PROVEN alternatives however, I think it is completely unreasonable to turn to these unconventional methods. Trying unproven techniques as a last ditch effort isn't exactly the same as rebuffing modern science in the name of caffeine enemas and hourly fruit/vegetable drinks.

This is an interesting debate you guys have going here.

If I might add. There was a time I believed that maybe there are some natural or organic or some other forms of cures out there. NOW, for the most part, I believe in science and biology and their combined advancements. In other words, natural is NOT the answer. Natural is NOT the future. Not solely anyways.

Going forward, designer vitamin prescriptions and synthetically created foods are the answers.

Imagine a delicious bacon double cheeseburger that is nothing that I described ingredients-wise BUT tastes just as good. The only difference being the good chemical ingredients that give your body nutrients and quality substance - the taste will be the easy part (add bacon cheesburger flavor).

Back on subject. Science and Biology then later nanotechnology will cure cancer and all forms of "DNA/Genetic errors" in our body NOT natural plants found in some remote forest off the map.

I cant wait.
DallasCowpoke;2776574 said:
Quite the sanctimonious and oddly self-serving stance to take, especially for the fat guy who decided to wrap a rubber band around his gut, in lieu of mixing-in an after dinner walk every so often.

Speaking of sanctimonious and self-serving... Not to mention ignorant, intolerant and bigoted. You're a pompous *** and I would love to have the opportunity to knock the **** out of you; however, there would be nothing left but your spandex bicycle shorts and your bustier. What a ********!

And mods, before you call me down for this post, keep in mind who started the fight.
needforspeed;2776002 said:
Yeah, won't it be great when there are no people with disabilities, no physical challenges to overcome.

Yes indeed.
You can choose advancement or you can choose to stay the same.

The choice is yours obviously.
But just remember. Your kids and if not your kids then your granchildren will be presented these advancements and will accept them. Of course, by then it will be mainstream.

needforspeed;2776002 said:
Yup, it'll be a great day when we're all the same and we can weed out the weak links. And, hey! If we don't like what we get, then we can just kill it (oh, wait. we already do that).

Thats extreme. There will not be weak links. Thats the whole idea.

needforspeed;2776002 said:
No, thank you. I want no part of your "perfect" society. Come to think of it, didn't the ***** do something similar?

Again, extreme.

The whole argument that we will be the same and their will be no diversity is a conventional argument. "Convetionality belongs to yesterday"

We are headed for an enlightenment that transcends the mind.

I understand your reactions, thoughts and feelings. But what will be, will be.
Well, just thought I would dig this one out of the recesses to update the story about the kid in the article above.

Kid is cancer free after undergoing treatment. Somehow though, he and his parents believe it is because of the alternative treatment he had when they were on the run.

And in a twist, the kids dad now has cancer is going the alternative method. He hasn't ruled out chemo as a last resort though.

Kind of feel sorry for the kid because if his dad uses chemo as a last resort, he's likely not going to make it.
Personally, I don't believe Cancer is preventable.

I believe there are certain forms of Cancer that can be prevented but for the most part, I don't think it is something you can prevent by living a certain lifestyle.

So if it isn't preventable, we need to find a cure.

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