Dak: It's the little things

Go these from the Mississippi State Bulldog website:


“The thing I really like about [Dak] Prescott is that there is something more to him. He believes in this program and believes in these guys. He wants to lead them. He told me he was visiting his girlfriend and stopped by the Georgia Dome because he wanted to see where he was going to play. I don’t say that to make him sound arrogant because that is what you want to see. There is a confidence that you have to have as a quarterback and your team has to know you have that confidence. If they see that they will have that confidence. A lot of people call it swag, or the “it” factor or whatever. From what I have seen from [Dak] Prescott he has that. His story is a story we should share more in sports.” – Tim Tebow, SEC Network

“I’d say he might be the best player I’ve ever coached. If you look at my coaching resume, that’s pretty impressive.” – Dan Mullen, Mississippi State Head Coach

“Dak Prescott is a heroic figure here, on his way to becoming the most popular and revered athlete in Mississippi State history. He has put a mid-level football program on his back and carried it into terra incognita. His leadership skills and competitiveness are Tebow-esque. He stands to be one of the transformative figures in the 21st century in college football. Handsome and charismatic, he projects an indestructible confidence that attracts followers within the locker room and from the outside as well. He's become a superhero on the field but still a mama's boy off it, a young man who misses his best friend.” – Pat Forde, Yahoo.com

“He is a special guy on and off the field. I read a lot about [Dak] Prescott before I came here and my expectations were high because of the way people write about his exceptional character, humility, and his big heart. My expectations were, quite frankly, exceeded. There is something special about [Dak] Prescott. He is a special guy, and I do not think you guys could ask for a better face for this program.” – Kaylee Hartung, SEC Network

“Prescott’s ever-present smile is a constant around the Mississippi State football facilities, but he also has a fierce competitive streak that teammates say is evident in everything from the football field to the weight room to video games. All that success has turned Prescott into arguably the hottest name in all of college football.” – David Brandt, Associated Press

“Prescott leads with a great big sense of presence and will. Prescott makes you want to join the team and do whatever he says.” – Chuck Culpepper, Washington Post

“If you make the argument that he is not one of the best players in the country at ANY position, you’re dead wrong. He has been absolutely sensational.” – Greg McElroy, SEC Network

“Prescott's story is heart-wrenching. It told a national audience what teammates already knew: that Prescott was strong, a leader, a role model. It's tough to find anyone -- even at Ole Miss -- who can find anything negative to say about him. His story is, in some ways, unrivaled nationally.” – Brandon Speck, Fox Sports

"He reminds me of one of those players that literally comes through and after they leave has changed the face of the program. When he leaves Mississippi State, he can accomplish something the school has never done and also leave a legacy that makes other great quarterbacks want to come play at Mississippi State. Often times, we forget why we do things. Dak Prescott understands he's a representation of his family, his mom and everyone that invested time in him for him to become who he is. Every player should take that approach when they take the field." – Marcus Spears, SEC Network

“He's one of the classiest most genuine athlete's I've ever covered.” – Mike Bonner, Jackson Clarion-Ledger

"He has a presence and a natural leadership about him. His fight and will to win is very evident with him and that's why Mississippi State is different than I've ever seen them. You cannot fake it. If it's real, it's real. I've seen him and seen him interact with his teammates enough. That's who he is." – Todd Blackledge, ESPN

“After what we have seen in other places, how can you not pull for a kid like Dak Prescott? If you’re looking for role models, look at Dak Prescott. While other quarterbacks who shall remain nameless are embarrassing their schools, Prescott has stood tall.” – Tony Barnhart, Atlanta-Journal Constitution

"He's got IT together. What an excellent young man. That's a leader. You know IT when you hear IT. He's got IT." – Jim Rome, Jim Rome Show

“At this rate he will at least end up with a Dak Drive on campus and a run of babies around the state named Dakota.” – Pete Thamel, Sports Illustrated

“While the Bulldogs are made in Mullen’s mold, it’s Prescott who’s the real leader, and not just in that typical quarterback type of way. He’s their identity, their rock, the type to remain calm amidst the pressurized pandemonium that is an SEC football game. Prescott’s figure looms like a miniaturized Hulk. He fires footballs like he’s hurling handballs. When he doesn’t throw, he’s a living theory of Newton’s law of inertia, typically bowling over two to three tacklers before tumbling down himself.” – Brendan Bures, NCAA.com

“I dare you to find another player on a winning program, Top 25 no less, who is as valuable to his team as Prescott. Last year he got a ton of hype because his team got off to an amazing start and was No. 1 at one point, but he's even better this year with less to work with. What he's done is simply amazing.” – Mike Farrell, Rivals.com

“I think the biggest compliment you can ever give a guy is would you want a guy on your team. He’s just a class act and a great guy to be around. When he’s on the field he just exudes confidence. The team feeds off that. He’s not going to be intimidated; he’s been on big stages. And he’s a good player.” – Kevin Sumlin, Texas A&M Head Coach

“He is as good of a college quarterback as there is.” – Les Miles, LSU Head Coach

“The best quarterback in the SEC.” – Paul Finebaum, SEC Network

“The bar has been raised for what’s possible for Mississippi State football, and Prescott represents the new era.” – Zac Ellis, Sports Illustrated

“From a PR standpoint, he’s a dream come true. He has the look, he has the game, he has the talk, and he has the right attitude – he’s what you want the face of the franchise to be.” – Pete Fiutak, CampusInsiders.com

"Every interaction with him is always a benefit. I learn something every time we speak. People don't realize the benefit I get from having a role model like Dak – on and off the field. It's awesome." – J.D. Almond, Northwestern State Quarterback
Yeah, that was the comment that bugged a lot of fans. His golf is another thing fans made a big deal about because we weren't winning playoff games. They felt he was putting too much time into golf, trying to qualify for the Byron Nelson and it was hurting his football preparation. They questioned his dedication due to his serious interest in golf because our seasons and his game kept falling apart in Dec/Jan his first 3 seasons. If we were winning playoff games and he wasn't suffering so many turnovers, nothing would have been made of him wearing his hat backwards, his weight or his golf. When your seasons keep ending up the same way fans tend to look for things to nitpick and complain about.
Yup, even though it has nothing to do with anything. There's a narrative, and everything must be made to fit into the narrative, no matter how ridiculous.
One of the things I like about our new star QB, among others, is that I doubt he's reading this or any of this press clippings. He's probably focused on the Commanders as this is a short week. I love the way he handles pressure situations. The bigger the challenge the better his performance. That drive in the second quarter when we were 1st and 30 and it looked impossible and the kid scrambles for 12, passes to Dez for another 12 and all of the sudden we are 3rd and 6 and he connects for a 40+ pass to Butler downfield. That drive changed the momentum of the game and we were in control from then on.
Colin Cowherd nailed this.

Belittle it as you please, but it's the little things which become big things.

Jason Garrett told this story about Michael Irvin.

"I can remember being on this practice field with Michael Irvin, by ourselves on hot July days when no one else was around and he has a weighted vest on," Garrett said. "He has a weighted girdle on. He's got his shoulder pads; he's got his helmet; he's got his Walter Payton mouthpiece in; and he's running route after route after route."

Darren Woodson said Irvin used to run routes after practice until he puked.

It's those little things that make people great.

Do not dismiss this cup incident at all.
Did you watch the Cowherd video? I didn't know it existed, thought I was the only one who noticed. But apparently alot of people did. How you treat the small things when you don't know people are looking reveals more about your character than how you act on stage under the brightest spotlight. I'll wager the self discipline shown by that tiny act is what has made Dak able to come into the league and have a high degree of success. Not because he isn't a litterbug - but because doing a job right *matters*. Perhaps it's seeing how little self-regard and regard for others the current generation shows that makes it remarkable. It shouldn't be a big deal.

And yet... it is.
Sorry WG but it's not silly. It means something to Dak. I'll bet he drives the speed limit, does not cut corners when running laps, does not enter the check-out express lane when he has more than ten items, and so on. It matters to people with integrity.
I generally agree with you on most things but I think it's more than that. I was raised where if you miss the garbage can you go pick it up and put it in. Someone taught Dak that along with a whole lot more.
Respectfully... The way I was raised.. You don't get praised for doing what you're supposed to do. So cool that Dak threw away the cup. The act itself just isn't that special to me. He got alot of great qualities and was clearly raised the right way. But I mean, he threw away a cup.
  • Respectfully... The way I was raised.. You don't get praised for doing what you're supposed to do. So cool that Dak threw away the cup. The act itself just isn't that special to me. He got alot of great qualities and was clearly raised the right way. But I mean, he threw away a cup.
    And you would have gotten up and thrown away the cup. But so so many people would not have. I'm just glad Dak is one of the ones who will
It's all over the top silly...

There are MANY things I feel like Dak can and does get praised for. Throwing away cup should not be one of them. I mean, it's good he's not a litterbug, but in the grand scheme of things. He threw away a cup. That's it. lol


Like AsthmaField said...a lot of guys wouldn't have bothered.

I sure wouldn't have been down on the guy if he didn't pick it up and deposit in the trash!

But to me it was a very good sign about his character.

That study that Colin referenced about marital success is rock solid. You can often tell if someone is going to be a good employee or a good contractor by how they handle the little things.

If someone you date is rude to a waiter or sloppy in how they manage their duties...you can be sure it will show up later with the bigger stuff.
Respectfully... The way I was raised.. You don't get praised for doing what you're supposed to do. So cool that Dak threw away the cup. The act itself just isn't that special to me. He got alot of great qualities and was clearly raised the right way. But I mean, he threw away a cup.

Good manners are a plus, I agree!

My thought process is: Dak takes into consideration all consequences of his actions as well as how it affects others. For example, in my own experience, I always clean up up my area in the movie theaters as well as pick up the trash left by others around me. It's not because of my manners, it's because I think about how others (guests and employees) are affected.

I think Dak might be one of those people who sees how his actions, great or small, affect others. As a QB and leader, this affects how he prepares, acts and performs. Just my thoughts on the matter.
I noticed it during the game and replayed for my wife. We both said now that is a good guy...it just shows respect and caring.
Colin Cowherd nailed this.

Belittle it as you please, but it's the little things which become big things.

Jason Garrett told this story about Michael Irvin.

"I can remember being on this practice field with Michael Irvin, by ourselves on hot July days when no one else was around and he has a weighted vest on," Garrett said. "He has a weighted girdle on. He's got his shoulder pads; he's got his helmet; he's got his Walter Payton mouthpiece in; and he's running route after route after route."

Darren Woodson said Irvin used to run routes after practice until he puked.

It's those little things that make people great.

Do not dismiss this cup incident at all.
Uh...that's more than a "little" thing, like getting up to pick up and throw away a tossed cup that missed the trash can.

Meh. I do the latter. At most, it shows that I have some sense of respect.

It doesn't show that I'm going to lead a team to Super Bowl because I do.
I exactly felt the same way about Dak's cup incident. Self awareness is a sign of good character and maturity.
He has an undergraduate in Educational Psychology and a Master's in Workforce Leadership. This also says a lot about his mindset and leadership qualities.
good degrees for what he is doing and later being a coach.
Uh...that's more than a "little" thing, like getting up to pick up and throw away a tossed cup that missed the trash can.

Meh. I do the latter. At most, it shows that I have some sense of respect.

It doesn't show that I'm going to lead a team to Super Bowl because I do.

I guess I didn't articulate this well. It has been said many times over how Dak is so attentive to details. His preparation is beyond reproach. Getting to work early, staying late, watching film, studying, practicing. He is showing signs of a real gym rat and consummate professional. Down to getting an apartment less than two miles up the Dallas North Tollway, and passing on going to a concert because he thought he needed to stay in and get his rest.

The act of getting up and putting the cup in the trash bin indicates even the smallest detail doesn't slip by and duty - in this case the way he was raised to not do things half-assed - is revealed in this small act.

It is merely one of the details that shows his character. It does not reveal he will win a Super Bowl. But it does confirm he doesn't take half way measures. Even to picking up his trash.

You surely can see it as you like. But to me this shows a rare breed of guy in a time when the world has gone off an edge of me, me, me and let someone else do the heavy lifting.

But then I am old.
I guess I didn't articulate this well. It has been said many times over how Dak is so attentive to details. His preparation is beyond reproach. Getting to work early, staying late, watching film, studying, practicing. He is showing signs of a real gym rat and consummate professional. Down to getting an apartment less than two miles up the Dallas North Tollway, and passing on going to a concert because he thought he needed to stay in and get his rest.

The act of getting up and putting the cup in the trash bin indicates even the smallest detail doesn't slip by and duty - in this case the way he was raised to not do things half-assed - is revealed in this small act.

It is merely one of the details that shows his character. It does not reveal he will win a Super Bowl. But it does confirm he doesn't take half way measures. Even to picking up his trash.

You surely can see it as you like. But to me this shows a rare breed of guy in a time when the world has gone off an edge of me, me, me and let someone else do the heavy lifting.

But then I am old.
All of your first paragraph things show those things about Dak.

My response wasn't a call out to you specifically, I just think this whole idea of him picking up a cup and throwing into a trashcan because he missed a basketball shot is simply way overblown. And considering all of the pay attention to details of the things he actually does related to football - that actually matter - I think he would agree.
I'm surprised Cowherd said that about Aaron Rodgers. Living in Wisconsin, I've NEVER heard anything about Rodgers being a poor teammate...
My GF is a Packers fan so I've watched all of their games. There does seem to be something off with Rodgers and that team. I'm beginning to think he has lost any chemistry he had with his teammates. They can't change QBs so I expect them to change coaches or front office people. The release of their best OLineman right before the season probably didn't help team chemistry and they have never put much emphasis on finding a legit RB. It was obvious that Lacy had issues 2 years ago. Their offensive talent does not seem that different than when they were a great team.
I guess I didn't articulate this well. It has been said many times over how Dak is so attentive to details. His preparation is beyond reproach. Getting to work early, staying late, watching film, studying, practicing. He is showing signs of a real gym rat and consummate professional. Down to getting an apartment less than two miles up the Dallas North Tollway, and passing on going to a concert because he thought he needed to stay in and get his rest.

The act of getting up and putting the cup in the trash bin indicates even the smallest detail doesn't slip by and duty - in this case the way he was raised to not do things half-assed - is revealed in this small act.

It is merely one of the details that shows his character. It does not reveal he will win a Super Bowl. But it does confirm he doesn't take half way measures. Even to picking up his trash.

You surely can see it as you like. But to me this shows a rare breed of guy in a time when the world has gone off an edge of me, me, me and let someone else do the heavy lifting.

But then I am old.
Keep in mind that people that don't have respect and that would not pick up the cup are not going to understand the importance of what he did.

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