Dak’s the sole reason we lost this game, his worst as a Pro


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you can have accuracy issues, pocket awareness issues, and no ability to read the defense in college, but in the NFL you can't get away with this crap every week.
He's terrible in the pocket. The line usually gives him ample protection yet he still happy foots it, bounces up and down and throws off balance.


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I have over 100,000 posts including the old fan forum. I’ve never pressed the report button and I’ve never put anybody on ignore. I was pretty proud of that. Thank you have a great one Sometimes my post get gobbled because I use speak in text. People that know me understand why. Military nerve damage in my fingers. Been a cowboy fan since the Franchise begin. How can you not love the star and what it represents. That does not mean I’m a fan of everybody and every team we put on the field just the star lol

Thanks for your service to our country. It is appreciated:flagwave::clap:


It's been a good 'un, ain't it?
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Hes actually pointing to his QBR from the Eagles game. Priceless.........Ok , it was 40.3


Shabazz you are absolutely right about Jason Whitlock. He and Marcellus Wiley are intelligent, provocative and as good as it gets. Don’t always agree but they make you really think which is rare these days.


Last Man Standing
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He played awful and needs to own it... so does the entire franchise.

I agree with what Jessie Hollie said on the show— if you are injured and can’t get it done, don’t get in the arena. If you do get in the arena, then you are telling everyone to trust you to do you job and get it done.

It doesn’t matter if he didn’t practice. It doesn’t matter if the shoulder was sore. He wanted the ball, and the coaches and medical staff said he was good enough to go.

Therefore— his performance is what it is: His worst total performance as a pro. A complete failure and letdown when his team needed him the most.

Plenty of blame to go around as well to many parties— but just because others are also guilty does not remove Dak as a giant culprit for the crapfest on Sunday.

Well said. But the truth is, for anyone willing to look at this without a bias, is that the injury didn’t affect his game. He said as much. If you don’t want to believe the player himself who are you going to believe?

If this game was an anomaly, we’d put it on his shoulder injury. But he has played this way for at least the past 4 games.

There were wide open receivers that he missed. He has plenty of time in the pocket. The whole thing has me disgusted.

Incidentally, Dak’s poor play doesn’t absolve the coaches. They were bad as well. But if we’re all honest with ourselves, Rayne Dakota Prescott cost us this game and the NFC East title. Period.


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Well said. But the truth is, for anyone willing to look at this without a bias, is that the injury didn’t affect his game. He said as much. If you don’t want to believe the player himself who are you going to believe?

If this game was an anomaly, we’d put it on his shoulder injury. But he has played this way for at least the past 4 games.

There were wide open receivers that he missed. He has plenty of time in the pocket. The whole thing has me disgusted.

Incidentally, Dak’s poor play doesn’t absolve the coaches. They were bad as well. But if we’re all honest with ourselves, Rayne Dakota Prescott cost us this game and the NFC East title. Period.

Agreed. He has regressed. You’d think it would affect his contract negotiation— but there is Stephen Jones talking on the radio about how bullish they are on Dak... smh

The Jones family looks at 2016 like they “caught lightning in a bottle” and are just so fortunate to have lucked into Dak.

4 years into it and it looks like blind infatuation with Dak may hold this franchise hostage for the next few years. They believe he can lead them to the promised land— despite some obvious flaws and an epic failure this past Sunday.

He has shown improvement— but man, he killed us on Sunday. Coaches and other players let us down too— but if he played better and found his groove— I think the team would have responded


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Been saying this for two years, couldn't agree more. He's a guy that doesn't make people around him better, he requires the rest of the team to try and make him better.

At least they're putting a team around him. Wouldve been nice to see that with romo. Aikman had the best team possible around him for hell sakes. Romo got screwed


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Not making excuses but anybody blaming others instead of coaching is wrong. Dak didn't have a good game but with the injury he had why did Zeke get 13 carries and Dallas threw the ball over 40 times. That's coaching, period. The game never got out of hand and the players didn't look interested. Garrett is 100 percent to blame, just look at his record in games needing to clinch the division....... even with Romo


Well-Known Member
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Yeah yeah yeah..

Dak dropped the passes the stalled the drives..

Dak fumbled the ball..

Dak called the plays on 3rd&1s..

Dak used the timeouts improperly..

Dak didn't adjust when they made 6 (SIX) consequtive passes to Goedert.

Dak didn't adjust when they made 3 consecutive TE screen passes.

Dak opted to punt when the team was two scores behind.

Dak took Elliot out on 3rd&1.

Dak took the recievers out on 4th down play.

Dak didn't take a timeout to design a freaking play at such a crunch time.

All Dak, all bloody Dak.

But but but he missed wide open Cooper and Gallup, as if no other elite QB does not ever miss anything.

Those Dallas coaches survived so many years thanks to this kind of fans. It was Romo back then, now it is Dak. So, I don't really blame Jerry for this utter garbage.
Dak was so bad he dropped 6 passes he threw


Last Man Standing
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l4 years into it and it looks like blind infatuation with Dak may hold this franchise hostage for the next few years. They believe he can lead them to the promised land— despite some obvious flaws and an epic failure this past Sunday.

I don’t think it’s a blind infatuation so much as Jerry Jones feeling mortal and not wanting to start over. I believe that because he has been making some very odd comments recently, like on Thanksgiving he said that at his age he’s just thankful to be alive another day.

So if that’s how he really thinks, he must also be thinking - if we draft a QB, he won’t play in 2020, the earliest we’ll reap the benefits is 2021 and I might very well not be breathing then. But Dak has shown flashes, if I can surround him with the right cast and next year find the right coach...


Junior College Transfer
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Im sorry you wont convice me other wise, ive supported resigning dak all year and I thought I saw progress this year.. Only to see the last 5 games hes regressed back to 2017 bad stretch Dak..

The defense starte doff shaky but then held Philly scoreless for a VERY LONG time , ST showed up enough, and stop blamig the coaxhes and gameplan etc

I say this is is on Dak 100% , in the second half he had so many WQRs running wide open and were missing big plays all over the field..

His misses were high, short, behind and overthrows… His completions were even ugly, he never gave the receivers a chance for YAC at all because they had to practically stop to catch it , so off was the catch zone it threw the play off, gave the defender a chance to close the gaps etc etc

we could have easily took over this game in the second Half but Bad Dak missed opportunity's to move the chains and instead go 3 and out, missed THREE 9 routes with 3 yard opening as the WR beat the DBs and these could have been TDS or 1st and goals.. I cant remember lal of them I was so upset but Austin's was an easy throw , I believe 2 to Gallup that he missed and one that was so short Gallup had to stop let the defender run into him to make a spectacular catch..these could have been huge completeions or TDs. The eagles DBs in the 2nd half were who we thought they were and we had them beat, DAK missed them..

theres were so many bad passes I cant remember them all..

why do I say worst game of his career, its because this time he had time to throw on most of these, had WRs open, and the play calls obviously got players open and he either missed them or threw a off target ball that was caught short of a 1st down or that one before the half that could have lead a WR out of bounds to save a Timeout.
the injury could not have been an excuse.. hes had 4 bad games in row and this was the worse IMO

I thought I was watching Quincy carter or a backup out there.. I cant see how Rush couldn't not have played better or the same.. Noones perfect and hits everything but this was bad, real ugly..

the FO or Coaches not having the cahones to pull dak late in the third after he consistently left yards and points on the field..

we could have won this game by 10+ points had Dak played better..

Daks had excuses before like WRs not getting open, too many drops, or line not blocking and him getting sacked or rushed a lot..

This game in the 2nd half was ours to take , none of these excuses could hold, sure a drop here and there , wentz had the same issues but made more plays to no names, HOWEVER Dak left too many opportunity's to win on the field and should have been pulled..

I would have yanked him said you are too injured to lay and put rush in , save face tell players Daks shoulder reinjured and played rush..

Im off the Dak Bandwagon and even BillB or JimmyJ would not been able to overcome a starting QB being that bad.. the plays were called, executed by everyone but DAK..the next coached is doomed if they pay dak 34mil and stick him with him for long term..

hes third tier back to around 16th in the league after a hot start and this was the biggest game of the year he mentality and physically BLEW.. its on him IMO him alone..

if you cant see it make excuses like I said I supported him all year but hes been bad since NE and I saw nothing but bad football from him..

Im steamed!!
Any dropped balls?


Junior College Transfer
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Yeah yeah yeah..

Dak dropped the passes the stalled the drives..

Dak fumbled the ball..

Dak called the plays on 3rd&1s..

Dak used the timeouts improperly..

Dak didn't adjust when they made 6 (SIX) consequtive passes to Goedert.

Dak didn't adjust when they made 3 consecutive TE screen passes.

Dak opted to punt when the team was two scores behind.

Dak took Elliot out on 3rd&1.

Dak took the recievers out on 4th down play.

Dak didn't take a timeout to design a freaking play at such a crunch time.

All Dak, all bloody Dak.

But but but he missed wide open Cooper and Gallup, as if no other elite QB does not ever miss anything.

Those Dallas coaches survived so many years thanks to this kind of fans. It was Romo back then, now it is Dak. So, I don't really blame Jerry for this utter garbage.

Oh, we git it, professor.


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I’d say the largest portion,but not sole. There were opportunities,and guys just like every week it seems stumble and fumble their way,each taking turns at “This weeks staring villain is...” You have to put that game in context...he was hurt enough to miss practice,and they were desperate. Gambled all lost...and that’s on a fractured team without a staff to lead them. Why do you think they can’t win on the road? Coaching and the structure put in place. It’s micromanaged and unnecessarily complicated on things we deem as “Duuuhhhh!” Count how many voices there are for team? It’s crazy....Jerry then Garrett post game,Jerry and Stephen on The Fan,McClay on DC show segment,with him,Jerry,Stephen and HC running drafts...and Rod and Richards for defense who don’t share same ideas,then you got Garrett and Moore on offense,with Moore using Garrett’s playbook,yet is supposed to be the OC? No..timeout,timeout,timeout. That’s a nut house way to run things...and you wind up with Hill as the first pick. It’s over looked at us what I’m saying.
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Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
At least they're putting a team around him. Wouldve been nice to see that with romo. Aikman had the best team possible around him for hell sakes. Romo got screwed
Oh please stop with the Romo didn’t have a team behind him


Captain Catfish
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Yeah yeah yeah..

Dak dropped the passes the stalled the drives..

Dak fumbled the ball..

Dak called the plays on 3rd&1s..

Dak used the timeouts improperly..

Dak didn't adjust when they made 6 (SIX) consequtive passes to Goedert.

Dak didn't adjust when they made 3 consecutive TE screen passes.

Dak opted to punt when the team was two scores behind.

Dak took Elliot out on 3rd&1.

Dak took the recievers out on 4th down play.

Dak didn't take a timeout to design a freaking play at such a crunch time.

All Dak, all bloody Dak.

But but but he missed wide open Cooper and Gallup, as if no other elite QB does not ever miss anything.

Those Dallas coaches survived so many years thanks to this kind of fans. It was Romo back then, now it is Dak. So, I don't really blame Jerry for this utter garbage.
Best actual post that really drives home the relevancy of the entire Dak situation.
Those that defend Dak on a daily basis, defended Daks latest failure due to a bad shoulder.
At what point do the Dak defenders realize that the injury excuse can only be used a couple of times.
What I love about Dak is his durability, man grades out with me there, I give Dak the full score as far as sustainability.
What I don't love, is that Dallas Brass has already played the injury card vs performance.
Read between the lines.


Captain Catfish
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Some people have hated Dak because he replaced Romo. They would bash him even when he played well. I've been back and forth with him but he has regressed. As for yesterday, I don't know if it was because he was injured but he was awful.
Not this fan,, Love Romo more now, he is in his true element now, very cerebral individual, Romos issue as the QB of the Dallas Cowboys was never because he wasn't smart enough, not smart enough wasn't the issue with Romo, maturity was the issue.
He didn't get serious until he got married, Romos early years I don't even think even Romo realized how great he could be, or have become.
That's my only issue ever with Romo, is that if he would have been more dedicated early in his career, rather than just accepting the fact that he just needed to cash checks, he could have brought Lombardi's to Dallas.
Romo covered up a lot of the flaws that are really exposed now because Dak can not even come close to covering up JGs flaws.
Having said that in Romos behalf, I never thought Romo was enough, and Dak cant even come close to what Romo was.
Dak will end his career as a very good QB with a solid floor as far as expectations, without a very high Ceiling .
Matt Ryan is 34 years old and has made a great career in this league, that's about where I see Dak, maybe progressing to.