Dak interview after first OTA 5/25/23


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They asked him about changes to the offense, how the offense will help him with the turnovers, they asked for him to elaborate on the details he was talking about.

I imagine you want them to ask things like "why do you suck so bad?' and "why has it been X years since we have gotten a Super Bowl?" instead?
I would have settled for just one , “ Do you feel the new offense would score more than 1 TD against the Niners next time” ?……….the new day sports media is defanged because they want to be loved by the players.


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When he was asked about he and McCarthy reviewing all of his interceptions, I found his comment interesting. He said:

"yeah he didn't quite say that the right way that wasn't all that what happened you know what i mean, it wasn't quite that"
What is your interpretation of the quote from Dak?

big dog cowboy

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
On thing is clear is that Moore was having his receivers focus on all the options on the routes. MM is focusing on teaching route combination techniques.

This has been talked about but here is more evidence.

I like it. This type of conceptual work now is how you get routes run right and guys lined up correctly.
This is spot on and very important because it signals a basic change of philosophy in the Cowboys offense.

Chuck 54

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Why would any fan expect hardball questions during OTAs? WTH do you think they are going to ask?
This isn't the time to ask questions about last season which have already been asked dozens of times and answered dozens of times. Check out any team's news feeds. The questions are almost always about how a guy is feeling, how the team looks, how the rookies and new players signed in Free agency look. It's about OTA's, not the previous season.


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This is spot on and very important because it signals a basic change of philosophy in the Cowboys offense.
The staff has finally touched base with instructional accountability on the level of a Bill Parcells.


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Why would any fan expect hardball questions during OTAs? WTH do you think they are going to ask?
This isn't the time to ask questions about last season which have already been asked dozens of times and answered dozens of times. Check out any team's news feeds. The questions are almost always about how a guy is feeling, how the team looks, how the rookies and new players signed in Free agency look. It's about OTA's, not the previous season.
Some fans can’t help themselves when it comes to routine offseason interviews. They genuinely think they have the right to be given any and all info about the team.

Smart teams and players give bland answers to the media. Brady and Belichek did it for years. You keep as much to yourself as possible so obviously you’ll get a bunch of standard answers.

Sometimes it feels like many of our fans are 12. Like you really take issue with a May OTA interview? You think they’re gonna throw hardball questions out? About what lol, the season hasn’t even started yet and offense isn’t even fully installed.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Accusing these good folks of being traitors, Eagles fans... shame on you.
Stick around a while and you will know when the appropriate time is to make such allegations.
They aren’t traitors, but some aren't fans..
.they are here to troll...others just like to complain, even when we play well, they will complain about something.


Captain Catfish
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They aren’t traitors, but some aren't fans..
.they are here to troll...others just like to complain, even when we play well, they will complain about something.
You know and I know as well, who is who, most do to.
I made an offseason rhyme.


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On thing is clear is that Moore was having his receivers focus on all the options on the routes. MM is focusing on teaching route combination techniques.

This has been talked about but here is more evidence.

I like it. This type of conceptual work now is how you get routes run right and guys lined up correctly.
That will be the big change, we will attack players with players not coverages with option routes. 100% agree.


Well-Known Member
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Accusing these good folks of being traitors, Eagles fans... shame on you.
Stick around a while and you will know when the appropriate time is to make such allegations.
Nah they are WORSE than eagles fans,
they are terrible Dallas fans nothing but 24-7-365 negative posts, always doom and gloom and throw our own players and coaches under the bus.. its understandable when a rival does it, its being traitor when alleged fans do it.

I'm not saying they cant have constructive criticisms or say anything negative but when they become nothing but trolls and that all they do. sorry these 2 hes having issues with are on my ignore list for that very reason.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Nah they are WORSE than eagles fans,
they are terrible Dallas fans nothing but 24-7-365 negative posts, always doom and gloom and throw our own players and coaches under the bus.. its understandable when a rival does it, its being traitor when alleged fans do it.

I'm not saying they cant have constructive criticisms or say anything negative but when they become nothing but trolls and that all they do. sorry these 2 hes having issues with are on my ignore list for that very reason.
The current QB and former RB are/were more concerned with the size of their bank accounts and less concerned with their on field performances. The QB constantly makes promises that he will get better and fans like you fall for it, but he has a history of failing to live up to the promises he makes. And then fans like you get mad at other fans when they respond negatively.

So tell you what - I guarantee the number of negative posts will go down significantly when certain players start taking their jobs seriously.