Its fashionable to blame the QB when you don't understand football. Romo got same results both of them failed by tweedle d and tweedle dumb up in press box. I actually dont care what they do with Dak as i know as long as jerry is here they arent going to win big unless some luck happens.
Dak aint THE blame but he shares in it for recent failures. I'm glad they extended him just cause I know it irritates some in here. Now having said that Dak lower extremity injuries should be concerning and its past time for throwing darts at his replacement.
They got lucky with both he and Romo but failed to put a good defense around either of them.
I agree that you can't entirely blame the QB for wins or losses...however, Romo's highest paid year, he counted for 20m of the 155.27m cap. That's 13 percent. Dak is currently at 19 percent...after restructing. He's next three years are 67.5m 70.8 million and 80.8m. Romo wasn't worth 20m at the end, but he never commanded anywhere near that high of a cap hit.
As to their performance, I completely disagree with your assessment. Anyone that watched them both play, could see that Romo was a significantly better QB. Just watch him connect with Dez. Dak has a much better WR in Lamb, and rarely hits him in stride. Romo also elevated the game of the WRs around him, making them a lot of money in the process. Also, there is no comparing their lines. Many of Romo's great plays (and bad INTS) were because he was scrambling for his life. It wasn't until the end of his career, when he was banged up, that he finally got a line.
You also say the Cowboys failed to provide them with defenses. Here's the ranking of the 2 according to Pro Football Reference:
Romo: 20th, 13th, 20th, 2nd, 31st, 16th, 24th, 16th, 15th.
Dak: 5th, 13th, 6th, 11th, 28th, 7th, 6th, 5th, 31st.
Dak has 5 top ten defenses.
As to playoff performances, it isn't even comparable. Romo's first lost was because of his job as a placeholder. No other coach would have let their starting QB stay in that position all year. We kick that chip shot, we win. We all know the GB game was stolen. But if you want to put the loss on someone, that is squarely on Murray. Let's not even talk about the deer in the headlight looks we have gotten from Dak in some of his playoff losses.
Bottom line is this. Dak is our current QB and isn't good enough. He's a 30 million a year QB. Good play, but not great. Even you said, he needs help to win. I think the sound argument is this. If he needs that much help to win, why is he paid the top player in the league?