Dak, McCarthy and Jerry


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So now Dak is not accurate.

Pro Football Focus recently charted the most accurate NFL quarterbacks from last season and Prescott is ranked in the top 5 on 'accurate' and 'catchable but inaccurate' throws. Prescott is rated No. 3 in accurate throws (65.5 percent) and No. 1 in catchable but inaccurate (15.3).
Don't get these guys. I'm pissed at Dak also as far as the playoffs goes, But regular season he's top 5 easily....Numbers don't lie.....As I been screaming lately. Get him somebody in there that can help him prepare before the playoffs. Dak needs help I will acknowledge -so why is Jerry sitting on his azzzzz not getting the help. Obviously because he could careless about winning. Jimmy built a great Oline for Troy-went out and got a great running back for Troy. Got Troy a great defense. What the hell has Jerry gotten for Dak to this extent??? A defense with no linebackers? A DT bust with no replacement for him. A running back coming off a serious leg injury. I'm excited to see how Dak and McCarthy grows even more in year 2.

PA Cowboy Fan

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How are they getting worse???? They won 2 Divisional titles and made it to the playoffs all 3 years McCarthy's been here. REALLY :facepalm: You could say they are trending bad in the playoffs. But you know how many years it took Tom Landry to get to a Championship game? Nearly 10 years or more. Just wonder if they were impatient as some of you in here are :facepalm: The 70's dominance would of never occurred.
Are you really going to compare what Landry went through with McCarthy.? Landry had one of the worse teams in NFL history. An expansion team. Not even close to the same thing. And his teams lost in NFL Championships and SB's. This team can't even get out of it's own way. They are already starting to implode. This team isn't going anywhere. The teams they beat are mediocre to bad. If they were in the AFC they wouldn't come close to 12 wins.


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Are you really going to compare what Landry went through with McCarthy.? Landry had one of the worse teams in NFL history. An expansion team. Not even close to the same thing. And his teams lost in NFL Championships and SB's. This team can't even get out of it's own way. They are already starting to implode. This team isn't going anywhere. The teams they beat are mediocre to bad. If they were in the AFC they wouldn't come close to 12 wins.
3 years is 3 years...On any place on Earth that is. Go to Mars you can change the year from one Earth year equals 2 Mars years. I said Dallas coaches in their first 3 years. McCarthy has had 3 years- that was the only qualifier. You play in the division you play in. We're in the NFC East...We won it...this year. McCarthy has been to the playoffs 3 straight years. How many teams have done that????
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P.S. it took Landry 9 seasons to ten before Dallas lost to Green Bay in the non Super Bowl game-Championship. Damn it-Green Bay again :facepalm: And Landry was branded the coach that couldn't win the BIG games after the loss to Baltimore.


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Baltimore Harbaugh playoff record 2-5...Just like Dak's :facepalm:Since 1212... :facepalm: 13 years versus 8...:facepalm:


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6 years before Andy Reid went to an AFC Championship game. McCarthy 4 seasons... :facepalm:


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So now Dak is not accurate.

Pro Football Focus recently charted the most accurate NFL quarterbacks from last season and Prescott is ranked in the top 5 on 'accurate' and 'catchable but inaccurate' throws. Prescott is rated No. 3 in accurate throws (65.5 percent) and No. 1 in catchable but inaccurate (15.3).
Not in big games. He reverts back to his Tim Tebow days. Again, his performances in big games are well-documented. If you want to point to stats...show me his stats in big games/playoff games.

You won't. They're PUTRID.


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The Cowboys haven't won in 28 years? Wow that's news to me. Thank you for this enlightening information.


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5 years of Garrett is in Dak... Hopefully Mike can get those 5 years washed out in 4. That's the only hope I have. Wonder what Romo could of done in 8 or so years under Mike versus Garrett :facepalm:


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Dak hasn't won much in 8 years...McCarthy hasn't won anything in 3 years. Jerry hasn't put a winning team together in 28 years.... This team we have now have finished 12-5 each year for 3 years. Minus the Dak or Jerry years. I think we all would take these last 3 years. Even the Dak years for 8 years when you look at them aren't bad. I mean how many quarterbacks have a SB or even been to a SB in 8 years? Then you get to Jerry....28 years .....NOTHING!!!!!! Dallas is one of the few teams that hasn't even sniffed a SB in 28 years. Haven't even been to a Divisional Championship in 28 years. So, I'm asking fans to look at these three columns. Which is worse????? If you look at McCarthy's. I have to say that's pretty damn good for 3 years 36-15. Looking at Dak's column I'd say he's right at the point where most guys get to a SB. Looking at Jerry's??? He's trending toward the 50 year mark of the Lions versus any trend near McCarthy's or Dak's. What I'm trying to say-I guess- is to be a little more patient. If you look at it from the Jerry column. Well, it sucks. From Dak's it's getting there. I think 10 should be the limit here for quarterbacks....But Mike isn't even at 5. How many teams not Jimmy Johnson have won SB's the first 5 years of the new coach??? If you look at it in these extremes, I think it's clear we're being somewhat stupid in our whining. Dallas per average under McCarthy and Dak. Are right on time per NFL averages...
Nah don't say that because it could invalidate said whining. They have months to keep it going so expect much more.


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Not in big games. He reverts back to his Tim Tebow days. Again, his performances in big games are well-documented. If you want to point to stats...show me his stats in big games/playoff games.

You won't. They're PUTRID.
So is a lot of other quarterbacks.... Like I said. Get Dak a real quarterback coach. Can you even name who ours is???? So once again everything is on Dak. Jimmy gave Troy all he needed to win. Jerry does nothing but sit on his azz and parade around like he's the rock star. Dak has had good games in the playoffs. And we still lost mainly due to the fact Jerry sat on his azz and done nothing front office wise to enable a win in big games. Dak BIG game playoffs. In Dallas against GB.. Rodgers drives team down for game winner...Yep-that's on Dak. 49ers game as time expires. I'd say an ok game. Last 2 games sucked....You want stats here they are.....passer rating....91.8......1,962 yards....14 touchdowns-7 int's- playoff hsitory..... Not to shabby......


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So is a lot of other quarterbacks.... Like I said. Get Dak a real quarterback coach. Can you even name who ours is???? So once again everything is on Dak. Jimmy gave Troy all he needed to win. Jerry does nothing but sit on his azz and parade around like he's the rock star. Dak has had good games in the playoffs and we still lost mainly due to the fact Jerry sat on his azz and done nothing to win big games. Dak BIG game playoffs. In Dallas against GB.. Rodgers drive team down for game winner...Yep-that's on Dak. 49ers game as time expires. I'd say an ok game. Last 2 games sucked....You want stats here they are.....passer rating....91.8......1,962 yards....14 touchdowns-7 int's- Not to shabby......
QB coach? In year 8? Who was CJ Stroud's QB coach? Apparently MM was Rodgers' QB coach and helped retool his delivery...so...that should be good enough.

QB coach can't fix choking...that's in Dak's head.


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QB coach? In year 8? Who was CJ Stroud's QB coach? Apparently MM was Rodgers' QB coach and helped retool his delivery...so...that should be good enough.

QB coach can't fix choking...that's in Dak's head.
Dak's first year was just as good as CJ's so good luck with that. My point precisely....One year under McCarthy- Dak is in the MVP conversation... Thank -you for that...In Dak's head.= McCarthy or a Sports phycologist...Maybe something our worthless owner/GM should be working on....


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Not in big games. He reverts back to his Tim Tebow days. Again, his performances in big games are well-documented. If you want to point to stats...show me his stats in big games/playoff games.

You won't. They're PUTRID.
Troy Aikman had a passer rating of 88.3 with 3,849 yards, 23 touchdowns and 17 interceptions in 16 games in the playoffs in his career.

So you must believe these are great post season stats?


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Jimmy would have seen that Dak was "middling" at got rid of him. Jimmy has been PUBLIC about his disbelief that a QB can improve on accuracy (in general). Sure they can get more accurate, but you can't make them accurate if they weren't in the first place. And Jimmy is also big on performance under pressure...Dak can't do it. Jimmy most assuredly wouldn't have hitched his ego to Prescott...or if he did, he damned sure would have made him earn that job. He did it for Troy...so...
LOL at anyone that thinks Dak would've been acceptable to Jimmy, maybe at first but after the first shakiness in the playoffs, that would've been it... they obviously weren't around back then.


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LOL at anyone that thinks Dak would've been acceptable to Jimmy, maybe at first but after the first shakiness in the playoffs, that would've been it... they obviously weren't around back then.
LOL at anyone that thinks our run D would've been acceptable acceptable to Jimmy, not even at maybe first. Jimmy would not even extend his hand to our run defense.


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LOL at anyone that thinks our run D would've been acceptable acceptable to Jimmy, not even at maybe first. Jimmy would not even extend his hand to our run defense.
Agree to that too but that doesn't change how the QB plays. Jimmy would've hated almost every player on this team. LOL

CT Dal Fan

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This is the thing. I know Dak has had eight tries, but this was really just his third under McCarthy (not counting 2020 when he was out the last 11 games). The Jason Garrett teams he played on had great o-lines but terrible Rod Marinelli defenses, etc..

Not making excuses for Dak but every year 32 starting quarterbacks want to get to the Super Bowl. 30 are guaranteed to fail and a 31st gets the pain of losing it. Just like how 13 of the 14 playoff teams are all guaranteed to lose their last game.

We need more from Dak. We want proof he can get this team farther and so far we have not seen it. But let's say they were one of the final four teams this weekend. That means Dak would have doubled his career playoff win total at this point. If he went out to San Fran, played very well, and lost, would that change the general opinion of him?

Because the end result- home for the Super Bowl like 30 other starting QB's- remains the same. Just like it is now after a wild card loss. Kind of a twisted, psychological way of analyzing things, but something I have thought about.


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Agree to that too but that doesn't change how the QB plays. Jimmy would've hated almost every player on this team. LOL
Troy Aikman played on arguably the best football team ever assembled. His post seasons stats were, meh, but because he has 3 rings he is idolized.