Ranked 5th overall. 2nd in rushing. Essentially the same roster as the 12 win 2014 team but with even better o-line production and an even more explosive running game.
As usual, you are obfuscating in a desperate attempt to be right. You find anything you think you can use in a response, take it out of context, then obsess on it while ignoring every other tree in the forest. In this case you are stuck on the word "championship". Both the 2014 team and the 2016 team finished with their offenses in the top 5. Fact. You can argue whether that makes them championship potential offenses all you want. It doesn't change the fact that both offenses were right up there with the best in the league. In spite of this, you keep on using the aberrational year of 2015, to keep implying that the offense Dak took over was a bad offense because of the team record. while ignoring every single factor that went in to that aberrational 4-12 record.
Dak walked into a very, very good situation for a rookie QB to start in. The Cowboys were considered SB contenders right up until Romo went down, because of the offense. Defense was the question mark which many thought would hold them back but it was pretty much universally thought that the offense was legit, and a top contender.
Turns out, that thinking was correct. The offense was so good that a rookie QB could come in and the team would finish with 13 wins with the rookie QB finishing 30th in pass attempts.
Seems pretty foolish to stick to your mantra of, Dak took over a bad team, but it's your hill. Die on it if you wish.